Language in use 8 form ( к учебнику Верещагиной)
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Терпелова Александра Валерьевна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Test Grammar and Language in Use 8 Form                Surname ______________

  1. Fill in the words in the sentences :  case, jealous, launch, worth, rare, dumb, reluctance.

  1. There is a special school for deaf and _________ people.
  2. They are _______  of your success.
  3. My grandfather’s hobby is to collect _________ books.
  4. This book is _______ reading.
  5. John agreed to meet with great _________ .
  6. Come to see me tomorrow in any __________.
  7. It is very difficult to _________ the space vehicle into outer space.

  1. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
  1. Space _____________ ( explore) has been one of the most essential problems of our time.
  2. Scientists equip spacecrafts with engines ____________ ( power) enough to take a spacecraft beyond the atmosphere.
  3. He is working at the problem of ______________ (develop) of life on the planet.
  4. Virtual reality is an environment in which computers create the world ________________ ( complete) real to the people in it.
  5. Virtual reality is a high-tech instrument for spreading violence and ______________ ( advertise).
  6. The biggest question of all is how robots influence human’s ethics and ___________ ( moral).
  7. Mary’s parents worked in the University and moved in _____________ ( science) circles.

  1. Fill in the prepositions in the sentences: round, in, through, off, out.
  1. Will you come to the airport to see me ____ ?
  2. I would come ______ if you like.
  3. What’s the matter? – A fire broke _____ in the hotel.
  4. “ It’s time to hand _____ your works,” said the teacher.
  5. Don’t fool me! I can see __________ your tricks!

  1. Open the brackets using Conditionals 0,1,2,3.

1.  If Peter (not cheat) __________at his test, he (not get) ______________a bad mark. But he did!

2.  If Spanish ( be ) _____________my native language, I (understand)_____________ this song.

3.  It’s raining heavily. I wish the weather (be) _____________fine.

4. If you ( heat) ________ ice, it ( melt) __________.

5. If the weather (be)_________ nice, I  ( go) _____________ for a walk.



                                                                                                        Total - 24          You have-  ___________

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