Teaching integrated skills using Internet researches. Интеграционный урок английского языка с использованием интернета.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Ольга Владимирова

This is a complete lesson plan for "Speaking about famous people" topic where students are going to work on a variety of skills, it makes this lesson very intensive, useful, motivating and authentic. Integrating such skills helped to develop students’ communicative competence.I like using internet-based media texts. I choose this method because I strongly believe that it will bring real English world in our classroom, expose my students to authentic English and will motivate them for further learning. As the goal of modern education is to develop certain competences while teaching foreign languages such activities help to match this goal easily developing social, cultural and informational competences. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Templates for the course assignment lesson plan

Lesson plan cover page




Olga Vladymyrova

Workshop title

Skills. Teaching integrated skills.

Brief description of context, location and time (size of classroom, facilities/resources available, time of day, lesson length, etc) – 50 words maximum

Private language center. 15 sq.m classroom with 3 desks and computers on them with WI-FI connection. 1 hour lesson. Evening time.

Brief description of learners (how many,  age, level,  special needs/behavioural issues, etc) –
50 words maximum

There’re 6 pupils 13-14 years old with language level B1 who attend private lessons aimed  to teach communication. They are 4 boys and 2 girls. They’re in very good relationship with each other and behave well at the lessons as they’re very interested in English and learn it for themselves.

Brief description of the new idea and why chosen
(50 words maximum)

I would like to try out using internet-based media texts with this group. I chose this method because I think it will bring real English world in our classroom, expose my students to authentic English and will motivate them for further learning.

Templates for the course assignment lesson plan continued

Lesson plan cover page

How does the lesson fit with syllabus/timetable?
(30 words maximum)

We use course book “Gateway B1”( Macmillan Publishers Ltd, David Spencer), now we work through

Grammar: present simple, past simple

Vocabulary: Personality. Likes/dislikes

Speaking: Giving personal information.

Writing: Informal letters describing people and their biography.

Learning outcome

By the end of the lesson students will be able

  • to talk about famous people and  their lives
  • to use Internet resources for collecting needed information
  • to analyze the information and identify its major points
  • write their own text using the information

Materials and references (attach worksheets)

3 photos (Barak Obama, Vladymyr Putin and Viktor Yanukovich) with their written names below.

Anticipated problems
(50 words maximum)

  1. Students will be not able to identify interesting facts about such famous people and will concentrate more about their political carriers.
  2. They will finish all the tasks too quickly.

Proposed solutions
(50 words maximum)

  1. I will warn my students that they have to collect only interesting facts from personal information about famous people and nothing about their work except mentioning a job field.
  2. I have prepared an extra activity.

Lesson procedure


Teacher activity

Student activity


Stage aim

5 min

30 min

10 min

10 min

5 min

Stage 1 Brainstorming “The most popular jobs”

Writes students’ versions on the whiteboard.

Stage 2 “Collecting information & writing a text”

Divides the class into 3 groups (pairs), lets every couple sit at one desk and use one computer. Gives to each couple one photo (different one to each couple) and asks them to open an Internet and search the personal information about this person. Asks them to write down their findings, analyze them and write a short text of 20 sentences about this person without mentioning his name and permanent job.  After students finish their writing a teacher checks the texts and corrects grammar/lexical errors.

Stage 3 “Presentations”

Asks students to read their ready texts to other classmates to guess the person’s name.

Stage 4 “Discussion”

Asks students to work in group and find out as more things in common between these 3 persons as they can (using the information from their texts).

Stage 5 “Feedback”

Asks students what new information they have learned about these people, how many sites they visited, if they came across some sources contradicting each other on different sites.

Call out all the occupations they consider to be the most popular.

Take a photo, know a person, open an Internet, search for personal information about this person, write their findings, analyze them and write a text about the person.

Read the written texts to the rest of the class, let their classmates to guess the name of the person.

Discuss and write down as more things in common between these 3 persons as they can find.  After they have finished read these points to the teacher.

Answer teacher’s questions and give a feedback.


Student-Student (pair work)


Student-Student (Group work)


To encourage students involvement and to get them ready for further work at the lesson

To practice reading and writing skills; to learn to find the necessary information on the Internet; to practice using Present and Past Simple (from the 3rd person).

To practice reading and listening

To practice speaking and thinking skills

To focus on realistic communication;

to come to the conclusion about the received information and express their own opinions about the lesson.

Templates for the course assignment reflection


What went well? Why?

(refer to the learners, learning outcomes and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / activities and materials)

Working on a variety of skills made this lesson very intensive, useful, motivating and authentic. Integrating such skills helped to develop students’ communicative competence. This lesson showed to my students that learning English could be more exposal because the students used the language for a real purpose, instead of, say, just practicing the grammar and writing exercises.

The students were very interested in using the Internet at the lesson. They improved their English while reading original articles as they dealt with authentic texts. Also this activity helped them to consider if the sites are reliable or not.

The theme of the lesson was suitable for their age. Interesting topic and found information on the Internet exposed them to participate in the discussion very actively.

When I checked their written texts I didn’t found too many mistakes to correct. So that means that their grammar level was appropriated for that activity.

This lesson proved to me that using such internet-based media texts in teaching English and doing such the integrated lessons from time to time make learning more interesting, intensive, effective and modern. Internet resources allow teacher not to limit his/ herself just with textbook and other ready printed materials but open a wide range of endless opportunities.  

As the goal of modern education is to develop certain competences while teaching foreign languages such activities help to match this goal easily developing social, cultural and informational competences.

What didn’t go well? Why?

(refer to the learners, learning outcomes and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / activities and materials)

Before the lesson I checked the Internet connection (as usual ) and it was working properly. But after 10 minutes using Internet at our lesson we suddenly found some problems (no connection) with it and it took some time to fix them. In fact we didn’t do anything special, we just called our Internet supplier who told us that they had to switch off the tuner  because of the rain. But in a few minutes they switched it on again and then everything went on well.

Some information found on the sites was difficult for students to understand because there were many unknown words. So the students had to refer to the on-line dictionary to understand the details of the articles.

What changes will I make next time? Why?

I would give them only particular sites to surf for receiving the necessary and reliable information. It will allow me to use lesson time more effectively. Also it will be useful for the students to know such the sites to refer them even outside the classroom.

Next time doing such an Internet-based lesson I would use an idea of my colleague who was so kind to share it with me, it’s about one of the possible solutions how to make the search of the info quicker, the idea is to open the internet pages before the lesson and let the students use them.

At the next lesson I plan to teach my students to add the received information to Wikipedia pages. I think it will motivate them for further learning English.. It will teach them to use the Internet more deliberately and to share the found information with others.

Course assignment:  _          Date: _        


Moderator’s comments, advice and suggestions

Moderator:  _        

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