Сценарий новогодней сказки "The Ugly Duckling" для учащихся 2-х классов
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Токаржевская Ирена Николаевна

 Сценарий спектакля по мотивам сказки  "Гадкий утенок" ("The Ugly Duckling") на английском языке для учащихся начальной школы.


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 на английском языке для учащихся 2-х классов


"The Ugly Ducling"


Mummy Duck

Ducklings (3-5)

The Ugly duckling








 Story- teller        :         Good morning, Good morning,

                           Good morning to you!

                            This cold winter morning

                            How do you do?

                         Good morning, Good morning,

                           Good morning to you!

                           This cold winter morning

                           I am well, and you?

Scene 1 (On a farm)

Mummy Duck:         Look at my ducklings,

                        Come and see!

                        Look at my ducklings,

                        One, two, three!

Three Ducklings (#1): (a song “Five little ducklings”)

                        Three little ducklings

                        Went out one day

                        Over the pond

                        And far away.


                        Mummy Duck said

                        "QUACK, QUACK, QUACK"

                        But only two little ducklings

                        Came back.

Three Ducklings (#2):

                        Two little ducklings

                        Went out one day

                        Over the pond

                        And far away.


                        Mummy Duck said,

                        "QUACK, QUACK, QUACK"

                        But only one little duckling

                        Came back.

Three Ducklings: (#3)

                        One little duckling

                        Went out one day

                        Over the pond

                        And far away.


                        Mummy Duck said,

                        "QUACK, QUACK, QUACK"

                        But no little ducklings

                        Came back.

Mummy Duck:

                        Oh dear,  oh dear!

                        What a terrible thing!

                        I have never seen

                        Such an ugly duckling!

                        Go on now, children,

                        Go and play!

                        It's such a lovely

                        Sunny day!

Ugly Duckling:        I'm a duckling.

                        What are you?

                        I can't fly at all,

                        Can you?

Cat:                        I'm a cat.

                        I can play all day!

                        But you are so ugly.

                        Go away!

Ugly Duckling:        I'm a duckling.

                        What are you?

                        I can't fly at all,

                        Can you?

Dog:                        I'm a dog.

                        I can run all day!

                        But you are so ugly.

                        Go away!

Ugly Duckling:        I'm a duckling.

                        What are you?

                        I can't fly at all,

                        Can you?

Rabbit:                I'm a rabbit.

                        I can jump all day!

                        But you are so ugly.

                        Go away!

Ugly Duckling:        I'm a duckling.

                        What are you?

                        I can't fly at all,

                        Can you?

Mouse:                I'm a mouse.

                        I can climb all day!

                        But you are so ugly.

                        Go away!

Ugly Duckling:         Oh me! oh my!

                        I can't run or fly!

                        The animals don't like me.

                        I can't jump or climb.

                        I think it's time

                           To leave my family!

Animals ( all together):        

                        Oh dear,  oh dear!

                        What a terrible thing!

                        We have never seen

                        Such an ugly duckling!

                        You are so ugly-

                        Go away!

                        Don't come back,

                        Leave - today!

Scene 2 (winter)

Ugly Duckling:         I am alone.

                        Where can I go?

                        Look at the ice,

                        Look at the snow!

Boy  :                      You look so cold!

                        You look  so sad!

                        Where's your mum?

                        Where's your dad?

Girl:                        Come with me.

                        Don't be lonely.

                        I have got a house,

                        I have got a family!

Scene 3 (Summer has come)

Boy (Girl) :              Look at you now !

                        You are big, not small.

                        You are not ugly.

                        Not at all !

                        It's time to go!

                        It's summer time!

                        Goodbye, dear friend!

                        Have a good time!

Ugly Duckling (new):

                        Look at the swans

                        Up in the sky!

                        Look at them -

                        They can fly!

                        But who is that?

                        Is it me?

                        I'm a beautiful swan -

                        How can that be?

Swan (a friend):        Hello! Hello!

                        What a lovely day!

                        Come with me,

                        Come and play!

                        Close your eyes,

                        Count to three,

                        Now, fly, fly, fly,

                        Just like me!

Ugly Duckling (new):

                        I can fly  in the sky.

                        I am a beautiful swan.

                        Look at me, everyone!

All together:          a song “ We wish you a Merry Christmas” (refrain)

The End