Самостоятельная работа по теме: "Инфинитив/Герундий" 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Данный материал можно использовать при активизации грамматического навыка по теме "Инфинитиф/Герундий"


Файл 10_klass_infinitif_gerundiy.docx12.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Gerund or infinitive: choose the correct answer.

  1. I wish (to see/ seeing) you as soon as possible.
  2. Tom suggested (to go/ going) to the cinema.
  3. How old were you when you learnt (to drive/ driving)?
  4. I remember (to meet/ meeting) him last year.
  5. I must remember (to meet/ meeting) him at the station tomorrow.
  6. I remember (to close/ closing) the door, but Iʹm not sure that I locked it.
  7. I will never forget (to go/ going) out with my aunt in my childhood.
  8. We tried (to put/putting) the fire out but we were unsuccessful.
  9. You don’t need (to ask/asking) his permission every time you want (to leave/leaving) the room.
  10. Your hair needs (to cut/ cutting).
  11. We stopped there (to buy/ buying) some biscuits.
  12. Please, stop (to ask/ asking) me questions.
  13. I canʹt stand (to work/ working) in an office.
  14. They canʹt  promise (to finish/ finishing) the work today.
  15. We hope (to arrive/ arriving) by half past seven.
  16. I am really looking forward to (to start/ starting) my new course.
  17. My sister has agreed (to help/helping) with the decorating.
  18. They managed (to save/ saving) enough to buy a car.
  19. I don’t mind (to drive/ driving) to the restaurant.
  20. Sometimes she puts off (to do/ doing) her homework.

Gerund or infinitive: choose the correct answer.

  1. I wish (to see/ seeing) you as soon as possible.
  2. Tom suggested (to go/ going) to the cinema.
  3. How old were you when you learnt (to drive/ driving)?
  4. I remember (to meet/ meeting) him last year.
  5. I must remember (to meet/ meeting) him at the station tomorrow.
  6. I remember (to close/ closing) the door, but Iʹm not sure that I locked it.
  7. I will never forget (to go/ going) out with my aunt in my childhood.
  8. We tried (to put/putting) the fire out but we were unsuccessful.
  9. You don’t need (to ask/asking) his permission every time you want (to leave/leaving) the room.
  10. Your hair needs (to cut/ cutting).
  11. We stopped there (to buy/ buying) some biscuits.
  12. Please, stop (to ask/ asking) me questions.
  13. I canʹt stand (to work/ working) in an office.
  14. They canʹt  promise (to finish/ finishing) the work today.
  15. We hope (to arrive/ arriving) by half past seven.
  16. I am really looking forward to (to start/ starting) my new course.
  17. My sister has agreed (to help/helping) with the decorating.
  18. They managed (to save/ saving) enough to buy a car.
  19. I don’t mind (to drive/ driving) to the restaurant.
  20. Sometimes she puts off (to do/ doing) her homework.

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