вопросы к зачету для 10 а класса
тест (10 класс) на тему

Кушнарёва Анна Сергеевна


Вопросы к зачету по темам для 10а класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 8 Gadgets.

  1. What gadgets do your have in your family?
  2. Which gadgets are generally used in the office?
  3. Which gadgets are generally used at home?
  4. Which gadgets are generally used when you spend free time?
  5. What gadget would you like to have? Why?
  6. What qualities must a good mini street scooter have?
  7. What qualities must a good calculator have?
  8. Can you describe any unusual (unreal) gadget?
  9. Would you prefer to have a computer or a laptop? Why?
  10. What gadgets do you use every day (most often, most seldom)?

9 Communication.

1. What do you use most often: a mobile phone, a TV set, a radio set or any other gadget?

2. What do you usually use your mobile phone for? How often?

3. How many messages a day do you send? Who are they for? Why do you send them?

4. What is a mobile phone in your life? Explain it.

5. What is your favourite TV channel? What types of programmes are shown there?

6. Describe your favourite TV programme.

7. How often do you watch TV? What do you usually watch? Who do you like to watch TV with and why?

8. What is more popular: radio or TV? Give your reasons.

9. What radio stations do you know? What is your favourite? What music and programmes can you find there?

10. What do you know about  TV or radio inventors? Give some facts.

Unit 10

1. How often do you use the Internet? What for?

2. Have you used the Internet to learn English or read or talk in English? What exactly did you do?

3. How often do you buy things via the Internet? Why do you buy this often or not buy online?

4. Do you have any social network profiles? Why do you use them?

5. Have you made any friends over the Internet? How often do you write to them? Have you ever met them in person?

6. Do you agree that the Internet is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century? Why?

7. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in using the Internet?

8. What age can children be allowed to use the Internet? Why?

9. Do your parents use the Internet? What do they think about the Internet?

10. If the Internet didn’t exist, how would our life be different?

Unit 11 The Sea

  1. Would you like to go sailing? Where? Why would you like to go there?
  2. Which of the activities by the sea do you do? Which of them would you like to do?
  3. How do you understand this quote: “The sea has never been friendly to man”. Do you agree or disagree with it?
  4. Are there any immigrants living in Russia? Where are they from? Where do a lot of emigrants from Russia live?
  5. What are the reasons for emigrating? Do you know anybody who has emigrated?
  6. Remember the stories of those who emigrated from your book. Tell one of them.
  7. Imagine a British student is coming to your country to study your language. What cities can he/she visit? Why? Where can he/she stay? Where can he/she study/work? What is the best way to study foreign language?
  8. What books do you know about the sea, oceans, voyages by the sea, etc. Which of them have you read? Who are their authors?
  9. Tell about your last voyage by the sea or holidays at the seaside.
  10. Could you make a solo trip by yacht around the world? Why or why not?

Unit 12 Mountains.

  1. What high mountains in Russia do you know?
  2. Have you ever been to the mountains? Where?
  3. What kind of activities can people do in mountain areas?
  4. What winter sports do you know? Which of them do you find the most dangerous?
  5. What winter sports do you go in for/watch on TV?
  6. Can you tell about ski jumping?
  7. Can you tell about snowboarding?
  8. Can you tell about Everest?
  9. Can you tell about Winter Olympics?
  10. What questions will you ask when you choose a resort for holidays?

13 Dances.

1. What dances do you know? Which of them can you dance? Which would you like to learn?

2. What do you think about folk dances? Do you like them? What nations have the funniest (strangest…) dances?

3. What kind of dance performances (ballet, modern, from other countries) have you been to? Tell about it.

4. What folk dances have we got in Russia? Can you do any? When do people do folk dancing?

5. What famous dancers do you know? Give some facts about them.

6. Have you ever been to dance clubs or dance parties? When? Who did you go with? Did you like it?

7. Are night clubs popular in Russia? Why do people go there? What clubs do you know?

8. Do you have dance parties at home? How often do you dance?

9. What music do you like to dance to? Do you listen and dance to the same music?

Unit 14

1. How often do you listen to music? What music do you prefer listening to?

2. What does music play in your life?

3. Who is your favourite singer? Speak about him/her a little.

4. What is your favourite music band? Speak about them a little.

5. Are your music preferences different from your parents’? How?

6. Do you listen to classical music? Why/why not? Do you have any favourite composers?

7. Have you ever been to a concert? What was it like?

8. What concert would you like to visit if you had such a chance? Why?

9. What music is popular among teenagers nowadays? Do you listen to this music?

10. Do you buy CDs? What was the last CDs you bought?/Why not?

Unit 15 Pictures

  1. What artists do you know? What are their famous paintings?
  2. Describe the picture, using the Key words from the topic “Pictures”. Describe style, subject, colours, shapes, lines.
  3. Remember the picture “Rue Saint Honore. Effect of the rain.” Tell some words about it and its author.
  4. Have you ever taken pictures? Do you like doing it? What kind of things would you like to photograph?
  5. Have you got photographs at home? What is their theme? Who made them? When?
  6. Look at the photo. What is happening in the photo? What is the theme of it? What could we do to make it better? What is going to happen?
  7. What do you remember about Oscar Wilde and his famous novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”? Did you read it? What is it about?
  8. What is your favourite museum? Where is it situated? What pictures of what artists can you see there? Which one is your favourite?
  9. Tell about your favourite artist and a picture. Why do you like it? What do you know about the author?
  10. What cameras are the best? Why? What makes a camera good/bad? What are the prices of good cameras? Do you have one? What camera would you like to have and why?

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