Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку по теме "Drug Therapy"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Данное занятие проводится в группах 4-го курса отделения "Лечебное дело" и в группах 3-го курса отделения "Сестринское дело". Тема  "Drug Therapy" включает четыре занятия, данное занятие является 3-м. 


Предварительный просмотр:



                              «DRUG   THERAPY»


Цели   занятия

Обучение:  Формировать умения читать, понимать и переводить тексты по теме «Drug Therapy». Совершенствовать умения делать монологические и диалогические сообщения по проблеме занятия. Практиковать в аудировании коротких диалогов  и текста «Amoxicillin»

Развитие: Развивать умения выделять главное, существенное в изучаемом материале. Развивать языковую догадку о значении интернациональных слов

Воспитание:  Воспитывать стремление к самообразованию и самосовершенствованию. Формировать навыки быстро и четко выполнять действия

Тип занятия:  Совершенствование речевых навыков

Методы обучения: словесно-наглядно-практический, самостоятельная работа с текстами, раздаточным материалом, выполнение упражнений

Оснащение: карточки с заданиями, методическое пособие для студентов, мультимедиапроектор, компьютер

Межпредметные связи: фармакология, латинский язык, клинические дисциплины

Ход  занятия

I. Организационный момент.

   Приветствие. Беседа с дежурным.

   Today we continue our topic about drugs.

II. Актуализация опорных знаний с элементами проверки   домашнего              


  1. Let’s begin with phonetic exercises. Pay attention to the pronunciation these parts of the drugs names: -cillin-, -mycin-, -cyclin-, -sulfa-. (Appendix 1)
  2. Now let’s repeat some words and word combinations.

A). Translate into English.

Рецепт, порошок, таблетки, мазь, ампула, микстура, настойка, отвар, настой, кали, столовая ложка, чайная ложка, болеутоляющее средство, жаропонижающее средство, отхаркивающее средство, слабительное средство, противовоспалительное средство, мочегонное средство, сердечное средство, спазмолитическое средство, действие лекарственного средства, доза лекарственного средства, побочное действие, для внутреннего употребления, для наружного применения, назначать (вводить) лекарственное средство, внутривенно, внутримышечно, местно, подкожно.

Give all possible equivalents for «лекарственное средство»

B). Translate some sentences into English

1. Возьмите ампулы с омнопоном.

2. Примите две столовые ложки теплого отвара.

3. Взболтайте микстуру перед употреблением.

4. Примите эти капли с молоком.

5. Выпишите лекарство от головной боли.

6. Храните растворы в темном месте.

7. Не принимайте эти порошки на голодный желудок.

8. Препарат выпускается в таблетках.

С). Translate these sentences into Russian

1. Administered orally, this drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Having been given an injection of an anesthetic, the patient fell asleep.

3. The drug is effective only if taken regularly.

4. The new drug dissolves blood clots in the lung.

5. The patient said that the prescribed drug failed to relieve the pain.

   3.  You were supposed to prepare some reports and dialogues. Let’s listen to      

        your home tasks.

III.  Начальная мотивация учебной деятельности. Постановка цели.

       Your answers are quite well. You’ve already known about the medicinal forms, the metric system used in pharmacology, some groups of drugs and drug administering.

       Now you’ll get some information about such drug group as antibiotics.

       Today many drugs are made abroad.  Sometimes there is an annotation only in English. So you should know how to translate it into Russian.

 IY.  Изучение нового материала с поэтапной отработкой основных    


  1. Reading for specific information.  Now turn to the text «The Sulfonamides». (Appendix 2)

     a) Read and translate the text and answer the questions on the text working      

        individually (Exercise 1)

     b) Make sentences using following words (Exercise 2)

2.  Reading for detail. Our next text is «About Antibiotics». (Appendix 3)

    a) Read the text carefully, then answer the questions based on the text   working  

         individually (Exercise 1)

           b) Working in pairs make a dialogue using these questions (Exercise 1)

      3.  Listening Comprehension.

     a) Listen to the phrases which were used in different conversations. Which  ones are

        suitable to ask for a focused explanation?  Write the number of  the phrase.

  1. I understand this but could you explain the last thing you said?
  2. Can you give me an example of this?
  3. I’m not sure when to put salt in it.
  4. Can you give me some money?
  5. I’m not sure what dress to wear.
  6. Do you mean that I need two frying pans to cook it?
  7. Can you give me some medicine?
  8. Do you mean that he is tall?
  9. What exactly did you do?

            b)  You will hear short conversation in which people ask for focused explanation. How    

                 do they do it? What phrases from above do you hear?

                 Write them down. (Appendix 4)

  1. People often ask for an explanation. What conversation might take place if one person didn’t understand how to do something? Read these directions and complete the dialogue. Then listen to the dialogue to check. (Appendix 5)

      4.    Listening for specific information

             The next step of our lesson is the text «Amoxicillin». (Appendix 6)

  1. Listen to the text
  2. Point out in the text disorders which are considered as indications for the drug
  3. Point in the text contraindications for the drug
  4. Say to what patients you would prescribe the drug presented in the text and justify your opinion
  5. Say to what patient you would not prescribe the drug presented in the text and justify your opinion
  6. Say what you should warn a patient of when prescribing the drug presented in the text
  7. Explain to a patient how to use the drug presented in the text

       5.  Writing.

    Translate the drug annotation from Russian into English.

  Students work in groups of four.

  Take any drug annotation. You should translate it. Follow this plan.

  Indications / Uses



        Precautions: use in pregnancy, nursing mothers, use in children/pediatric use,

        elderly/geriatric use

        Adverse reactions


        Dosage and administration

  Y.  Обобщение и систематизация изученного материала

 Now you are able to talk about such drug group as antibiotics. You know how to use   phrases for focused explanations. You can use drug annotations and get the necessary information about the drug.

       Let’s repeat the main parts of any annotation. (Indications / Uses,  contraindications,    

       warnings, precautions, adverse reactions, side-effects,  dosage and administration)

       I want you to pronounce some drugs  

 YI. Сообщение домашнего материала

      Your home task is to translate into English any annotation you like, repeat  

       words and word combinations.

 YII. Заключительная часть

       Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

                                                                                        Appendix 1

Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Oxacillin, Azlocillin, Bicillin

Erythromycin, Neomycin, Streptomycin, Azithromycin, Brulamycin, Vancomycin

Tetracyclin, Ditetracyclin, Doxycyclin, Metacyclin, Oxitetracyclin

Sulfamilamid, Sulfalen, Sulfamonomethoxine, Sulfadimidin, Sulfadiazin

                                                                                        Appendix 2

                                            THE SULFONAMIDES

            Sulfonamides were discovered in 1935. Sulfa drugs were widely used in medicine during World War II. Sulfa drugs treat many infectious diseases. They are also preventing meningitis, scarlet fever, mumps and chicken-pox. Sulfonamides are often used in place of antibiotics. Sometimes sulfonamides produce toxic side-effects: nausea, vomit, headache, rash.      

Exercise 1.  Answer these questions:

  1. When were sulfonamides discovered?
  2. When were sulfa drugs widely used?
  3. What diseases do sulfa drugs treat?
  4. Do sulfa drugs produce side-effects?

Exercise 2.  Make up the sentences out of the words:

  1. Treat, diseases, drugs, many, sulfa, infectious.
  2. Prevent, mumps, sulfa, scarlet, drugs, fever, chicken-pox, and.
  3. Sulfa, side-effects, sometimes, drugs, produce.
  4. Sulfonamides, were, 1935, in, discovered.

        Appendix 3

                                          ABOUT ANTIBIOTICS

       The term “antibiotic” means (anti – against, bios – life) “against life”. It shows that antibiotics kill some of the simple organisms.

  This effect of antibiotics was discovered by Fleming in 1929. Penicillin was

the first of the antibiotics.

   It is effective against many infections. Penicillin is given orally,

intramuscularly and topically.

   Streptomycin is effective in many cases when penicillin can’t help. It is

soluble in water. It is given intramuscularly and orally.

   Erythromycin is used by patients who are hypertensive to penicillin.

Erythromycin is used in water solutions for ear and nose infections. It is also made in tablets.

   Neomycin is effective against a wide variety of microbes.  It gives little or no

allergic reactions. It is given orally and topically. In some cases neomycin is used as a wet dressing instead of ointment.            

Exercise 1.  Answer these questions:

              1. What does the term “antibiotic” mean?

                   2. Who discovered the fist antibiotics?

                   3. How is penicillin given to the patients?

                   4. Is streptomycin soluble in water?

                   5. Does neomycin give allergic reactions?

                                                                                       Appendix 4

 - Take two tablets with water every 4 hours.

 - I understand how often I should take it. But can you explain the first thing you said?

 - Uh… Yu can chew or swallow tablets with water.


                                                                                        Appendix 5



Adults: 2 tablets up to four times daily with water.

Children (6 – 12 years): ½ to 1 tablet up to 4 times daily with water/

- Take 2 tablets with water. Maximum 4 doses per day.

- …

- You shouldn’t take more than 4 doses (8 tablets) in a 24-hour period.


- Take 2 tablets with water. Maximum 4 doses per day.

- I got what you said about water but could you explain about the doses?

- You shouldn’t take more than 4 doses (8 tablets) in a 24-hour period.

                                                                                         Appendix 6


Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic. It fights bacteria in your body.

Amoxicillin is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as ear infections, bladder infections, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and E. coli or salmonella infection.

Do not use this medication if you are allergic to amoxicillin or to any other penicillin antibiotic.

Before using amoxicillin,  tell your doctor if you have asthma, liver or kidney disease, a bleeding or blood clotting disorder, mononucleosis, or any type of allergy.

Amoxicillin can make birth control pills less effective.  Amoxicillin can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby.

Amoxicillin will not treat a viral infection such as the common cold or flu.

Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea.

Take amoxicillin exactly as prescribed by your doctor.  Follow the directions on your prescription label. You may take amoxicillin with or without food.

Amoxicillin side effects: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat; white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips;

fever, swollen glands, rash or itching, joint pain, or general ill feeling; severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash; pale or yellowed skin, yellowing of the eyes, dark colored urine, fever, confusion or weakness; severe tingling, numbness, pain, muscle weakness; or easy bruising, unusual bleeding (nose, mouth, vagina, or rectum), purple or red pinpoint spots under your skin.

Less serious amoxicillin side effects may include: stomach pain, nausea, vomiting;

vaginal itching or discharge; headache; or  swollen, black, or "hairy" tongue.


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