Методическая разработка к уроку “Country and people” (Английский язык 6, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И. В.)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Хребтова Анастасия Владимировна

Методическая разработка к уроку “Country and people” (Английский язык 6, Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И. В.)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Цели урока:

развитие навыков чтения и говорения на основе прочитанного текста «География и население США»        

Оборудование: компьютер, презентация по географии и населению США, CD

  1. Сообщение цели урока

Т- Today we are going to read and talk about the USA. You will learn why the USA is often called the big melting pot.

  1. Тренировка в чтении географических названий

На экране карта  США: Look at the map. First of all, let's learn how and repeat the words after the speaker.

Ученики хором повторяют за диктором.

 T: Read the words one by one.

Ученики читают слова.

T: Look at the map, I show you places you name them.

Ученики по очереди географические объекты.

T: Look at the map again, I name you places you show them. Find these places using the map.

Alaska, Hawaii, the Pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, Florida.

Ученики по очереди выходят к доске и показывают соответствующие географические объекты

  1. Повторение лексики прошлого урока

Find ‘odd-one-out’

  1. The Atlantic ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska.
  2. Shore, island, river, plain, coast.
  3. Sunny cold, snowy, winter, dry
  4. Natural wonders, mountains, forests, deserts, grasslands
  5. Empty, kind, wide, powerful, high.

  1. Чтение текста Country and people

Т: Now read the text and say what facts you have never heard before

Ученики читают текст вслух.

  1. Проверка понимания

Т: Look through the text again and answer the questions.

  1. Where is the US situated? 2.
  2. What is it washed by?
  3. What is the typical weather of the country?
  4. What the scenery of the country?
  5. What is the population the country?
  6. What are the most famous places to enjoy the beauty and power of wild America?
  7. What mighty rivers of the USA do you know?
  8. What big mountain chains can you name?
  9. What attracts people to the Grand Canyon?
  10. Why do people say that the US is a young country?
  11. What do the authors of the text say a Americans' likes and interests?
  12. How do you understand the phrase "The US is a big melting pot"?

Say True or False.

  1. Alaska and Hawaii don't belong to the USA.
  2. The US has almost every kind of weather.
  3. More than 250 million people live in the north of the US.
  4. The Mississippi begins in the west and ends in the east.
  5. I he Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon over millions of years,
  6. The USA is a young country.
  7. Americans are not interested in old traditions.
  8. There is a mixture of customs and traditions in the US.

T: Correct the wrong sentences please.

  1. Тренировка навыков чтения вслух (аудиозапись №69)

T: Listen to the speaker and try to read in the same manner.

Ученики слушают и читают вслух часть текста Country and People

  1. Тренировка навыков устной речи на основе прочитанного текста

Work in pairs. Ask questions on points below and answer them.

  • The number of states in the US How many states are there in the USA?
  • The waters the US is washed by. What waters is the country washed by?
  • The kinds of land the US has. What kinds of land does the USA have?
  • The size of the Grand Canyon. What is the size of the Grand Canyon?
  • The "New World". Why is the US called the New World?
  • The days of the "Wild West". What do Americans mean under the «Wild West»?
  • The number of people living in the US. What is the population of the US?
  • The greatest rivers in the US. What big rivers of the USA do you know?
  • The biggest mountain chains in the US. What big mountain chains of the US can you name?
  • The big melting pot. How do you understand the phrase «The USA is a big melting pot»?
  • A mixture of customs and traditions. How do you explain the mixture of customs and traditions in the US?

  1. Итоги урока

T: Good jobs. Thank you very much for the lesson. What have you learnt? Your home task will be to prepare a short talk using the questions as a plan.

Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает

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