Лучше дома места нет.
статья по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Елена Анатольевна Борисова


                                     There is no place like home.    

            I saw a wonderful dream.

            I was walking along a broad white sand beach nearby the sea. It was so clean and lovely there and the nature was so wild and magic. The mountains behind added to the attractiveness of the place. There were lots exotic fruits on the trees that I had never seen before. Another reason why I liked that place was the weather. It was so hot and dry and the sun was shining brightly. Without much thinking I decided that I would like to live there. Suddenly I opened my eyes and saw a bright sun in my window.

            The first thought that came to my mind was that I would never like to live anywhere but in Russia.

            Although some countries attract me as a traveller but I can’t imagine my life without my country...

            Old Russ, Russia, Perm Kray, Gornozavodsk. And everything is Motherland for me.                   

            I do love my country! To begin with, it is the place where my parents, relatives and my friends live. These people are so dear to my heart. We communicate, help one another, supporting in everything. We share and trust, love and understand. And I am happy about it.

            Moreover, when I go abroad, everything around me seems so strange and unfamiliar. Having spent some time there I begin to miss Russian friends, Russian language, Russian cookery and sometimes even Russian frost.    

            I also love Russian literature that is very rich.

            Sergey Yesenin also loved his Motherland for everything that surrounded him in the village of Konstantinovo near Ryazan: fields, forests, rivers and lakes later he loved the cities of Russia he lived in, he loved literature, his friends and pubs. Everything gave him inspiration but Russian nature did it most of all.

            “Ring golden Russia, carry on,

            Oh blow you wind, so unabated!”


            “I am back at home, my dear land

            Is pensive, spreading all around.”


            “There is a silly elation,

            The garden the windows look on!

            Soundless sunset reflection

            Swims in the pool, like a swan.”

            These lines of his poems devoted to his Motherland appeal to my heart as well.

            Moreover. I’m proud of the fact that I live in the country where an outstanding Russian poet Sergey Yesenin lived and created his wonderful poems full of love and admiration to his Motherland.

            To my mind, it is worth remembering here, that when Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, was asked a question why he didn’t leave Russia to have a quiet life abroad, he answered with tears in his eyes using the lines from Sergey Yesenin’s poem “I will tell you “I don’t need any paradise, give my Motherland to me”.” This answer touched my heart deeply. In my opinion, it is a real attitude to his land and a pure love to his Motherland.

            Speaking about my feelings to my homeland, I should say that I love it and I’m proud of it. But in the future I would like my country to be proud of me! 


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                     There is no place like home.        

        I saw a wonderful dream.

        I was walking along a broad white sand beach nearby the sea. It was so clean and lovely there and the nature was so wild and magic. The mountains behind added to the attractiveness of the place. There were lots exotic fruits on the trees that I had never seen before. Another reason why I liked that place was the weather. It was so hot and dry and the sun was shining brightly. Without much thinking I decided that I would like to live there. Suddenly I opened my eyes and saw a bright sun in my window.

        The first thought that came to my mind was that I would never like to live anywhere but in Russia.

        Although some countries attract me as a traveller but I can’t imagine my life without my country...

        Old Russ, Russia, Perm Kray, Gornozavodsk. And everything is Motherland for me.                      

        I do love my country! To begin with, it is the place where my parents, relatives and my friends live. These people are so dear to my heart. We communicate, help one another, supporting in everything. We share and trust, love and understand. And I am happy about it.

        Moreover, when I go abroad, everything around me seems so strange and unfamiliar. Having spent some time there I begin to miss Russian friends, Russian language, Russian cookery and sometimes even Russian frost.         

        I also love Russian literature that is very rich.

        Sergey Yesenin also loved his Motherland for everything that surrounded him in the village of Konstantinovo near Ryazan: fields, forests, rivers and lakes later he loved the cities of Russia he lived in, he loved literature, his friends and pubs. Everything gave him inspiration but Russian nature did it most of all.

        “Ring golden Russia, carry on,

        Oh blow you wind, so unabated!”

        “I am back at home, my dear land

        Is pensive, spreading all around.”

        “There is a silly elation,

        The garden the windows look on!

        Soundless sunset reflection

        Swims in the pool, like a swan.”

        These lines of his poems devoted to his Motherland appeal to my heart as well.

        Moreover. I’m proud of the fact that I live in the country where an outstanding Russian poet Sergey Yesenin lived and created his wonderful poems full of love and admiration to his Motherland.

        To my mind, it is worth remembering here, that when Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the President of the Russian Federation, was asked a question why he didn’t leave Russia to have a quiet life abroad, he answered with tears in his eyes using the lines from Sergey Yesenin’s poem “I will tell you “I don’t need any paradise, give my Motherland to me”.” This answer touched my heart deeply. In my opinion, it is a real attitude to his land and a pure love to his Motherland.

        Speaking about my feelings to my homeland, I should say that I love it and I’m proud of it. But in the future I would like my country to be proud of me!

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