проект Через тернии к звездам (презентация) Алан Шепард
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Корякова Наталья Юрьевна



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Слайд 1

Alan Shepard

Слайд 2

The first American astronaut. Has made sub orbital flight by duration approximately 15 minutes. As the commander of the space ship Apollo 14, in February, 1971 Shepard has carried out flight on the Moon. Shepard is fifteenth man achieved the orbit of the Moon and fifth entered on a moon surface. Alan Shepard

Слайд 3

In 1959, Shepard was one of 110 military test pilots invited by the newly formed National Aeronautics and Space Administration to volunteer for the first manned space flight program . Following a gruelling series of physical andpsychological tests, NASA selected Shepard to be one of theoriginal group of seven Mercury astronauts .

Слайд 4

On May 5, 1961, Shepard piloted the Freedom 7 mission and became the second person, and the first American, to travel into space. He was launched by a Redstone rocket . Unlike Gagarin, whose flight was strictly automatic, Shepard had some control of Freedom 7, spacecraft attitude in particular. On his successful return to Earth, Shepard was celebrated as a national hero , honored with parades in Washington, New York and Los Angeles and meeting President John F. Kennedy

Слайд 5

As the oldest astronaut in the program at age 47, Shepard made his second space flight as commander of Apollo 14, in 1971 America's third successful lunar landing mission . Shepard piloted his Lunar Module Antares to the most accurate landing of the entire Apollo program. This was the first mission to successfully broadcast color television pictures from the surface of the Moon, using the vidicon tube . Shepard played golf with a Wilson on the Moon.

Слайд 6

He raised the American flag on the surface of the Moon during the Apollo 14 mission

Слайд 7

During his life he was awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor; two NASA Distinguished Service Medals, the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal, Naval Astronaut Wings, the Navy Distinguished Service Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross; recipient of the Langley Award

Слайд 8

Shepard died of leukemia near his home in Pebble Beach, California on July 21, 1998 Shepard's memorial stone in Derry, New Hampshire . Shepard's ashes were scattered at sea.

Слайд 9

Statue of Shepard at the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame

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