Компьтер- это все, что тебе нужно
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Урок английского языка  в 9 классе по теме " Современные технологии"


Office presentation icon computer.ppt2.77 МБ
Office presentation icon computer.ppt2.77 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 4

a camera a microwave oven a mobile telephone an electronic game a video player a TV set a vacuum cleaner a videophone a cordless phone a talking alarm clock a sewing machine a computer a solar powered calculator a TV remote-control unit

Слайд 5

to cut and collect the grass to build up one’s strength to wash the dishes to take photographs to to cook, defrost, reheat pre-cooked food to receive or make calls around the home, etc to perform everyday cleaning tasks from vacuuming to cleaning up liquids to wake up people and to tell the time to watch pre-recorded videos to record a programme even when watching another on a different channel to have fun and to entertain to send and receive urgent messages to operate a TV set from a distance to write programs, play games, find and use information, etc to do calculations in sunlight or daylight

Слайд 12

. . . Is are Easy (un) pleasant difficult unusual to operate to use Life is Dull boring easy enjoyable exciting with it without it . . . . . . saves a lot of time. is a waste of time (money). allows you to… makes is possible/easy to… offers a lot of possibilities/a few advantages. Suits everyone whatever your age.

Слайд 13

Dear students! I’d like to thank you for your work. You were really great! I hope you’ve learned much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future .

Слайд 14

A newspaper has organised a competition to win a computer. You have to write 200 words about why you need the computer and what you would do with it.

Слайд 15

Литература WWW. 1

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 4

a camera a microwave oven a mobile telephone an electronic game a video player a TV set a vacuum cleaner a videophone a cordless phone a talking alarm clock a sewing machine a computer a solar powered calculator a TV remote-control unit

Слайд 5

to cut and collect the grass to build up one’s strength to wash the dishes to take photographs to to cook, defrost, reheat pre-cooked food to receive or make calls around the home, etc to perform everyday cleaning tasks from vacuuming to cleaning up liquids to wake up people and to tell the time to watch pre-recorded videos to record a programme even when watching another on a different channel to have fun and to entertain to send and receive urgent messages to operate a TV set from a distance to write programs, play games, find and use information, etc to do calculations in sunlight or daylight

Слайд 12

. . . Is are Easy (un) pleasant difficult unusual to operate to use Life is Dull boring easy enjoyable exciting with it without it . . . . . . saves a lot of time. is a waste of time (money). allows you to… makes is possible/easy to… offers a lot of possibilities/a few advantages. Suits everyone whatever your age.

Слайд 13

Dear students! I’d like to thank you for your work. You were really great! I hope you’ve learned much and perhaps will use your knowledge of English in the future .

Слайд 14

A newspaper has organised a competition to win a computer. You have to write 200 words about why you need the computer and what you would do with it.

Слайд 15

Литература WWW. 1

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