Контрольная работа для 11 класса (1-е полугодие)
методическая разработка (11 класс) на тему

Кутюшкина Диана Игоревна

Контрольная работа состоит из следующих тем: эмфатические предложения, словообразование, Past Perfect Passive, задние по ситуативному говорению.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

ученика 11 «А» класса _____________________________________________________


  1. Write down emphatic sentences
  1. My friend hates operetta. _____________________________________________
  2. I enjoyed the performance. ___________________________________________
  3. It is extraordinary. __________________________________________________
  4. I prefer staying at home. _____________________________________________
  5. I have already seen this film. __________________________________________

  1. Read the opinions and use the word in capital letters to form the word that fits each space.
  1. The film is so __________________________ (drama).
  2. It is a good _______________________ (history) film.
  3. How ___________________ (fright) the film is!
  4. I can’t say anything. It is _________________ (absolute) fantastic!
  5. To my mind the film is ______________( excite). I enjoy watching it.

  1. Make these sentences in Past Perfect Passive
  1. In 1945 A. Fleming got the Nobel Prize for penicillin which _____________________________ (discover) by him in 1928.
  2. By the end of the 19th century famous Kodak camera ______________________________ (create) in the USA.
  3. When the apparatus ________________________ (build), T. Edison started experimenting with it.
  4. The first gas stove _______________________ (make) long before the first electric stove appeared.
  5. The American Isaac Merritt Singer made some improvements to the sewing machine that __________________________ (invent) by Elias Howe.


  1. You and your foreign friend  have an opportunity to buy one of these things as a present. ( a vacuum cleaner, a body building machine, a talking alarm clock)

       Student card 1

Ask  your friend’s opinion about these inventions.

Remember to:

  • Say what your choice is;
  • Discuss the positive and negative features of these things;
  • Give reasons for your choice;
  • Listen to the arguments of your friend.

           Student card 2, 3

Listen to your friend.

Agree or disagree with your friend’s choice, giving reasons.

Say about positive and negative features of these things.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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