About the pillars of health.
занимательные факты по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс)

Гаранькин Дмитрий Геннадьевич

There are ten components in healthy life style.

Here they are:

1. No bad habits ( alcohol, drugs)
2. Good nutrition and diet (6 pm - last food take)
3.Cold water hydrotherapeutic procedures ( some cold water thrown on body every day not to have acute respiratory desease ever, it is like a shield)
4. Exercises (jogging, walking, taking simple exercises)
5. Work and rest combination ( 8-9 h sleep every night, 8 h work a day, 2 days off a week, holidays, a month work break a year)
6. Creating psychologic comfort at home (staying in peace ever)
7. Cleansing body (perspiration by any movements, sauna, bathhouse; fasting- 24-36h, 3-4 days,7-10 days, 21 days,30 days which kill cancer)
8. Ecological education
9. Spiritual education
10.Sexual education


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Предварительный просмотр:

Rich, 2017

About the pillars of health. There are ten components in healthy life style.

Here they are:

1. No bad habits ( alcohol, drugs)
2. Good nutrition and diet (6 pm - last food take)
3.Cold water hydrotherapeutic procedures ( some cold water thrown on body every day not to have acute respiratory desease ever, it is like a shield)
4. Exercises (jogging, walking, taking simple exercises)
5. Work and rest combination ( 8-9 h sleep every night, 8 h work a day, 2 days off a week, holidays, a month work break a year)
6. Creating psychologic comfort at home (staying in peace ever)
7. Cleansing body (perspiration by any movements, sauna, bathhouse; fasting- 24-36h, 3-4 days,7-10 days, 21 days,30 days which kill cancer)
8. Ecological education
9. Spiritual education
10.Sexual education

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