Открытый урок по теме "Безопасность на дорогах"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Альберс Марина Михайловна

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме "Безопасность на дорогах"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 6 классе

по теме “Road Safety”

  1. Вводная часть

Орг. момент. Good afternoon! I am glad to see you. Are you ready for the lesson? Seat down, please! Let’s start our lesson.

Let’s remember how you go to school.

Учитель на доске показывает на картинки (школа и миниавтобус). Под картинками написано “minibus”. I live far from school so I go to school by minibus and what about you? (ответы учащихся)

Речевая зарядка.

Which of these things can you see on the road (on your way to school)? Do you know these words? (Слайд 1) Учащиеся смотрят на экран (картинки) и отвечают.

  • Parking zone
  • Pedestrian
  • Traffic sign
  • Traffic warden
  • Zebra crossing
  • Pavement
  • Traffic lights
  • Yellow lines

Read and match the word and the word definition. (Слайд 2)

  1. Parking zone
  2. Pedestrian
  3. Zebra crossing
  4. Traffic warden
  5. Pavement
  6. Traffic sign

a) A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.

b) White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.

c) A sign on the road.

d) An area which people use for walking.

e) A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.

f) A place where you can park a car.

Обучающиеся  в парах обсуждают, совмещают слова и определения и читают вслух.

1f          2a         3b         4e         5d         6c

Учитель хвалит учащихся. You are smart and know this.

Объявление темы урока.

We know much about transport and signs. But it is very important to be safe on the roads. What are we going to speak at the lesson about?

(Слайд 3)

1. To speak how to behave at lessons

2. To speak how to behave at school

3. To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction

Обучающиеся выбирают, чем будут заниматься на уроке:

To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction.

  1. Основная часть

Работа с текстом.

Open your books at page 27, please. Now look at the text. What do you think is the text about?

Listen and try to understand the text.

Включается аудиозапись текста.

And now I want you to match the titles A-D with the sections of the text 1-4.

Very good! Can you see that spidergrams? Will you complete them?

Работа над языковым материалом.

На доске магнитами прикреплены фразы It’s safe to/It’s dangerous to. Детям раздаются окончания фраз на листочках.

  • wear a seat belt
  • walk straight across the road
  • walk on the pavement
  • look both ways when you cross the road
  • talk to the driver
  • cross between parked cars
  • look for a zebra crossing
  • push others when you enter the bus
  • lean out of the window
  • run onto the road

Now, please, go to the blackboard and place the phrase correctly. What is dangerous and what is safe on the roads? Then make up sentences using that phrases. Well done.

And now we know what is safe and what is dangerous to do on the roads.

Работа в группах.

But everybody must know the ROAD SIGNS. They tell us what we can do, what we should do and what we mustn't do in the street. Let’s see who knows the Road Signs better?

Divide into 3 groups and tell me what the sign means. Учащиеся получают дорожные знаки, каждый участник группы представляет один из знаков.


The sign” No cycling.” You mustn’t ride a bike.

The sign “One way road.” You should go straight ahead. 

The sign “Crossing.” You should cross the street when the light is green.


The sign ‘Stop”. Drivers should stop before the sign. 

The sign “Bus stop”. You can wait a bus here.

The sign “No walking”. You mustn’t walk. 


The sign “Directions”. You should turn left.

The sign “Directions”. You should turn right.

The sign “The Traffic light”. Yellow light means-wait, red light means stop, green light means –go.

I see that you know the road signs.

  1. Физкультминутка
  2. Did you have good rest? Let’s continue our lesson. You know road safety rules and you know the road signs.

Диалогическая речь. Работа в парах.

And now give your partner instructions when your partner wants to ride a bike, to travel in a car, to travel on a bus. Ask your friend to be careful. (Слайд 4)

Example: - I want to ride a bike. Give me instructions. – Wear a bicycle helmet. etc.

Учащиеся составляют диалоги с использованием повелительного наклонения.


I know how to be safe, now you know how to be safe, let everybody know how to be safe. Let’s write instructions together. Can you use in a proper way? Look at the pictures and give your instructions.

Учитель раздает картинки по группам и памятки «Как вести себя на улице». Обучающиеся в группах обсуждают, подписывают картинки и читают вслух надписи.

  • Don’t cross between cars
  • Wait a bus only on the pavement
  • Move your bike near while crossing
  • Don’t play on the road
  • Go on the pavement taking the right side
  • Look for a zebra crossing on a traffic lights crossing
  • Look left, then right, while crossing the road
  • Cross the road on the green colour of the traffic lights
  • Don’t run on the road

Учитель собирает картинки, скрепляет и прикрепляет обложку  “These are our safety rules”

  1. Подведение итогов урока

What did we do at our lesson? Did you like the lesson? Now we know how to be safe on the road. Can you tell this instruction to your mum, to your Granny, to your Dad? And our book will help you.

Thank you for your active work at the lesson. I give you excellent marks today.  I hope you will always remember the traffic rules and will never get into trouble. At home I want you to write messages that you would like to send to car drivers and draw a poster. (Slow down, kids are walking here, Safe Way to School). (Слайд 5)

Good bye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Road Safety Открытый урок в 6 классе по УМК “Spotlight”

Слайд 3

What are we going to speak at the lesson about? 1. To speak how to behave at lessons 2. To speak how to behave at school 3. To speak how to be safe on the road

Слайд 4

traffic lights traffic warden traffic signs yellow lines parking zone zebra crossing pavement

Слайд 5

a) A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc. b) White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it. c) A sign on the road. d) An area which people use for walking. e) A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe. f) A place where you can park a car. Parking zone Pedestrian Zebra crossing Traffic warden Pavement Traffic sign

Слайд 6

bicycle bus car brakes tyres helmet bike lanes seats handgrips driver window seat seat belts handles rear view mirror

Слайд 7

Give instructions to your partner When you ride your bike wear a seat belt sit in the back if you are under 12 When you travel in a car talk to the driver lean out of the window. When you travel on a bus wear a bicycle helmet carry a second person

Слайд 8

Hometask: Write messages to car drivers and draw a poster Safe way to school Slow down, kids are walking here

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