Конкурс знатоков английской грамматики "Present Simple\ Present Perfect\ Past Simple"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Познахарева Юлия Анатольевна

Конкурсные задания для проверки знаний по теме "Present Simple\ Present Perfect \ Past Simple", внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке,6 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конкурс знатоков английской грамматики. 6 класс

Цели:*  обобщение материала по теме «Времена английского глагола» (настоящее

              неопределенное, прошедшее неопределенное, настоящее завершенное);

             * закрепление грамматических навыков;

             * тренировка монологической и диалогической речи.

Оборудование: грамматические задания на карточках, запись на доске.

Ход мероприятия:

Конкурс 1.

  • Our topic is the tense English verb. The first task for you is to read the sentence and name the tense. You will have 5 minutes to do the task.

  1. I have never been to Great Britain.
  2. We play tennis every day.
  3. He usually goes to the shop in the evening.
  4. My uncle built his house 2 years ago.
  5. Bob has already done his homework.
  6. Nick was at school yesterday.
  7. Little children like to sledge in winter.
  8. I had 5 lessons оn Monday.
  9. They have lived in Moscow since Thursday.


  1. Present Perfect.
  2. Present Simple.
  3. Present Simple.
  4. Past Simple.
  5. Present Perfect.
  6. Past Simple.
  7. Present Simple.
  8. Past Simple.
  9. Present Perfect.

Конкурс 2.

  • So we shall remember The Present Simple, the Present Perfect, the  Past Simple. the next task for you is to answer my questions using these tenses.

  1. Do you have 5 lessons every day?
  2. Have you played tennis this week?
  3. Did you go to the shop yesterday?
  4. Did you have dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday?
  5. Do you usually play with your friends?
  6. Have you done your homework yet?

Конкурс 3.

- Now I want you to look at the blackboard. You can see the sentences and you will have to complete them.

Complete the sentences using the words DO/DOES, DID, HAVE/HAS, WAS/WERE

  1. …you like to play hockey? Yes, I …
  2. …your father clean his car 3 days ago? No, he …not.
  3. …she gone to school yet? Yes, she …
  4. They … done their homework.
  5. … you in the park yesterday? No, I …not.
  6. Helen …not have breakfast at 5 o’clock.


  1. Do, do.
  2. Did, did.
  3. Has, has.
  4. Have.
  5. Were, was.
  6. Does.

Конкурс 4. Конкурс капитанов.

- Now I want you to make questions from these sentences. You can use these words :


  1. I went to park with my brother yesterday.
  2. He has been to Africa with his sister this year.


  1. Who went to park with my brother yesterday?
  2. What did I do yesterday?
  3. Where did I go yesterday?
  4. When did I go to the park?
  5. With whom did I go to the park?

  1. Who has been to Africa with his sister this year?
  2. What has he done this year?
  3. Where has he been with his sister this year?
  4. When has he been to Africa with his sister?
  5. With whom has he been to Africa?

  • It is time to count your score. Who is the winner of the game?
  • Thank you for the lesson, children. Do you like the lesson? What do you like to do?
  •  It is time to say good-bye. Our lesson is over.


Task 1.

  1. I have never been to Great Britain.
  2. We play tennis every day.
  3. He usually goes to the shop in the evening.
  4. My uncle built his house 2 years ago.
  5. Bob has already done his homework.
  6. Nick was at school yesterday.
  7. Little children like to sledge in winter.
  8. I had 5 lessons оn Monday.
  9. They have lived in Moscow since Thursday.

Task 3.

Complete the sentences using the words DO/DOES, DID, HAVE/HAS, WAS/WERE

  1. you like to play hockey? Yes, I …
  2. …your father clean his car 3 days ago? No, he …not.
  3. …she gone to school yet? Yes, she …
  4. They … done their homework.
  5. … you in the park yesterday? No, I …not.
  6. Helen …not have breakfast at 5 o’clock.

Task 4.

- Now I want you to make questions from these sentences. You can use these words :


  1. I went to park with my brother yesterday.
  2. He has been to Africa with his sister this year.

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