"Урок географии на английском"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему

Дука Дарья Юрьевна

Вашему вниманию предлагаются материалы для урока, показывающего межпредметные связи, в данном случае - географии и английского (презентация и план урока)


Office presentation icon CLIL geography lesson ppt1.64 МБ
Microsoft Office document icon CLIL gegraphy lesson plan37.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Can you find Mexico, Italy, Sweden, Russia?

Слайд 2

The “4 countries” quiz Guess where this song is from? Guess where this national costume is from? 1 2 3 4

Слайд 3

3 . Read the text and guess what country it’s about Country #1 – Mexico Country #2 - Italy Country #3 – Sweden Country #4 - Russia

Слайд 4

Russian quiz What is the total area of Russia? 17 000 000 square kilometers 2 . How many time zones are there in Russia? 9 time zones

Слайд 5

Russian quiz 3. What is the coldest temperature in winter? − 65.4 4. What are the typical animals of the country?

Слайд 6

Russian quiz 5. What are houses made of in villages? 6. How deep is the deepest lake? 1642 m.

Слайд 7

Russian Quiz 7. What do Russian people like to eat and drink?

Слайд 8

How many pluses have you got? Good job!

Слайд 9

Travel agency

Предварительный просмотр:

Lesson Procedure






The quiz about 4 countries



T-Ss, Ss in teams

For this lesson you need only pens or pencils

Do you like geography? Are you good at geography? Let’s check. Discuss it with your team. Put the names of the countries on the map.

Now I want you to work in 3 teams and to find out how much you know about the 4 countries.

1. match the music and the country. For each right answer – give yourself a point

2. match the pictures national costume and the country

3. match the text and the country (how do you know? Why do you think so). Check the answers with PP.

Chat: have you been to any of these countries? I’ve been to Russia, obviously, and to Sweden. But I’m going to visit Italy during the spring school break.

To introduce the geography & culture topic of the lesson

To check and provide general knowledge about 4 countries

Quiz about Russia




Ss in pairs

But as we’re from Russia, I would like to talk with you about this country. I’m sure you know a lot about our country – so for the next quiz of 7 questions you will have only 2 minutes

Answer by yourself – 2 min

Check with the text – 2 min

Remember the answers – 1 min

Put away the text and go through the presentation with questions again – for each right answer give yourself a point – 5 min

How do you think, do many tourists visit Russia? Do you think our country is interesting for the tourists? Where do tourists go when they want to buy tickets, book a hotel etc? – Travel agency

To provide information about Russia, that is necessary for the final stage.

Planning a tour to Russia



Ss in pairs\



Now you will open your own travel agency.

In pairs with your partner please give a name to your agency. 1 minute to think about the name. 2 min

After name (if possible and if time – to ask one of the teachers to ask several agencies): Do you have tours to Russia? I want to go to Russia! Please organize a tour!

To get students to new information to discuss and make decisions

To imitate a real life situation (planning a holiday)


Handout the flow chart worksheet. You have to make decisions together and organize the tour to Russia for the client. Discuss and circle your decision. You have 5 min to do so -


Present your tour to the class – they are clients! Discuss with which tour agency you would go.


Finish-up apples.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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