тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс)

Терпелова Александра Валерьевна

тренировочные упражнения к тексту Music ( учебное пособие Технологии подготовки к ГИА ( ОГЭ)по английскому языку)


Файл music.docx15.08 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Answer the questions.
  1. Are people all over the world fond of music?
  2. How do specialists explain music?
  3. How do different people understand music?
  4. What does music mean for teenagers?
  5. What kinds of music can you name?
  6. What do you know about folk music?
  7. What is classical music associated with?
  8. What does appreciation of classical music depend on?
  9. What does classical music give to people?
  10. What do you know about Elvis Presley?
  11. What does music do with people?

  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. People all over the world are….
  2. Music isn’t only a ….., it is an art, which……
  3. For some people music is the voice of…..
  4. Music can both bring teenagers ……, and accompany them…..
  5. There are a lot of different…..
  6. Folk songs are very…..
  7. Classical music is often associated with….
  8. The appreciation and understanding of classical music….
  9. Music unites….and makes them feel…..
  10. Music cuts across….
  11. It is a way of sharing…….


  1. Answer the questions.
  1. Are people all over the world fond of music?
  2. How do specialists explain music?
  3. How do different people understand music?
  4. What does music mean for teenagers?
  5. What kinds of music can you name?
  6. What do you know about folk music?
  7. What is classical music associated with?
  8. What does appreciation of classical music depend on?
  9. What does classical music give to people?
  10. What do you know about Elvis Presley?
  11. What does music do with people?

  1. Complete the sentences.
  1. People all over the world are….
  2. Music isn’t only a ….., it is an art, which……
  3. For some people music is the voice of…..
  4. Music can both bring teenagers ……, and accompany them…..
  5. There are a lot of different…..
  6. Folk songs are very…..
  7. Classical music is often associated with….
  8. The appreciation and understanding of classical music….
  9. Music unites….and makes them feel…..
  10. Music cuts across….
  11. It is a way of sharing…….

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