Контрольная работа 9 класс.
материал (9 класс) по теме

Студенцова Юлия Юрьевна
Контрольная работа 9 класс. 1.Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous. 1. He likes his quiet life. He …(never/Leave) his village. 2. When Chris was a little boy, he…(read) a lot about travelers , pirates and see adventures. 3. I love travelling by air, but I….(fly)for two years. 4. The Browns…(live) in Canada for three years and then they moved to America. 5. Ann’s plane must be somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean. She…(fly) for two hours already. 2. Fill in for, since, during.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа 9 класс.

1.Use the verbs in the Past Simple or Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. He likes his quiet life. He …(never/Leave) his village.
  2. When Chris was a little boy, he…(read) a lot about  travelers , pirates and see adventures.
  3. I love travelling by air, but I….(fly)for two years.
  4. The Browns…(live) in Canada for three years and then they moved to America.
  5. Ann’s plane must be somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean. She…(fly) for two hours already.

2. Fill in for, since, during.

1. She has been dreaming about a round-the-world sea voyage… ….the time when she became interested in the tourism business.

2. He studied Japanese………. three years, but then all of a sudden, he gave it up and got interested in Spanish.

3. Do you remember going on any trips with your classmates…….. the academic year?

4. He hasn’t flown……….. That unlucky trip when all of his luggage was lost at the airport.

5. Because of my parent’s  jobs, travelled a lot…..……my childhood. It was very exciting for a kid.

3. Translate the words from Russian into English and make sentences.

To sink,  to invent,  to pronounce,  to develop,  to crash,  to avoid.

4. Form nouns from the verbs. Use the suffixes –sion,-tion,-ment,-ive or no suffixes.

Explore, equip, revise, detect, arrange, entertain, protect, crash.

5 .Write 10 sentence   « Is it difficult to travel nowadays?»

6.Write the letter to your friend about your  unusual trip.

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