Проверочная работа №1 по теме "Страдательный залог". 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Левина Ольга Борисовна

Проверочная работа на умение переводить предложения из действительного залога в страдательный.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Работа № 1

Цель данной работы:

 проверить у учащихся умение правильно переводить предложения из действительного  в страдательный залог.

Работа составлялась к учебнику  В.Эванс, Дж. Дули «Английский язык»                    (« Английский в фокусе») 8 класс, но возможно использование данного теста и с другим учебным пособием.

Тест можно использовать  на  уроках в виде «пятиминуток».

                                                                                        Левина О.Б.

Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1 The pop star sang the song.

2 The chef hasn’t made dinner.

3 An explorer has found a dinosaur egg.

4 Mrs. Gates will look after the baby.

5 They won’t take him after the party.

6 Someone left the door open.

7 Jenny didn’t break the window.

8 Someone is using the computer.

9 His brother taught him to drive.

10 Many people speak English.

 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

 1 The pop star sang the song.

 2 The chef hasn’t made dinner.

 3 An explorer has found a dinosaur egg.

 4 Mrs. Gates will look after the baby.

 5 They won’t take him after the party.

 6 Someone left the door open.

 7 Jenny didn’t break the window.

 8 Someone is using the computer.

 9 His brother taught him to drive.

 10 Many people speak English

Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1 The pop star sang the song.

2 The chef hasn’t made dinner.

3 An explorer has found a dinosaur egg.

4 Mrs. Gates will look after the baby.

5 They won’t take him after the party.

6 Someone left the door open.

7 Jenny didn’t break the window.

8 Someone is using the computer.

9 His brother taught him to drive.

10 Many people speak English

 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

 1 The pop star sang the song.

 2 The chef hasn’t made dinner.

 3 An explorer has found a dinosaur egg.

 4 Mrs. Gates will look after the baby.

 5 They won’t take him after the party.

 6 Someone left the door open.

 7 Jenny didn’t break the window.

 8 Someone is using the computer.

 9 His brother taught him to drive.

 10 Many people speak English

Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1 The pop star sang the song.

2 The chef hasn’t made dinner.

3 An explorer has found a dinosaur egg.

4 Mrs. Gates will look after the baby.

5 They won’t take him after the party.

6 Someone left the door open.

7 Jenny didn’t break the window.

8 Someone is using the computer.

9 His brother taught him to drive.

10 Many people speak English

 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

 1 The pop star sang the song.

 2 The chef hasn’t made dinner.

 3 An explorer has found a dinosaur egg.

 4 Mrs. Gates will look after the baby.

 5 They won’t take him after the party.

 6 Someone left the door open.

 7 Jenny didn’t break the window.

 8 Someone is using the computer.

 9 His brother taught him to drive.

 10 Many people speak English

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