Методическая разработка урока усвоения новых знаний по теме «Лондон» (Часть 1)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме

Методическая разработка урока усвоения новых знаний по теме «Лондон» (Часть 1)

Автор: Звербулис Наталья Борисовна, ГБОУ Гимназия№227 Фрунзенского района Санкт-Петербурга

Краткий конспект урока (без технологической карты)


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Методическая разработка

Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний по теме «Лондон» (Часть 1)

Автор: Звербулис Наталья Борисовна, ГБОУ Гимназия№227 Фрунзенского района Санкт-Петербурга

Краткий конспект урока (без технологической карты)

  1. Look at the picture? What do you see? (London) – Слайд 3
  2. What associations do you have when you think about London? What famous places do you know?  What are they famous for?
  3. Let us formulate the main objective of our lesson – what do you think you should know at the end of the lesson?
  4. Look at the pictures and say what famous places of London  you know – Слайд 4
  5. Watch the video and answer the questions (Слайд  5)
  1. What country is London capital of?
  2. What is the population of London?
  3. What spheres of life is London a center of?
  4. What is the center of London?
  1. Watch the video and say what famous places were mentioned in the video? Put a tick or a cross (слайд 5)

Name of the place


Name of the place




Clock tower











Sports hall



Railway Station


  1. Why weren’t some places mentioned in the video? What do you think we are going to speak about? Exactly! About London and its historic center
  2. Get  to know  new words  about famous places of London (слайды 6-11)

The Houses of Parliament

Big Ben

Westminster Palace

Westminster Abbey

Sir Benjamin Hall

Trafalgar Square

The National Gallery

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Which of them have you heard of?

Now write the names of these famous places in proper blanks of the table above (Name of the place)

  1. Many of these places were mentioned together with its significance. Learn new phrases (слайд  12)

To make up – to form something

To name after- to have a name after somebody

To strike – to hit

To house – to be the place where something is

To be full of – to have a lot of something

Watch the video again and use these phrases in the sentences (задание на карточках к видео)

  1. National Gallery ___________ a collection of Western-European paintings
  2. Big Ben __________ Sir Benjamin Hall is a reliable timekeeper and  _________every hour
  3. Together with Big Ben, Westminster Palace and Westminster Abbey __________ the entire architectural ensemble
  4. St. Paul’s Cathedral, another world known landmark of London, is a great piece of architecture and __________history.

Put the sentences in proper order

  1. London’s interesting places represent its historic charm having different images of England. Do you remember what images do they form? Match a place of interest with its description


The Houses of Parliament


a reliable timekeeper


Big Ben, Westminster Palace and Westminster Abbey


the center of London


Big Ben


the landmark of London


Trafalgar Square


houses national collection of Western European paintings


The National Gallery


the entire architectural ensemble


St. Paul’s Cathedral


a great piece of architecture and is full of history.

  1. What places of interest have you found the most attractive? Why? Make a plan for the each using the information you have learned(in groups of 3)

  1. What places were mentioned in the video? Look at the pictures and say what you know about them (Слайды 14-21)
  2. Now watch the video without the sound and some up what you know about London (слайд 22). Your classmates will be listening to you and make notes (evaluation card for listeners)

  1. Self-evaluation card  for the speaker(voluntary)

Have you mentioned everything? Answer the questions


What is London? What kind of center is it? What is its population?


What are the main sights of London?


What can you tell about each of these sights? What would you like to know?

Let your classmates evaluate your work

  1. Self-evaluation card  for the listeners (voluntary)

Has your classmate mentioned everything and answered the questions?


What is London? What kind of center is it? What is its population?


What are the main sights of London?


What can you tell about each of these sights? What would you like to know?

Give a tick for each point and give a mark to the speaker

  1. Now think about your work. Have you attained the objective? Let us remember what we have put as an objective

 Reflection card




Do not know


Now I know interesting places of London. They are…


Now I can read about these places


Now I can tell about these places


Now I can understand what my classmates tell about London


Next lesson I want….

LONDON Tape script

Part 1

London is the capital of the United Kingdom. It is its political, cultural, economic, educational, scientific and business center. The population of London is over 7 million people

The Houses of Parliament are the landmark of London. Together with Big Ben, Westminster Palace and Westminster Abbey they make up the entire architectural ensemble. Big Ben, the clock tower, named after Sir Benjamin Hall, is a reliable timekeeper that strikes every hour and is recognizable all over the world.

Trafalgar Square is the center of London.

The National Gallery across the square houses national collections of Western European paintings.

St. Paul’s Cathedral, another world known landmark of London is a great piece of architecture and is full of history.

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