Тема урока: Журнал SHOUT
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Учитель Вдовина О.В. МБОУ СОШ №30 г. Тамбов

Комбинированный урок для обучающихся 8 класса по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой



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Предварительный просмотр:

Вдовина О.В.

Тема урока: Журнал SHOUT

Тип урока: Комбинированный урок

Цели урока:

  1. Практиковать учащихся в чтении и умении извлекать определенную информацию при чтении
  2. Формировать умение использовать языковую и контекстуальную догадку в процессе восприятия речи на слух и при чтении
  3. Развивать умение выражать свое отношение к прочитанному.
  4. Учить использованию в процессе чтения различных компенсаторных стратегий
  5. Развивать умение выполнять коллективное познавательно-поисковое задание на английском языке
  6. Развивать умение вести дискуссию в цивилизованной форме.
  7. Развивать умение излагать на английском языке результаты коллективной познавательно- поисковой деятельности
  8. Поощрять учащихся использовать изученные грамматические структуры для построения микровысказывания.
  9. Развитие умения оформить свои предложения средствами письменной речи

Ресурсы для проведения наглядности: компьютер, проектор

Использованные виды УУД: личностные, регулятивные, общепознавательные, коммуникативные

Ход урока

  1. Организация класса

Сообщение темы, цели задач урока и мотивация учебной деятельности.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания

Ex. 11, p. 110 (регулятивные УУД)

Workbook Ex. 5, p. 56 (познавательные УУД: постановка и решение проблем)

  1. Обучение основным коммуникативным умениям

  1. Обучение чтению (проецируются страницы журнала “Shout”, познавательные УУД, общеучебные, смысловое чтение текстов, извлечение информации; логический анализ установление причинно-следственных связей, построение логической цепочки рассуждений, выдвижение гипотез и доказательства)

Упр 24. Read the teenagers’ letters to the youth magazine “Shout” to the section called “A problem shared…”

Упр 25. Look through Lena’s letter again. Find in the letter and read the sentences having similar meaning with the expressions


  1. My parents are getting me down about my homework
  2. She makes me do all my homework in advice before I’m allowed out.
  3. I’m in the top group (for every subject) and often get the highest mark in the class.
  4. I’m under so much strain
  5. They went mad about comment
  6. I’ve spoken to my mum about it but it didn’t work.

Упр 26. Read Bill Barrington’s letter again. Replace some parts of the letter with the following expressions. Write the letter down.


  1. They make fun of me.
  2. They say it’s not suitable.
  3. My friends have arranged things without me.
  4. I’m not very rich.

Упр. 27 Read Tracey Donmal’s letter again and answer the questions


  1. Who’s older Tracey or her sister? – Tracey’s sister is older than she.
  2. Were the sisters friends a few years ago? – Yes, they were. Tracey’s big sister was nice and kind to her. They played games together all the time.
  3. Why is Tracey worried  about her sister? – Because Tracey’s sister hates seeing people eating. She makes faces at other people all the time. She has rather strange habits.
  4. What strange habits of her sister does Tracey write about? – She locks herself in the toilet for two ours every day.
  5. Do you think it’s a typical teenage problem? – I’m not sure. It’s a rather unusual a strange habit.

  1. Обучение говорению (коммуникативные УУД: построение речевых высказываний, умение слышать, уважать чужое мнение, четко и грамотно выражать свое мнение, принимать позицию собеседника, умение аргументировать свое мнение, согласование действий с партнером)

  1. Учитель: What problems have teenagers according to the text? (учащиеся называют и на доску с компьютера проецируется проблема)

  1. Упр. 28. In groups of 4-5 discuss the letters you’ve just read. Say if these teenagers’ problems are the same as those you’ve written on your list.


Lena’s parents are supervising her all the time. That is why she is under so much strain. I have the same problem. My parents aren’t happy with my marks at school.

It’s a pity hey can’t realize I can’t do better. It’ so annoying!

Упр. 29. Share the information between the groups.

Make a general list of problems teenagers usually have in their families all over the world. Put the most important problem under number one.

Упр 30. a) Choose the problem which is the most important for you. Find out which of your classmates thinks he same.

Use: As for me/ I think / I believe / In my opinion


-to try to find one’s place in the world

- to come across different problems

- to face the same problems which were acute to the parents when they were young

- to have one’s own ideals and system of values concerning every aspect of human life

- Adults always complain that the young are not what they were. These words are repeated from generation to generation

- not to accept the ideals of parents

- …the young look forward and the old look backward

- The adult always teach the young how to live

- The young know what they want

- to prefer to make  one’s own mistakes rather than to listen to the warnings of the adults

- to want to live one’s own life

- to have different points of view concerning everything

- It generate the conflict of the generations

- “The adults start the war but the young die in it”

- to be tolerant and patient

- …my parents are my best friends

- to help each other

- not to betray each other

- to be on good terms with his or her classmates

- to have a real friend

- …tolerance is the pledge of the friendship

- to understand and respect each other

- to be concerned with education / money / employment / hobby / spending free time / communication / etc.

- not to have one’s own apartment

- to want to be a success

- to have too much household duties / to have a lot of work to do about the house

- to air the flat; to water the flowers; to sweep the floor; to wash the floor; to dust the furniture; to clean (to do) the room; to send the linn to the laundry; to iron the linen; to clean the carpets with a vacuum-cleaner; to beat a carpet; to shake mats; to wash up the dishes; to repair smth.; to tidy up the rooms; to walk the dog; to empty a trash (garbage) can (bin), etc.

- to do all the work about the house

-…my usual round of duties

b) Write a collective letter to Angela

3. Постановка задания на дом. Homework

1) Упр. 12

Write a letter to Angela. Tell her about your personal problems.

Use Lena’s, Tracey’s and Bill’s letters as examples.

2)Упр. 14

Translate into English.


1 Don’t go mad about your marks! You are in the top group for every subject. But you can’t know everything.

2 I’m worried about my mother. She became moody. How can / could I help her?

3 My friend has got strange habits. She makes faces at boys and calls them names. Everyone laughs at her. What’s wrong with her?

III. Подведение итогов урока. Комментарий оценок.

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Комбинированный урок для обучающихся 8 класса по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой