Методическая разработка урока 7 класс Enjoy English
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Урок по теме «Round - the –World Tour»

Enjoy English 4. М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева

7 класс

Цель: Систематизировать страноведческие знания по теме: «English speaking countries».

Задачи: 1. Активизировать изучение лексических единиц по теме, тренировать учащихся в их употреблении.

             2. Развивать умения извлекать конкретную информацию из текста.

             3. Развивать навыки говорения.

             4. Учить распознавать и употреблять временные формы Present Simple, Past simple, Future Simple в пассивном (страдательном залоге).

               5. Развитие навыка языковой догадки, памяти, совершенствование внимания.

               6. Воспитание интереса к странам изучаемого языка, к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: письма приглашения, карточки задания по теме «сrucial problems of the XXI century», карточки – задания по грамматике (Passive Voice), магнитофон, CD.

Метод: Коммуникативный

Технология: применение ИКТ


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Урок по теме «Round - the –World Tour»

Enjoy English 4. М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева.

7 класс, 2014год.

Учитель: Артюхина Г.Ф.

Цель: Систематизировать страноведческие знания по теме: «English speaking countries».

Задачи: 1. Активизировать изучение лексических единиц по теме, тренировать учащихся в их употреблении.

             2. Развивать умения извлекать конкретную информацию из текста.

             3. Развивать навыки говорения.

             4. Учить распознавать и употреблять временные формы Present Simple, Past simple, Future Simple в пассивном (страдательном залоге).

               5. Развитие навыка языковой догадки, памяти, совершенствование внимания.

               6. Воспитание интереса к странам изучаемого языка, к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: письма приглашения, карточки задания по теме «сrucial problems of the XXI century», карточки – задания по грамматике (Passive Voice), магнитофон, CD.

Метод: Коммуникативный

Технология: применение ИКТ

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning boys and girls!

Nice to see you again.

How are you?

        It’s time to say Hellow!

        It’s time to say Hellow!

         It’s time to say Hellow!

        And start our lesson.

1. Речевая зарядка.

Lets warm up!

A. Answer to my questions.

  • Do you like to travel? (2-3 students)
  • With whom do you like to travel? Do you like to travel with your relatives? (classmates, brothers and sisters, friends, cousins).
  • Where do people usually travel to? (to the country, to the mountains,                  to the seaside, to the city, to the foreign countries.

Traveling is exciting and unusual

Today we are going to speak about traveling to the foreign countries.

  1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

Let’s remember continents and countries.

  1. look at the blackboard and read after me!
  2. st., read continents (countries).
  3. Match the capital and its country.

  1. The winners of the Teenagers’ competitions are going to take part in Round –the – World Tour. They want to invite you to join them. I’ve got letters from them.

--But they want you to guess what countries they invite you to. Write down the country and give facts for it. (слабые учащиеся) – work in pairs

- Describe the country in a few words. ( сильные учащиеся)

       Try your chance!

       Don’t miss a very good chance! Good luck!

f) to control the task: name the country, give facts to prove it, add some information. (Do you guess the country? Why do you think, that it is …? Can you add anything?

  1. Работа с текстом учебника.

It’s time to check up our guesses!

Open the books p. 52 and let’s find out if we were right guessing the countries.

A.  Ex. 74  Timothy Gumbrell’ letter to the winners.

Read the letter and find in the text: 1. the countries

                                                               2. the continents the winners are going to visit.

                                                     3. What are the winners going to do there?

What town have they come to begin there exciting tour?

How many countries  are they invited to visit? What are these countries? Which continents will be visited? What are they going to do during their tour?

B. Answer the questions.  Ex. 75 p 52.

C. Ex 78 p 53 Say what vital and crucial problems the teenagers solve in the XXI century.--------1) read and translate the words.

                                2) match the problems and the way to protect from these problems.


The way to protect

1. dangerous diseases

to protect our environment from wastes

2. pollution

to find cures for AIDS and cancer

3. endangered animals

to protect forests, seas, oceans, to save animals

4. new local wars

to live in peace, to have a lot in common

5. dangerous technologies

to travel in space and explore it

6. star wars

to ask scientists not to use dangerous technologies

7. everyday problems

to make friends with other people and discuss them

 And so… Do you want to join the winners? Do you know the countries you are going to visit? Will you be able to speak about vital and crucial problems of the XXI century?

Физкультминутка  Let’s have a short rest!

Put your hands afield the air

And shake your bodies round

hands upon your toes

And turn around, around

Hands wave up high,

Hands down low

Stamp with your feet

And jump, jump, jump

  1. Тренировка употребления грамматических форм Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple in Passive Voice.
  1. Фронтальная работа (на доске)

Let’s remember:  Passive Voice

                           To be + Participle II

Match the tense and grammar form.

Present Simple                       was/were + participle II

Past Simple                             will be    + participle II

Future Simple                          am/ is/are + participle II

 Fill in the necessary grammar form.

  1. Canada ___________________/visit/ by the winners next month.
  2. The computers __________________/buy/ in the shop last summer.
  3. The room ________________ /clean tomorrow.

B. Work for yourselves. Fill in the necessary grammar form. (Самостоятельная работа по карточкам).

Задание  низкого уровня.

1. The letter __________________/ send/ three days ago.

2. English __________________ /speak/ all over the world.

3. The game ________________/play/ in for days.

  1. Ice-cream ______________/make/ of milk.
  2. French, Spain and Maory ________________/speak/ in English speaking countries.
  3. The cup___________________/break/ yesterday.

Задание среднего уровня.

Перевести с русского на английский

  1. Эту вазу разбили вчера.
  2. Масло делают из молока
  3. Учебники получили в библиотеке.
  4. На анлийском говорят во всем мире.
  5. Марину видели на дискотеке.
  6. Дворец построили в 17 веке.

Высокий уровень сложности.

Составить 6 предложения с использованием настоящего простого, прошедшего простого и будущего простого времен в пассивном залоге.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

 Let’s check up your homework.

Ex. 71. p. 51.

  1. Домашнее задание: Р.Т. упр.1,2 стр.40-41
  1. Подведение итогов урока.

B. Fill in the necessary grammar forms: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple in Passive Voice.

  1. The letter __________________/ send/ three days ago.
  2. English __________________ /speak/ all over the world.
  3. The game ________________/play/ in for days.
  4. Ice-cream ______________/make/ of milk.
  5. French, Spain and Maory ________________/speak/ in English speaking countries.
  6. The cup___________________/break/ yesterday.

B. Fill in the necessary grammar forms: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple in Passive Voice.

  1. The letter __________________/ send/ three days ago.
  2. English __________________ /speak/ all over the world.
  3. The game ________________/play/ in for days.
  4. Ice-cream ______________/make/ of milk.
  5. French, Spain and Maory ________________/speak/ in English speaking countries.
  6. The cup___________________/break/ yesterday.

B. Fill in the necessary grammar forms: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple in Passive Voice.

  1. The letter __________________/ send/ three days ago.
  2. English __________________ /speak/ all over the world.
  3. The game ________________/play/ in for days.
  4. Ice-cream ______________/make/ of milk.
  5. French, Spain and Maory ________________/speak/ in English speaking countries.
  6. The cup___________________/break/ yesterday.

B. Fill in the necessary grammar forms: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple in Passive Voice.

  1. The letter __________________/ send/ three days ago.
  2. English __________________ /speak/ all over the world.
  3. The game ________________/play/ in for days.
  4. Ice-cream ______________/make/ of milk.
  5. French, Spain and Maory ________________/speak/ in English speaking countries.
  6. The cup___________________/break/ yesterday.

Match the problems and the way to protect these problems.


The way to protect

1. dangerous diseases

to protect our environment from wastes

2. pollution

to find cures for AIDS and cancer

3. endangered animals

to protect forests, seas, oceans, to save animals

4. new local wars

to live in peace, to have a lot in common

5. dangerous technologies

to travel in space and explore it

6. star wars

to ask scientists not to use dangerous technologies

7. everyday problems

to make friends with other people and discuss them

Match the problems and the way to protect these problems.


The way to protect

1. dangerous diseases

to protect our environment from wastes

2. pollution

to find cures for AIDS and cancer

3. endangered animals

to protect forests, seas, oceans, to save animals

4. new local wars

to live in peace, to have a lot in common

5. dangerous technologies

to travel in space and explore it

6. star wars

to ask scientists not to use dangerous technologies

7. everyday problems

to make friends with other people and discuss them

Match the problems and the way to protect these problems.


The way to protect

1. dangerous diseases

to protect our environment from wastes

2. pollution

to find cures for AIDS and cancer

3. endangered animals

to protect forests, seas, oceans, to save animals

4. new local wars

to live in peace, to have a lot in common

5. dangerous technologies

to travel in space and explore it

6. star wars

to ask scientists not to use dangerous technologies

7. everyday problems

to make friends with other people and discuss them

Match the problems and the way to protect these problems.


The way to protect

1. dangerous diseases

to protect our environment from wastes

2. pollution

to find cures for AIDS and cancer

3. endangered animals

to protect forests, seas, oceans, to save animals

4. new local wars

to live in peace, to have a lot in common

5. dangerous technologies

to travel in space and explore it

6. star wars

to ask scientists not to use dangerous technologies

7. everyday problems

to make friends with other people and discuss them

Dear Friends!

Describe the country in a few words.


  1. Continent.
  2. Population.
  3. Official language.
  4. What is famous for
  5. Capital.

You are welcome!

The winners.


Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


  1. The country is in the north of America.
  2. It is second largest country in the world.
  3. The official languages are English and French.
  4. The official emblem is a maple leaf, you can see it on the back of there famous hockey players.
  5. It`s famous for the best hockey players
  6. The capital is Ottawa.

You are welcome!

The winners.

Dear Friends!

Describe the country in a few words.


  1. Continent.
  2. Population.
  3. Official language.
  4. What is famous for
  5. Capital.

You are welcome!

The winners.

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


  1. The country is in the North America.
  2. It is the third largest country in the world.
  3. The official language is English, the second is Spanish.
  4. It is famous for its skyscrapers
  5. The famous city is New York.
  6. The capital is Washington.

You are welcome!

The winners.

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


  1. It is an islands state in Europe.

     2.It`s one of the smallest countries in the world, twice smaller than France and Spain.

      3. The official language is English.

       4. It`s famous for its old traditions, for its sights.

        5. The capital of the country is London.  

You are welcome!

The winners.

Dear Friends!

Describe the country in a few words.

New Zealand.

  1. Continent.
  2. Population.
  3. Official language.
  4. What is famous for
  5. Capital.

You are welcome!

The winners.

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


  1. It`s a small and quiet country in the Pacific Ocean. It is similar to Colorado, bigger than the UK
  2. The population of the country is mixed.
  3. The official languages are English and Maori.
  4. It is called «The World`s Biggest Farm» and famous for its products: butter, cheese, meet. They say : “There are 4 million humans and 40 million sheep. The country presents a huge variety of landscapes.

Fourteen national parks protect New Zealand's most famous natural assets. Here

you'll find native plants found nowhere else on earth but New Zealand

  1. The capital is Wellington.

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


  1. The country is in the north of America.
  2. It is second largest country in the world.
  3. The official languages are English and French.
  4. The official emblem is a maple leaf, you can see it on the back of there famous hockey players.
  5. It`s famous for the best hockey players
  6. The capital is Ottawa.

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


  1. It is called the lucky country.
  2. It occupies the whole continent.
  3. The official language is English.
  4. Population is mixed. There are a lot of Russian people there now.
  5. It is famous for deserts, fresh air, parrots and other fantastic birds and exotic animals (kangaroos, koalas).It is one of the most unspoiled natural wonders of the world. You can watch whales’ play, swim with dolphins, you’ll find wildlife everywhere.

  1. The capital is Canberra.

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


  1. The country is in the North America.
  2. It is the third largest country in the world.
  3. The official language is English, the second is Spanish.
  4. It is famous for its skyscrapers
  5. The famous city is New York.
  6. The capital is Washington.

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


1.It is an islands state in Europe.

     2.It`s one of the smallest countries in the world, twice smaller than France and Spain.

      3. The official language is English.

       4. It`s famous for its old traditions, for its sights.

        5. The capital of the country is London.  

Dear friends!

Guess what country it is.


1.India is in the South of Asia.

2.It is the Seventh Largest and Second densely populated country in the world.

3. There are fifteen official languages in the country. English is the only solution to their communicational problems.

4. It is famous for one of the Seven Wonders of the World- Taj Mahal.  The material to build the Taj Mahal was brought in from various parts of India by a fleet of 1000 elephants.

    India is a colorful country. It is famous for festivals and dances.

   There are a lot of exotic animals there: Red Pandas, Indian Rhinos, Elephants, Peacocks

5. The capital is Delhi.

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