Лексический минимум и максимум по английскому языку
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Федорова Ольга Александровна

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Предварительный просмотр:



Lazy, brave, snake, stick, strong, close, together, see, meet, go home, student, music, rule.


Eggs, milk, ham, bread, fish, butter, juice, cake, sweets, cheese, dark, smart, hat, would you like?, help yourself, ride a bike, live on a farm, visit, kind, meet, pupil, potato, tomato, corn, nut, apple, carrot, cabbage, honey, jam, porridge, soup, meat, I think, hungry, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, eat, drink, ice cream, buy, bird, parrot.


Teeth, tail, eyes, face, nose, ears, neck, head, for breakfast, healthy, must, wash, clean, hand, every day, busy, may, help, come in, sleep, dream, do homework, walk with a dog, with.


Wish, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Santa Claus, presents, poem, happy holiday.


Fairy tales, often, listen to music, play computer games, draw funny pictures, watch TV, come, small, country, house, stupid, town, spring, summer, autumn, winter, to be afraid, go home, at home, only, season, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, holidays, year, month.


Of course, birthday, party, get, celebrate, once a year, my birthday is on the …th of …, my birthday is on …, …th, when is your birthday?, scooter, puzzle, player, computer game, doll, teddy bear, roller skates, I would like to …, hide-and-seek, play with a doll/with a teddy bear/with friends, play computer games/puzzles/football.


Letter, post card, paper, stamp, envelope, letterbox, post office, postman, poster, address, to write a letter, get a letter, send a letter, post a letter, postcode, near, stand, shine, night, sneeze, climb, ill, surname, wonderful, favorite, form, who, what, where, why, when, which, how, how many/much, walk, energetic, smart, ask questions, answer.


Face, nose, ears, eyes, mouth, tooth, head, shoulder, knee, toe, hand, arm, foot, hair, neck, leg, help, finger, clean, want, wash, it’s time (пора), go to bed, tell, put, forget, look like, have a sweet tooth, get up, go home, have breakfast, have lunch, free, rise, wise (мудрый), ugly, look at, miss, angry, lovely (приятный), water flowers, in the afternoon, hospitable, have a chat, only, woman, find, at last, meet.

Предварительный просмотр:



Ski, toboggan, play snowballs, make a snowman, play hockey, skate, jump, play football, play badminton, ride a bike, run, dive, swim, play basketball, play volleyball, play table tennis, any time, spring, winter, summer, sunny, windy, cloudy, snowy, hot, cold, chat, because, warm, rainy, what is the weather like …?, grass, noisy, tomorrow, in an hour, next, have a picnic, fly a kite, play hide-and-seek, tasty, favorite, year.


Hall, kitchen, pantry, living room, bedroom, bathroom, toilet, window, wall, door, how many rooms have you got?, floor, chair, flat, have you got a room of your own?, share with, large, ride a horse, sometimes, interesting, alone, somebody, suddenly, picture, fireplace, shelf, lamp, piano, fire, armchair, sofa, table, carpet, in the middle of, next to, look for (искать), under, behind, between, above, in the left corner, in the right corner, to be surprised, desk, of course, wake up, collect, wardrobe, decorate, describe, guess.


Field, cow, road, garden, hill, bridge, apple tree, sheep, horse, river, country, city, town, capital, live street, wide, people, dirty, clean, good – better – the best, bad – worse – the worst, many/much – more – the most, little – less – the least, become, grow, dig into the ground, put in the seeds (сеять семена), wolf, carry, thing, eagle, desert, road, ocean, mountain, change, whale, dolphin, sea, camel, useful, smart, leave, wing, take for a walk, coat.


Talk, water, live, cry, open, push, study, answer, paint, yesterday, the day before yesterday, a week ago, last year, ugly, try, meet, strange, clown, brave, bite, finger, alive, want, shout, poor, run away, fall into, why, where, who, what, hunter, have breakfast, get into the sleigh, climb the chimney, stockings, catch.


Watch the stars, make a toy, son, brother, daughter, play puzzles, sister, take a photo of, family, surname, neighbor, visitor, put on, do homework, go shopping, make tea, lay table, do the washing up, answer phone calls, clean room, feed pet, water flowers, take pet for a walk, repair bike, cook breakfast, wash face and hands, clean teeth, sweep the floor, that sounds good, bring back, sugar, can I speak to, can you phone back at …?, what a pity, go to bed, another, suddenly, before, to be clean, all is well that ends well (всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается), be late, on time, call up before (позвонить заранее), you are welcome, help yourself, one more, be polite.


Hope, clothes, show, coat, raincoat, trainers, shirt, T-shirt, shoes, shorts, dress, sweater, boots, shop assistant, try (примерять), suit, trousers, how much (сколько стоит), blouse, cap, jacket, jeans, mittens, anything else, socks, put on, shop, too (слишком), wait, choose, have on (быть одетым в), bright, frosty, a bag of sweets (пакетик конфет), a glass of juice, a cup o tea, a bottle of water, a box of chocolates, piece of cake, prepare, cornflake, jar, plate, umbrella, hat, scarf.


Board, teacher’s table, classroom, continue, count, speak, learn, ask/answer questions, discuss, tell, translate, from English into Russian, lean by heart, break (перемена), during (во время), speak loudly in the classroom, write notes to (писать записки), between, rubber, ruler, colored pencils, pencil, pencil box, paints (краски), dictionary, sharpener (точилка), colorful, use, repeat, leave at home, lend (одолжить), stop talking, study, Russian, Reading, Art, PE, Music, Maths, different, need, find out (выяснять), describe, be angry with (сердиться), remember, faraway, palace, land, smell, wise man (мудрец), get rid of (избавиться), chase (преследовать), solve problem (решить проблему), make a deal (договариваться), get alone with (уживаться), share, explain, important, prefer, get good/bad marks, miss (пропустить), maybe (возможно), right, wrong, that’s easy.

Предварительный просмотр:



Pop singer, modern, property (собственность), author, character, actor, magic, adventure, country, musician, museum, art, film star, cartoon, park, grass, artist, dancer, famous, ancient, politician, sight, infamous, unforgettable, experience, face to face, take part, be proud of, be rich in, be full of, relax, admire, include, be famous for, entertainment, believe, be tired of, theater, without doubt (без сомнения), mean, detective stories, world famous, contain, imagination (фантазия), popular, trait (черта характера), exhibit (выставлять), landscape (пейзаж), water-colors (акварель), be fond of (увлекаться), composer, invite, announce, competition, occupation, publish.


Insect, endangered, shark, catch (улов), feeding time, save, natural, hamster, cage, wild, wing, all over the world, every living thing, fight, join, kind, animal, take care of, exotic, appear, receive, gift, feed, difference, whale, cunning, independent, choose, describe, agree, disagree, homeless, cruel, survive (выживать), arrange, project, responsible, industrious master (хозяин), attention, to take for a walk, exhibition, allow, turkey, sheep, camel, lion, puppy, introduce.


Daughter , grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, niece, wife, grandfather, son, brother, uncle, nephew, husband, habit, relative, forgive, enjoy, give up parents, have a sweet tooth, return, sports kit (спортивное снаряжение), set a good example to, set the table, clear up the table, make beds, take out the rubbish, responsibility, hospitable, knife, spoon, sweep the floor, look after, expensive, pie, sandwich, slice, teapot (чайник), filling (начинка), ice-cream, sausage, boiled (вареный), onion, pepper, chop (измельчать), add, peel (чистить), prefer, roast, tablecloth, help yourself, semi-detached, detached house, block of flats, place, house, home, have a bite to eat (перекусить).


Gardening, horseracing, hobby, common, weekend, taking photos, doing sports, jogging (бег трусцой), whole, keep fit (держать форму), except, keep a secret, go to bed, fishing, listen to the radio, soap opera, documentaries, advantage, disadvantage, receive information, performance, travel round the world, waste money, disabled man, gain weight (толстеть), damage eyes, go out with friends, sign (подписывать), guess, Motherland Defender’s day, Victory day, depend on, custom, decorate, entertain, delicious, give a lift (подвезти), affection (привязанность), example, chew (жевать), remember, canary (канарейка), be short of (не хватать), catch, polite, lonely, hug, tremble, open air.

Предварительный просмотр:

Advertisement, take part in, improve, offer, participant, describe, motto, competition, waste of time, chance, luck, to be in/out of luck, try one's chance (рискнуть), have no chance, as for me, industrious, curious, intelligent, creative, hardworking, cruel, impolite, naughty, cunning (хитрый), hospitable, arrange a party, value, self-confidence, solve problem, lose weight, get along with, appearance, be responsible for, century, look forward to, be tired of, freedom, advantage, disadvantage, devote, hate, superstition (доверие), celebrate, decorate, custom, communicate, mean of communication, by means of (с помощью), distance, to receive, information, to gossip, disabled man, provide, store, chat on, necessary, opportunity, addictive, international, believe.
Introduce, host, continent, country, river, lake, countryside, mountain, language, prefer, mother tongue, nationality, global, capital, tradition, powerful, population, official, consist of, occupy, continent, situate, exchange, dialect, solution, be up to date, discover, have success, be successful in, kingdom, improve, pollution, travel on foot, travel abroad, arrive, narrow, cheap, expensive, safe, comfortable, suburb (пригород), imagine, underground, foreign, collect oneself to do something (собираться, чтобы сделать что-то), collect somebody's thoughts
Angry, upset, get bad/good mark, be allowed, get along with, do somebody's best, realize, call name, do sport, extra, continue, invite, be afraid, honest, have an argument with, be in trouble, argue, get into trouble, pocket money, at the end, at the traffic lights, explain, turn right/left, hour, street, sense of humor, instead of, sloppy (неряшливый), neat (опрятный), on time (вовремя), develop mind, prepare, adult life, knowledge, depend on, subject, treat each other with, respect, punishment, prefer, compulsory, favorite, belong to, state school, attend, private school, prominent, relation, free education, unite (объединять), look alike, be out of/in fashion, fashionable, pay attention to, make fun of (насмехаться над), rely on (полагаться), lines, detention (задержание после уроков), exclusion (исключение), behave, miss a lesson, prompt (подсказывать), be prohibited (быть запрещенным), refuse, share, be fed up with, health, promise, depressed, it takes me ... to do something.
Be fond of sport, do sports, windsurfing, cheap, healthy, countryside (окрестность), court, skating rink, lake, pool, quickly, be sure, early, quietly, noisily, suddenly, be in fashion, lose/gain weight, definitely, get rid of stress, skill, train, exciting, dolphin, alive, appreciate, speed. hope, adult, get bored, coach (тренер), patient, glorious, performance, support, associate with, keep fit, join, be busy, health, follow, decide, prefer, embarrass, major, make mistake, destroy, healthy diet, good mood, habit, be responsible for, porridge, lack of, lead, prevent, human blood, skin, bone, mushroom, get enough for, have got a sore throat, headaches, stomachache, runny nose, a cough, a cold, flue, get wet (промокать), sick, seldom, nurse,

chemist, dentist, pharmacy, treat, examine, take medicine, point, be satisfied, spirit, glory,

represent, champion, complete, include, consist of, provide, mascot (талисман)

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