Празднование Рождества в мире
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Чеверева Эльвира Васильевна

Презентация "Празднование Рождества в мире" на английском языке.


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Слайд 1

Orthodox Christmas Christmas in night with 6 on January, 7 on new style marks almost 180 million Orthodox. Among them parishioners Jerusalem, Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, parts Greek orthodoxy churches. Together with them is part of Protestants and Catholics. In spite of different nationalities, culture and languages, all of them on this day welcome each other one phrase - "Christ was" born!. On this day births of Christ, on voice of Church, "every to gladness filled.

Слайд 2

England In England Christmas is the real domestic holiday. On this day all going to the paternal house, give gifts to each other, eat, drink and look over the domestic photos. A traditional dish is a turkey under a sauce from a gooseberry and pudding. And tea or brandy drinks on this day exceptionally.

Слайд 3

Germany On ancient tradition, 11 numbers 11 month at 11 o'clock 11 minutes the season of Christmastides, getting the name "Fifth season", comes in Germany. On the ancient areas of cities arrange grandiose fairs, where thousands of persons gather. People hug, drink hot глинтвейн , eat, dance and sing. At this time children begin to open sweet gifts. In Germany it is accepted to give a "Christmas star". At the proper care to Christmas on a green small bush red or pink halo, reminding a star.

Слайд 4

Greece Greece is the Orthodox country, but celebrates Christmas together with the Western world of December 25. Christmas - one of same darling of holidays in Greece. He is marked in every house in the circle of family. A Christmas tree primps, a festive table adorns oneself different garden-stuffs that is born by earth : by fruit, nuts, fig, by the raisin/pl of and other

Слайд 5

China In China dress up a not fir-tree, and so-called "trees of light", that decorate flashlights and flowers.

Слайд 6

Russia On Christmastides in Russia since time immemorial it was accepted to be dressed up, arrange merry games, walk about houses, wake asleep, congratulate all meeting with the turn of a sun on a summer, and later, after adopting Christianity, with Christmas, to joke, sing songs. A Christmas carol ended with universal fun, rolling from hills, by a general feast.

Слайд 7

THE USA The united states are a multinational country, it is therefore possible to see the different ways of celebration of Christmas. Some prepare the traditional stuffed turkey. Children get gifts in the morning. It is said that them Santa – Claus came at night, he got down on a flue and brought gifts. In a Christmas morning traditionally on breakfast give a meat loaf with a cinnamon and coffee, on dinner - ham.

Слайд 8

France Noel Trudged - brings gifts and candies to the good and diligent children. Everywhere up the smoked ham, game, lettuces, baking, fruit, candies and wine, is served. But a menu differentiates depending on regional culinary traditions. On the northeast of France a main dish often is a goose, in Burgundy is a turkey with chestnuts.

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