The problems of Modern Cities and Villages
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Сахапова Айсылу Равилевна

The problems of Modern Cities and Villages 


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Слайд 1

The problems of Modern Cities and Villages

Слайд 2

If we speak about problems of any city first of all we should speak about the problems traffic is heavy, numerous enterprises emit tons of harmful substances and to breath is often a real threat to people's health.

Слайд 4

A problem of transport is also important. There are few cities with underground stations. People of many cities and towns have to spend much time in buses, cars, and trams getting to their offices, schools, colleges, and plants.

Слайд 6

Another serious problem of nowadays existed in cities is unemployment. The economical situation in the country is rather complicated: many factories are going bankrupt, close and as a result of it many people loose their work

Слайд 8

One of the problems is lock of fresh water. People can't use running water all day long. Besides, the quality of water is often bad.

Слайд 9

Most of the houses in villages haven't got modern conveniences, what makes the life of people living there more difficult. Countrymen can't go to museums or theatres, they can't go to concerts of pop singers. Many villages are situated far from cities and it takes much time to get there. As a rule there are no good hospitals in villages and medical services in the countries leave much to be desired .

Слайд 14

Decoupling in New York

Слайд 15

Elevated highway overpass over U.S .

Слайд 16

Underground Railroad. Moscow .

Слайд 17

Ground line. USA.

Слайд 18


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