Презентация к уроку-игра по стихотворениям Эдварда Лира " Лимерики"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

Яковлева Ольга Викторовна

Презентация к уроку-игра по стихотворениям Эдварда Лира " Лимерики". Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 5 классов.


Файл welcome_to_the_world_of_limericks.pptx1.7 МБ

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Welcome to the world of limericks Идея и разработка: Яковлева О.В .

Слайд 3

Let’s watch the video Edward Lear

Слайд 4

let’s watch the video https://youtu.be/Wy65TkCadfU

Слайд 5

Now it’s your turn to recite the limericks. Don’t forget to translate!

Слайд 6

There was an Old Man with a flute, A sarpint ran into his boot; But he played day and night, Till the sarpint took flight, And avoided that man with a flute. 1

Слайд 7

There was a Young Lady of Dorking, Who bought a large bonnet for walking; But its colour and size, So bedazzled her eyes, That she very soon went back to Dorking. 2

Слайд 8

There was a Young Lady whose eyes, Were unique as to colour and size; When she opened them wide, People all turned aside, And started away in surprise. 3

Слайд 9

There was an Old Person whose habits, Induced him to feed upon rabbits; When he'd eaten eighteen, He turned perfectly green, Upon which he relinquished those habits There was an Old Person whose habits, Induced him to feed upon rabbits; When he'd eaten eighteen, He turned perfectly green, Upon which he relinquished those habits 4

Слайд 10

The was a Young Lady of Bute, Who played on a silver-gilt flute; She played several jigs, To her uncle's white pigs, That amusing Young Lady of Bute. 5

Слайд 11

There was an Old Man of the North, Who fell into a basin of broth; But a laudable cook, Fished him out with a hook, Which saved that Old Man of the North. 6

Слайд 12

There was an Old Man of Apulia, Whose conduct was very peculiar; He fed twenty sons, Upon nothing but buns, That whimsical man of Apulia 7

Слайд 13

There was an Old Man of Corfu, Who never knew what he should do; So he rushed up and down, Till the sun made him brown, That bewildered Old Man of Corfu. 8

Слайд 14

Now it’s your turn to work! You should : Put the limerick in the correct order Complete the limerick with given words Choose the right picture to the limerick Try to translate the limerick

Слайд 15

What is a limerick? A short funny poem Always has five lines Begins with There was a… 1-st line 2-nd line rhymes 3-rd line 4-th line rhymes 5-th line rhymes

Слайд 17

picture 1 There was an Old Man in a tree, Who was horribly bored by a Bee; When they said, 'Does it buzz?' He replied, 'Yes, it does. It's a regular brute of a Bee!'

Слайд 19

picture 2 There was an Old Person of Chili, Whose conduct was painful and silly; He sate on the stairs, Eating apples and pears That imprudent Old Person of Chili.

Слайд 21

picture 3 There was an Old Person of Dover, Who rushed through a field of blue Clover; But some very large bees, Stung his nose and his knees. So he very soon went back to Dover.

Слайд 23

picture 4 There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, "It is just as I feared! – Two Owls and a hen Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard.”

Слайд 25

picture 5 There was a Young Lady whose nose, Was so long that it reached to her nose So she hired an Old Lady, Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose.

Слайд 27

picture 6 There was an Old Man who supposed, That the street door was partially closed; But some very large rats, Ate his coats and his hats While that futile old gentleman dozed.

Слайд 29

Imagine you are poets: try to write your own limerick

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