План - конспект урока английского языка. Тема: « Дружба»
методическая разработка (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме


Разработка урока английского языка в 9-м классе по теме «Дружба» представлена в технологии развивающего обучения. Тип урока – урок формирования умений и совершенствования навыков, структура которого предполагает следующие этапы:

- организационный момент;

- фонетическая зарядка;

- постановка цели и задач урока;

- выполнение заданий стандартного и вариативного типа;

- выполнение упражнений творческого типа;

- контроль сформированности знаний и навыков;

- подведение итогов;

- сообщение домашнего задания.

            На данном уроке используется метод «тренировки», предусматривающий многократную встречу с учебным материалом, обеспечивающий запоминание материала, удержание его в памяти и метод «применения» изучаемого языка в коммуникативных целях в устной и письменной речи.

            Текст для чтения на данном уроке о любви и дружбе вызывает у обучающихся личную заинтересованность в извлечении необходимой информации для того, чтобы принять активное участие в его обсуждении.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное образовательное учреждение

«Гимназия г.Тюкалинска»

План - конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе

Тема: « Дружба»

 Обучение чтению аутентичного художественного текста

на уроке английского языка.

(Книга для чтения к учебному изданию

Счастливый английский – 2,    Т.Б. Клементьева)

                                                                                             Разработала: Волохина

                                     Елена  Фёдоровна,

                                                                                               учитель английского языка



Образовательные задачи:

  1. Совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки.
  2. Расширить словарный запас.
  3. Активизировать знакомую лексику в новых речевых ситуациях.

Развивающие задачи:

  1. Развивать языковую и контекстуальную догадку.
  2. Развивать и совершенствовать речевые умения в чтении и устной речи.
  3. Получать определенные лингвострановедческие знания.

Воспитательные задачи:

  1. Воспитание внимательного отношения к людям, животным, природе.
  2. Восприятие и понимание обучающимися таких ценностей, как «природа», «дружба», умение различать хорошие и плохие поступки.

Ход урока.

  1.  The talk with the pupil on duty.

  1.  Phonetic drills.

Friendship is thing for two

Three or four, even more

Like a song that’s made to sing

Friendship is a doing thing.

  1. Put the lines in the correct order:

We danced together

I could not speak her language

And had such fun

But I took her by the hand

I met a little girl

You can speak to anyone

Who came from another land

Dancing is a language

Read the poem and try to guess what we will speak about today.

You are right. It is friendship.

Give your associations with this word.

Each association should begin with one of the letters of the given word.

F                  friend

R                 respect

I                  identity

E                  energy, esteem

N                  nobility

D                 defence

S                 sincerity

H                 honesty, help, hand

I                  idol

P                 protection

  1. Open your books at page 253, read the new words, then read the text.

Have you understood it?

  1.  Listen to me and choose the correct variant

1. One night the stag got caught

  1. in a hole
  2. in a net                  set by a hunter
  3. in a river

2. The stag called to his friend

  1. the bird
  2. the pig                   for help
  3. the tortoise

3. The hunter got up, took his

a.  rifle                                                     a. the forest

b.  gun                          and went to         b. the river

c.  bow and arrows                                  c. the field

4. Hardly he entered the forest he saw

a.  the bird

b.  the wolf

c.  the hare

           5. When the hunter reached the net he found it

  1. empty
  2. with the stag
  3. full of wild animals

6. The hunter aimed

a.  at the stag

b.  at the bird

c.  at the tortoise

7. The tortoise bit the hunter’s

a.  toe

b.  hand

c.  leg

8. On the way home the hunter started to eat his meal of

a.  rice cakes

b.  tomato pizzas

c.  hot dogs

        VI. Listen to me and mark the given sentences T or F standing for True and False

1. One night the stag got caught in a net  set by a hunter.

2. The stag could get free  with his own efforts.

3. The hunter who had set the trap got up, took his bow and arrows  and set out for the forest.

4. To distract the hunter the bird began singing above his head.

5. When the hunter reached the net he found it with the stag.

6. As the hunter was about to shoot the tortoise bit his toe.

7. Sitting down in the shade of a tree he started to eat his meal of rice cakes.

8. As the hunter sat in the shade of a tree, the stag approached him from behind, lifted the pouch on his antlers and sped away into the forest.

VII. Indicate the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

1. One night the stag got caught in a net set by…

2. The stag called to his friend …  for help.

3. The hunter who has set the trap got up, took his bow and arrows and set out for …

4. Hardly had the hunter entered the forest when he was observed by the stag’s other friend…

5. When the hunter reached the net he found it …

6. As the hunter was about to shoot the tortoise bit his …

7. The hunter seized the tortoise and thrust it into his …

VIII. Answer the questions, please.

1.  Who are the main characters in this story?

2.  What happened with the stag one night?

3.  Whom did he call for help?

  1. What did the tortoise begin to do?
  2. What did the bird begin to do to distract the hunter?
  3. What did the hunter do in his anger?
  4. As the hunter was about to shoot, the tortoise bit his toe, did not it?
  5. Whom did the hunter seize and thrust into the pouch?
  6. What did the hunter do on the way home?
  7.  Did the stag lift the pouch on to his antlers and speed away into the forest?
  8.  Who freed the tortoise?

IX. Give your opinion to the statements.

1. The stag could free by his own efforts, without anybody’s help

2. The bird helped the stag and the tortoise very much

3. The tortoise is a real friend to the stag and the bird

X. Match words with similar meaning.

net             put

thrust         trap

pouch        work

toil             take

seize          bag

XI. Choose the suitable phrase.

The stag is                as sly as a fox

The tortoise is           as strong as a horse

The bird is                as wise as an owl

XII. Guess the puzzles. Сhoose the correct variant and fill in the gap.

        Work in pairs.


  1. I am in the tree  tops

     Cheep, cheep, cheep

     My head beneath my feathers

     When I sleep, sleep, sleep

  1. I carry my house on my back.

  1. nut                               u = e

4. Find the synonym to the word  wood.

5. Change the first letter and make a new word.


  1. It has hoofed feet and antlers like branches of a tree.

  1. We need it when we go shopping.

  1. How many feet are there in a yard?

  1. During free time he takes a rifle and goes to the forest to hunt wild animals.

There were … friends: a stag, a tortoise, and a bird. One … the stag got caught in a … He could not get free and he called to his friend … for  help. The tortoise began to gnaw through the strands. The day began to dawn. The … entered the forest with his bow and arrows. The hunter found the …       empty. In anger he aimed an arrow at the …, but the tortoise bit his toe. The bird flew away. The hunter seized the tortoise and put it into his ….On the way home he sat  to eat his meal of rice cakes . As he sat the … gently lifted the pouch on to his antlers and sped away into the….

XIII. Which proverb is the most suitable for this story

Live and learn.

Better late  than never.

Actions speak louder than words.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

XIV. Have you got a friend? What qualities in friend do  you like the most?

         You are to rank five qualities in the order of importance.


Ex. I would like my friend to be…  


athletic            strong             sociable       helpful       intellectual

romantic         protective       artistic         peaceful     ambitious

successful       hardworking   reliable        brave         talented

optimistic       honest             kind             sincere       attentive

XV. Conclusion.


                Today we read the text and had a talk about friendship. We came to the  conclusion that it is  very important to have a friend who can help you and can support you. I want you to have good friends, I want you  to be good friends.

XVI. Home task.        

Retell the story as if you are the stag

                                         the tortoise

                                         the bird

                                         the hunter


III.   I met a little girl

       Who came from another land

       I could not speak her language

       But I took her by the hand

       We danced together

       And had such fun

       Dancing is a language

       You can speak to anyone

V. 1b, 2c, 3c,a, 4a, 5a, 6 b, 7a, 8a

VI. 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5F, 6T, 7T, 8T.

VII. 1. a hunter, 2  the tortoise, 3the forest, 4  the bird,  5 empty, 6  toe,  7  pouch

X. net   trap

    thrust  put

    pouch   bag

    toil      work

    seize   take

  1.  1. as strong as a horse

               2. as wise as an owl

               3. as sly as a fox

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