КВН "How do you know Britain?"
план-конспект по английскому языку



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Предварительный просмотр:

КВН «How do you know Great Britain?»

Цель: повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка, развитие активности учащихся, закрепление пройденного материала по теме «Great Britain».

Наглядные пособия: карта Великобритании, графическая наглядность с вариантами возможных ответов, плакат с надписью «Learning English may be fun».

Ход мероприятия.

Dear friends! I am very glad to see you! Today we’ll have a competition between two teams. Our game will be about Great Britain. Today we’ll learn how you know Great Britain.

Now, let’s begin our competition. First of all, teams, introduce yourselves to the jury and to each other. First of all, I’ll ask you some questions not only about Great Britain.


(Вопросы разминки задаются поочерёдно каждой команде. Правильный ответ – 5 баллов.)


1.Which country is smaller?

a) Scotland, b) England

2. Which city is older?

a) London, b) New-York

3. Which is the nearest planet to the Sun?

a) Jupiter, b) Mercury, c) Neptune

4. Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?

a) Pluto, b) Neptune, c) Uranus

5. Which river is the longest?

a) the Nile, b) the Mississippi, c) the Amazon, d) the Volga

6. Which mountain is the highest?

a) Elbrus, b) Kilimanjaro, c) Everest, d) Mont Blanc.

Questions to the both teams:

1.What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?  (Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland)

2. Name the symbol of Scotland.  (a thistle)

3. Name the symbol of Wales.  (a daffodil)

4. Name the symbol of England.  (a red rose)

5. Name the symbol of Northern Ireland.  (a shamrock and a red hand)

The main part of the competition.

На каждый вопрос показывается карточка с несколькими вариантами ответов.

Правильный ответ – 5 баллов.

1.Which of these flags is the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

2. What is the national currency of the UK?

a) a dollar, b) a pound, c) a lyre

3. What’s the name of the Princess of Wales?

a) Ann, b) Diana, c) Caroline

4. Do you know the name of the Prince of Wales?

a) Charles, b) Arthur, c) Arnold

5. What political system is there in Britain?

a) democracy, b) republican system, c) parliamentary monarchy

6. Which place of interest is situated in London?

a) Big Ben, b) Rain Palace, c) Eiffel tower

7. The name of the river which flows in England.

a) the Mississippi, b) the Thames, c) the Hudson

8. Where did the first stamp come out?

a) England, b) France, c) Italy

9. Where was the first underground railway in the world?

a) Paris, b) New-York, c) London

10. What’s the traditional drink in England?

a) tea, b) chocolate, c) coffee

11. Name the great English writer who wrote the stories about Sherlok Holmes.

a) Jack London                                        e) Geoffrey Chaucer

b) Agatha Christie                                   f) John Galsworthy

c) Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle                     g) Jerome K. Jerome

d) Shakespeare                                        h) J. Vern

The competition of the captains.

Вопросы капитанам команд даются на отдельных карточках. За каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл.

1. What components does HAMBURGER consist of?

2. What components does CHEESEBURGER consist of?

3. Where did D’Artanian go with his friends to bring the jewels for the Queen?  (London, Buckingham Palace)

4. He was the greatest film actor of the silent cinema. He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA.  (Charlie Chaplin)

Пока капитаны команд готовятся, командам даётся задание:

составить как можно больше слов из слова CINEMATOGRAPHY.

Well, our competition is over. I congratulate the winner and our boys and girls. I hope you liked the game. Thank you very much!


Ольга Николаевна                                                                              МОУ СОШ № 17

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