Урок по теме "Hobbies" для 7 класса
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Дорофеева Светлана Гайсовна

 Урок по теме "Hobbies" для 7 класса для школ с углублённым изучением английского языка.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка по теме “Hobbies” в 7 классе по учебнику

 О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой


Материал подготовила

 учитель английского языка

высшей кв. категории

Нефтеюганский район  

НР МОБУ «Пойковская СОШ №2»

Дорофеева С.Г.

Образовательные цели урока:, активизация и закрепление лексико – грамматического материала по теме «Хобби»; развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения.

Развивающие цели: развитие речевых способностей, мышления, памяти, воображения, применение знаний и умений на практике, развитие творческого потенциала обучающихся;

Воспитательные цели: развитие самостоятельности, умения работать с партнёром, развитие интереса к английскому языку;

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, аудиозапись с пением птиц, распечатка статьи из журнала “Speak Out”, файловые папки с разговорными фразами для ведения полилога.

1.Организационный момент

I would like to begin our lesson with the words written on the board.  Let’s read them.

I’m unique. I’m talented. It’s nice being me.

These words are addressed to all of you because everyone sitting here is a special person with his own point of view and his world of interests. I want you to know and remember it.

2. We’re going to speak about things you enjoy doing in your free time and things which really interest you. As far as I know you are keen on many things. Look at this picture and say what hobbies you find enjoyable, intellectual, tiring, healthy (слайд №1)

3. To begin with I would like you to give some information about yourselves. (a card)

Complete the lists writing not less than three words on each point. Interview each other on these topics. How will you ask the questions? Work in pairs. Comment on what your partner has said.

The 1st  list –Things  I Do Slowly

The 2d  list –Treasures I Have

The 3d  list – People I Like

The 4th list – Things that scare me.

4. We ‘ve  learnt a little about your likes and  dislikes. Now let us see how imaginative you are

Look at these photos and say what you think about these people, their nationality, job, hobbies, if they are famous or not and if you’ve seen them anywhere. These children are adults now. (The photos of a famous singer, actor, sportsman and the president. Use the word combinations in brackets) (слайды 2-6)

  • nationality (I guess, I suppose)
  • job ( to be connected with)
  • hobbies (to be keen on, to be interested in)
  • famous/ or not (To my mind)
  • if you have seen him/her anywhere

I’ve got a surprise for you. Try to guess who this person is (the photo of their class tuitor in childhood)

5. Well, you’ve got a rich imagination. Moreover, some of you are talented and the rest are very talented. I’m sure of it. The other day we read a poem “Leasure” and I asked you  to prepare a literary translation of it. Who managed to do the translation? But first let’s recite it (the pupils can do it in turn - P1 begins, P2 continues, P3 finishes up).

W.H. Davies

What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare? —

No time to stand beneath the boughs,
And stare as long as sheep and cows:

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

 Give your variants of translation. Listen and say whose translation you liked most of all.

6. Do you sometimes notice what is going on around you? Do you have time to watch birds singing, stars shining, clouds floating in the sky?

Relaxation Sometimes the pupils of your age enjoy doing nothing. I would like you to do it now. Close your eyes and sit quietly, imagine yourselves somewhere in the forest or at the seaside.

 (the recording of birds’ singing) What did you see in your dream?

7. Polilogue

Some people are good at practical things, others sit for hours with their noses in the books, but everyone has a special talent for some particular activity. It’s high time you tell us about things you enjoy doing in your free time.

I’d like you to talk all together. Listen to each other, join the conversation, try to support the talk. (prompts - indirect questions to the pupils written on cards  E. g Ask Vanya if he is fond of sports, ask Pete how long he has been drawing etc.)

(Children have prepared the films, presentations about their hobbies, brought the collections of coins, stamps, pink toys and a cake)

8. A lot of children are fond of watching cartoons. And what about you?

Watching a cartoon

The new words are written on the board.

The task (multiple choice) (слайд с ключами, самооценка)

No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. Learning things  can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.

9. Like everybody else, British people like doing things outside work. As British people say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.  Read the text, find out what the most popular British hobbies are and mark the sentences as true or false. Text “How the British relax” ( the magazine ”Speak Out” 3/2004 page 8-9

1. British people mow their lawns every Sunday all the year round. T/F

2. Organized walking is very popular in Britain. T/F

3. Extreme ironing is not a serious sport. T/F

4. The British are the sportiest nation. T/F

5. Many British people spend their holidays abroad. T/F

(слайд с ключами, взаимопроверка)

H. W. Summary of the article

10. As for me, I’ve also got a hobby. It’s playing the guitar. I would like you to sing the song “Clementine” together  with me.(The teacher and the pupils sing the song).

11. Today you’ve learnt a lot about each other and each of you is worth being praised. I would like to finish our lesson with kind words, say a kind word to your partner, you may look srraight into his eyes or put a hand on his shoulder. I believe that kindness will save the world. (The teacher is the first to do it: “You’re so talented, Alya etc.)

I’m satisfied with your work today. Thank you for the lesson.

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