Have/has got, there is/there are. Задания
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Чваркова Евгения Андреевна

13 предложений с пропусками для вставки глагола have/has got или конструкций there is/there are.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Вставь глагол have got, has got или оборот There is / There are:

1.This is Nikita. He_____ a small nose, short hair and green eyes.

2. _________________ boys and girls in the classroom.

3. I ____________  a big family. My family _________ a big house in Moscow.

4. My uncle _____________ a cat and a hamster.

5. _______________________ a fox in the park.

6. They ________________ a lot of friends.

7. My father ___________ brown eyes and red hair.

8.It ________________ a small tail.

9.____________________ two horses in the park.

10.My aunt _________ two children.

11. __________ four ice creams in the fridge.

12. My mother and father _________ a nice garden.

13. Children __________ many presents at the party.

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