Контрольная работа 8 класс В.П.Кузовлев 1 четверть.docx
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Лебедева Наталия Евгеньевна

Контрольная работа


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа 8 класс

2. Переделайте предложения, используя конструкцию “subject+passive verb+ infinitive”.

0) They say that the French are very stylish and talkative

The French are said to be very stylish and talkative        

1 People believe that the Scots are careful with money.

_______ ___________________________________________________________

2 People consider that the British are not good at learning foreign languages.


3. People know that the British don’t like to show their feelings.

3.Переведите предложения на русский, используя конструкцию “subject+passive verb+ infinitive”.

1 The British are said to be polite.


2 The Scots are said to be serious people.


3 The English are thought to have a good sense of humour

4.   Допишите разделительный вопрос

1. The Day of the Russian Air Force (Военно-воздушные силы) is celebrated on the 12th of August, ______?

2.  Many people in Russia don’t even know that there are several occasions in the Russian celebration calendar, _________?

3. Easter is the most important Christian holiday in Russia, _______?

4. A foreigner will always find an interesting occasion to celebrate in Russia, ________?

5. Russian Winter Festivals attract many tourists to Russia, __________?

6. You have never been to Sochi, ______?

7. Let’s go to the cinema, _________?

8. There are a lot of celebrations in Russia, _________?

9.  I am late for school, _________?

10.  Russian people can celebrate Christmas too,_______?

5. 2. Reading. Read the text and say if the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1) The United States is an old country.

2) It is rich in customs and traditions.

3) Some of them are connected with American history.

4) On the Independence Day the Americans unite for picnics, barbecues and to watch films.

5) Many Americans take part in local festivals and fairs.

6) These celebrations include special food, drink and entertainment.

7) The history of the USA is long.

The Holidays in the USA.

The United States is a young country. But it is rich in customs and traditions. People from the east to the west of the USA happily celebrate local and national occasions. Some of them, like Thanksgiving day,are connected with American history. Others, like Christmas are associated with religion. Independence

Day that marks the birth of the country is widely (широко) celebrated by the Americans. Wherever ( где бы ни были ) Americans are on the day they always unite for picnics, barbecues and to watch fireworks.

Many Americans follow their local or ethnic traditions and take part in local festivals and fairs (ярмарки). These celebrations include special food, drink and entertainment (развлечения). Although (хотя) the history of the USA is not long, the country has a long list of national, ethnic and regional celebrations.

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