"Звёздный час"
видеоурок по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Сальникова Наталья Анатольевна  https://infourok.ru/ur/c2Fsbmlrb3ZhLW5hdGFseWEtYW5hdG9sZXZuYQ==

Внеклассное мероприятие для 5-6 классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Звездный час (тема «Праздники»)


1.   Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Праздники».

2.  Развитие аудитивных, грамматических и лексических навыков.

3.   Развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка. Оборудование: 10 кубиков (на каждой грани кубика написаны

английские буквы); жетоны для игры «Аукцион»; наборное полотно; таблички с названиями праздников; слова на табличках по теме «Праздники»; таблички с номерами от 1 до 5 по количеству участников.

Ход мероприятия

I.   Организационный момент

-   I am glad to see you. How are you today? I hope you are fine. Today we shall play the game "The Star Hour". Our topic is "Holidays and Traditions of English-speaking Countries". We shall have a talk about the most interesting and unusual customs and traditions.

Учитель приветствует учащихся и сообщает им цель урока. В игре принимают участие 6—8 человек. Для проверки и оценивания заданий выбирается жюри в составе 3-4 человек. Выполняя задания различных туров, участники игры за правильные ответы получают звездочки. Победителем игры считается тот, кто набрал больше всех очков - звездочек.

II.   1-й тур

-1 want you to listen to my stories. I shall describe different holidays. You can see the names and the numbers of the holidays on the blackboard and you will use the cards with the numbers on your desks.

Учитель зачитывает небольшие рассказы - описание различных праздников. На доске заранее развешиваются пронумерованные таблички с названиями праздников. Ученики, прослушав рассказ, поднимают табличку с номером - названием хобби. Если ответ ученика правильный, то он получает звездочку. По окончании первого тура ученик, у которого оказалось меньше звездочек, выбывает из игры.

Примерные таблички с названиями праздников и традиций:

1.  Eisteddfod

2. St. Valentine's Day

3.  Thanksgiving Day

4.  Hogmanay

5.   Easter

Примерные рассказы учителя:

  1. People visit their friends' houses just after midnight on New Year's night. The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. At midnight when the clock begins to strike 12, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the old year out and let the New Year in.

  1. People call this person the saint of love. On this day people write their names on cards with hearts on them. They dcn't put their names at the end of their cards because they want their name to be a secret. Children and older people give cards, presents and flowers to their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives.

C)  It is the most picturesque and most moving ceremony in Wales. Here the love of song       and poetry of the Welsh is organized to make a spectacle unique in the world. This holiday calls upon the people of Wales each year to send forth its singers and poets to take part in this colourful tournament. This event takes place at some place in South Wales (in even years) and North Wales (in uneven years).

  1. Many modern symbols of this holiday came from pagan times. The egg was a fertility symbol long before the Christian era. The ancient custom of dyeing eggs on this holiday is still very popular. The rabbit was a symbol of new life. Today children enjoy eating sweet rabbits and listening to stories about the bunny who brings eggs in a fancy basket.

E)    It is a special day for families to get together and give thanks for different things. They usually thank for being well, for a healthy year and a good job, for meeting new friends. This holiday is on the fourth Thursday of November. Only Americans celebrate it.

Ключи: A - 4; В - 2; С - 1; D - 5; E - 3.

Утверждения учителя:

1.   The Easter weekend is at the end of May or at the beginning of June. (I disagree with you. The Easter weekend is at the end of March or at the beginning of April.)

2.  On the 5th of July in 1776 the United States became independent from England. (I disagree with you. On the 4th of July in 1776 the United States became independent from England.)

3.  Americans celebrate Flag Day on the 14th of June. (I agree with you. Americans celebrate Flag Day on the 14th of June.)

4.  People make jokes on Fool's Day on the 1 of April. (I agree with you. People make jokes on Fool's Day on the 1 of April.)

5.  People wear blue and yellow on St. Patrick's Day because they are the Irish colours. (I disagree with you.People wear green on St. Patrick's Day because it is the Irish colour.)

6. On New Year's Day there are big football games and parades in America. (I agree with you. On New Year's Day there are big football games and parades in America.)

7. In the USA there are five national holidays that people celebrate in every American state. (I agree with you. In the USA there are five national holidays that people celebrate in every American state.)

VI.4-й тур. Игра «Аукцион»

Дети по очереди называют британские (американские) праздники и традиции. Учитель дает жетон за каждый правильный вариант ответа. Ученик, набравший большее количество жетонов, получает звезду. Ученик, набравший наименьшее количество жетонов, выбывает из игры. Проведение аукциона

1.    "Christmas"

1)    What are the Christmas celebrations dedicated to? (3 points)

-  The Christmas celebrations are dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ.

2) When is Christmas celebrated? (2 points)

-  Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December.

3)  What do the Christians usually do on the Christmas Eve? (3 points)

-  They go to the midnight mass.

4) What are the traditional symbols of Christmas? (4 points)

-   They are Santa Claus, Snowmen, a holly, a Christmas tree

5) Why do children like Christmas so much? (5 points)

- They like it because they get many presents and eat a lot of delicious food (Christmas pudding, cookies, sweets) at Christmas.

2. "Thanksgiving Day"

1) What are the Thanksgiving celebrations dedicated to? (4 points)

-  They are dedicated to the harvest and other blessings of the past year.

2) What do you know about the history of Thanksgiving Day? (5 points)

- As most Americans believe, Thanksgiving is modelled on the harvest feast, which took part in 1621 and was shared by the Pilgrims and Native Americans (in fact, today's Thanksgiving doesn't reflect that event).

3) Where did that harvest feast take place? (3 points)

-  The harvest feast of 1621 took place in Plymouth.

4) When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated? (2 points)

- Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the last Thursday in November.

5) What is the traditional Thanksgiving meal? (3 points)

-  The traditional Thanksgiving meal consists of a turkey, cranberry sauce and a pumpkin pie.

3. "Halloween"

1)  When is Halloween celebrated? (2 points)

-   Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October.

2) What happens at Halloween, as most people believe? (4 points)

-  Most people believe that ghosts and witches go out and walk all night before the first of November.

3) Why is Halloween a religious holiday among some Christians? (5 points)

- Halloween is a religious holiday among some Christians because it is the eve of All Saints' Day.

4)  What did Halloween originate in? (4points)

-  Halloween originated in the festival of Samhain among the Celts of ancient Britain and Ireland.

5) What do usually children do at Halloween? (3 points)

-  Children usually go from house to house with the threat that they will pull a trick if they do not receive a treat, which is usually candy.

4. "Independence Day"

1) When is Independence Day celebrated? (3 points)

- Independence Day is celebrated on the 4th of July.

2) What country celebrates Independence Day annually? (2 points)

-  The USA annually celebrates Independence Day.

3) Why is this holiday called so? (4 points)

-   Independence Day is called so because it commemorates the passage of the Declaration of Independence.

4) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? When was it written? (3 points)

-   The Declaration of Independence was written on the 4th of July in 1776 by the American colonists.

5) Why is Independence Day so important for Americans? (5 points)

-   Independence Day is important for Americans because it remains a potent symbol of national power and it is the celebration of nationhood

VII.5-й тур

Учитель открывает на доске заранее подготовленную запись слов «Christmas Day». За 2 минуты ученики, которые вышли в финал составляют новые слова из данного слова. Затем по очереди они называют свои слова. Каждое слово можно использовать только один раз. В финале выигрывает ученик, который назвал слово последним.

VIII. Подведение итогов

- So you can see that the winner of our game is Mike. Now is his "Star Hour". Let's listen to him. Thank you for the game. See you next week.

По окончании игры победитель получает право выступить с речью в течение 1-2 минут. Затем учитель организует награждение участников игры.


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