Презентация к исследовательской работе
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Юмагужина Ляйсан Рашитовна

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Слайд 1

Author : Taipova Alsou , pupil of 8 th form Head : Yumaguzhina LR, English teacher The research of English “Comparison of the Tower of London and Moscow Kremlin”

Слайд 2

The aim of research is to compare two cultural objects of different countries

Слайд 3

Object of research The Tower and the Kremlin

Слайд 4

Subject of study History and traditions of the Tower and the Kremlin

Слайд 5

The tower of London William the Conqueror The tower has an area of 7 hectares, the most famous tower is White

Слайд 6

The Tower of London An Observatory a Royal residence A prison An arsenal The place attracting tourists A zoo A mint A museum

Слайд 7

The tower as a prison Anne Boleyn Guy Fawkes Jane Grey

Слайд 8

Traditions of the tower

Слайд 9

Moscow Kremlin An area of the Kremlin is 27 hectares, the most famous tower is Spasskaya Yuri Dolgoruky

Слайд 10

The Kremlin The complex of unique architecture The arsenal The official residence of Russian president The place for official ceremonies The state service of guards Spiritual center and Russian cathedral A museum

Слайд 11

Legends of the Kremlin

Слайд 12

Sights of the Kremlin The Tsar cannon The Tsar bell

Слайд 13

Traditions of the Kremlin

Слайд 14

Comparison of the Kremlin and the tower The total for the Kremlin and the Tower Began to build in the 11th century, have a long history. Originally built as defenses to protect against enemies. Have a favorable strategic position on hill rivers. The founders were people who belonged to the government. Changed its purpose and function of the defense fortifications to the museum For centuries, rulers settled in the two objects. Have their own traditions and legends In the territories are special birds: ravens - in the Tower; falcons - in the Kremlin. Are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List The difference between the Tower of London and the Kremlin The Kremlin has a larger area than the Tower. Kremlin area is 27.7 hectares, and an area of Tower is 7 hectares. Nowadays the Kremlin is the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation, but the Tower is museum. The Kremlin was not an official prison. The British kept many of the traditions and ceremonies of the Tower taken back to the Middle Ages. The Kremlin has repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt in the course of historical events

Слайд 15

Thank you for your attention

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