Conjunctions: both...and, either....or, neither....nor
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

тест по теме Conjunctions: both...and, either....or, neither....nor. может быть использован для учащихся 9 классов


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Conjunctions: both...and, either....or, neither....nor

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Вариант 1

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу союзами


  1. Mary is bilingual. She speaks.....English....French.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. I want to be healthy that`s why I ......smoke.......drink alcohol.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. You `ll have to choose. You can have .....the red shirt....the blue one.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. Hilary was very calm. She was......shocked.......surprised by the news.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. Andrew has two jobs. He is ....a manager.....a designer.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. Love can boght .......sold.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. She adores Peter. She says he`s

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. Daniel is only 5 months old. He ca

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. I don`t know what this fence is made of. It can be ....wooden ....metal.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. .....Martin....his wife enjoy tennis. They often go to the tennis coutr with their friends.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. leave the building now....I`m calling the police.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. Unfortunately we can .....change .....improve the situation.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. I have had a long hard day and I`m ....tired ....hungry.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. Thomas is illiterate . He can ....write.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. apologize.....I`ll never speak to you again.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. I`m on a diet. i eat ....spaghetti.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. I dont know what to say. Im .....happy....confused at the same time.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. Don`t buy this equipment. It is

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. .......fruit....vegetables are good for you.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor


  1. i`m not sure where my passport is. I left it .....on the table the drawer.

Обязательное поле

both, and

either, or

neither, nor

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Вариант 1


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Обязательное поле


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