Future Simple
презентация к уроку (6 класс) по теме

Шеуджен Мариана Шамсудиновна

Будущее простое время. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Tomorrow завтра , the day after tomorrow послезавтра , next week (month, year) на следующей неделе , in a week через неделю , one of these days на днях . + – ? I He She You We They will come come come come come come I He She You We They will not won’t come come come come come come Will I He She You We They come come come come come come I will see you tomorrow = I’ll see you tomorrow. He will not have time = He won’t have time.

Слайд 3

1. I will keep watch on the navigating bridge. 2. Will you change the ship’s course soon? – Yes, we will. 3. Motorman Dubov will maintain the engine during his watch. 4. Will the weather be better in the near future? – No, it won’t.

Слайд 4

5. Will you get the engine ready in an hour? – No, we won’t. we’ll get it ready in two or three hours. 6. Who will be responsible for the safety of your ship in the coming voyage? – The captain will. 7. They won’t call at this port.

Слайд 5

What are you doing now? Write answers about yourself. At the moment I … what do you do regularly? Every day I … What did you do yesterday? Yesterday I … What will you do tomorrow? Tomorrow I …

Слайд 6

1 The steward ………….……........ the floor clean 2 The Master …… .... with the superintendent. talk 3 The Radio Officer …… …. .…to the radio. listen 4 The ship ……… …. … . into Hong Kong harbour. sail 5 The cadets …… .. ……… … the vessel. board 6 We ………..…… ..…. ………. ashore. go 7 They … …………. for the Chief Mate’s instructions. wait 8 The ratings ……….… ... the deck crane. repair 9 The engineer ……… …. ..…… the radar. test 10 The engineers ……… … the engine room. check

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