Конспект урока иностранного языка "Образование в Великобритании и России"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Тимохина Оксана Геннадьевна

Конспект урока иностранного языка "Образование в Великобритании и России"

Методическая цель занятия: Продемонстрировать методику обучения по «станциям» на уроке английского языка.



Файл konspekt_uroka_po_stantsiyam.docx337 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Визитная карточка урока английского языка

Преподаватели: Куликова Наталья Николаевна, Тимохина Оксана Геннадьевна

Группа: ПНК-4, специальность Преподавание в начальных классах

Тема: Образование в Великобритании и России

Методическая цель занятия: Продемонстрировать методику обучения по «станциям» на уроке английского языка.

Краткая характеристика группы студентов

        На момент проведения урока мотивационная ориентация студентов группы на изучение иностранного языка неоднородна: отмечается наличие широкосоциальных мотивов долга и ответственности, узкосоциальных мотивов, мотивов социального сотрудничества. У многих студентов наблюдается устойчивый интерес к изучению предмета, сформирован интерес к рассмотрению тем, имеющих профессионально-ориентированную направленность. Таким образом, в мотивационном плане студенты группы готовы к реализации различных видов деятельности.         

        Отношения в группе ровные, замкнутых групп нет (имеющиеся микрогруппы пересекаются). Поэтому, организация работы в группах возможна студентами и без помощи преподавателя.

        В  связи с этим студентам предложено выполнить ряд групповых заданий по теме занятия. Ответственность каждого ученика возрастает. Он ответственен не только перед учителем, но и членами своей группы.

        Данный урок помогает повторить и систематизировать полученные знания.

Характеристика урока

Тип урока: закрепление изученного материала

Цель урока: развитие навыков учебного сотрудничества при формировании представлений о формах организации учебной деятельности обучающихся на уроке.

Образовательные задачи:

- создать условия для отработки навыков и умений в чтении, письме, говорении и восприятии речи на слух;

- сформировать знания о существенных признаках, достоинствах и недостатках групповой, фронтальной и коллективной форм организации учебной деятельности.

Воспитательные задачи:

-  способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в группах, проявляя терпение и доброжелательность;

-  содействовать повышению уровня мотивации на уроках через средства обучения.

Развивающие задачи: 

- создать условия для развития коммуникативных навыков через разнообразные виды речевой деятельности;

- содействовать формированию самостоятельной познавательной деятельности, осуществлять самоконтроль.

Компетенции, формируемые на занятии:

  • Организовывать собственную деятельность, определять методы и способы выполнения задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.
  • Осуществлять поиск, анализ и оценку информации, необходимой для постановки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.
  • Работать в коллективе и команде, взаимодействовать с руководством, коллегами и социальными партнерами.

Оснащение урока:

надписи с названиями станций на двери кабинетов (2 кабинета), маршрутные листы для команд, листы с заданиями для каждой станции.

(Для того, чтобы участники команд не встретились на одной станции, у каждой команды имеется свой маршрутный лист).

План урока:

  1. Организация начала урока, распределение по группам
  2. Актуализация опорных знаний
  3. Мотивация (самоопределение) к учебной деятельности
  4. Работа по «станциям». Работа в группах над выполнением дифференцированных заданий и самостоятельная работа с проверкой по эталону
  5. Рефлексия учебной деятельности

Состав участников занятия:  2 ведущих ( дежурных на станциях),  команды участников по 5 человек.

Краткое описание игры: команде  из 5 человек  предлагается выполнить задания на следующих станциях:

  1. Word Search
  2. A Big Ear  (Listening)
  3. A Good Translator
  4. All you know  (Questions)
  5. Video  
  6. Relax
  7. Speaking  

 Команда-победитель определяется путем подсчета суммы баллов, заработанных на каждой станции.

Ход занятия

1. Приветствие.

Hello, girls. I hope you’re fine today.

2. Сообщение целей занятия.

You are studying at the Teacher Training College and you  are primary school teachers in the future. You know a lot about schools   and education  in Russia. What about the British school system? Would you like to teach British pupils? What kind of pupils are they? How many subjects do they study?

  • Today we’re going to look at the British school system. You should be divided into small groups of 5 people.

  • Each group will take a Direction Card. You should follow it and do tasks.  There are 7 stations you should visit. For example: visit station number 1, do the task, check your answers (answering sheet is on the table), take points (marks) and go to the next station.  Who takes more points is the winner.

There are tasks of different levels. A tasks are green, B tasks are blue, B1 tasks are  red. Choose any as you wish. Points are given according to the tasks.  Let’s start. Good luck!

There are stations:

1. Word Search

2. A Big Ear  (Listening)

  1. A Good Translator
  2. All you know  (Questions)
  3. Video  
  4. Relax
  5. Speaking  

  1. Word Search Station. Find 5 school subjects.

A tasks.  

B tasks.

Описание: D:\Мои документы\Мои результаты сканирования\2012-06 (июн)\сканирование0014.bmp

B1  tasks. Описание: C:\Users\Пользователь\Pictures\2014-06-20 пред\пред 001.jpg

2. A Big Ear Station.

 A tasks.  Listen to Jamie, a British schoolboy. He is  11 years old. He goes to primary school.

There are Jamie’s answers. What were the questions? Listen and write.

Prepare the full questions.

1. What’s ….?


2. Where …  ?

Walthamstow in the south of England.

3. Which….?

Forest  School.

4. Do ….?

Yes, we do. We wear a school uniform.

5. When…?

School starts at 8.50 with class registration and assembly.


  1. What’s your name?
  2. Where do you study?
  3. Which school do you go to?
  4. Do you have a uniform at school?
  5. When does your school start?

B tasks. Listen to Jamie, a British schoolboy. He is  11 years old. He goes to primary school.

There are Jamie’s answers. What were the questions? Listen and write.

Prepare the full questions.

1. What’s ….?


2. Where …  ?

Walthamstow in the south of England.

3. Which….?

Forest  School.

4. Do ….?

Yes, we do. We wear a school uniform.

5. When…?

School starts at 8.50 with class registration and assembly.

6. When ..?

Lesson one starts at 9. 30.

7. What ….?

Today it’s Art.

8. When …?

At 10.30 we have a break.

9. What…?

I play games with my friends in the playground during the break.

10. What …?

ICT is my favourite.


  1. What’s your name?
  2. Where do you study?
  3. Which school do you go to?
  4. Do you have a uniform at school?
  5. When does your school start?
  6. When does your first lesson start?
  7. What is your first lesson today?
  8. When do you have a break?
  9. What do you do during the break?
  10. What is your favourite lesson?

B1  tasks. Listen to Jamie, a British schoolboy. He is  11 years old. He goes to primary school.

There are Jamie’s answers. What were the questions? Listen and write.

Prepare the full questions.

1. What’s ….?


2. Where …  ?

Walthamstow in the south of England.

3. Which….?

Forest  School.

4. Do ….?

Yes, we do. We wear a school uniform.

5. When…?

School starts at 8.50 with class registration and assembly.

6. When ..?

Lesson one starts at 9. 30.

7. What ….?

Today it’s Art.

8. When …?

At 10.30 we have a break.

9. What…?

I play games with my friends in the playground during the break.

10. What …?

ICT is my favourite.

11. When…?

At 12.15 we have  lunchtime.

12. Where  ….?

I eat lunch in the canteen with my friends .

13. What ….?

After the lunch we play in the playground.

14. When …?

Lesson 3 starts at 1.15. It’s science.

15. When ….

The end of the school day is at 3.15.


  1. What’s your name?
  2. Where do you study?
  3. Which school do you go to?
  4. Do you have a uniform at school?
  5. When does your school start?
  6. When does your first lesson start?
  7. What is your first lesson today?
  8. When do you have a break?
  9. What do you do during the break?
  10. What is your favourite lesson?
  11. When do you have lunchtime?
  12. Where do you have lunch?
  13. What do you do after the lunch?
  14. When does  lesson 3 start?
  15. When is the end of the school day?

3. A Good Translator Station.

Translate from Russian into English.

A tasks : физкультура, математика, английский, изо, музыка.

B tasks: литература , биология, история, география, русский.

B1  tasks: информатика, естественные науки, религия, химия, геометрия.

Keys: PE, Maths, English, Art, Music.

Keys: Literature, Biology, History, Geography, Russian.

Keys: Information Technology, Science , Religious Studies, Chemistry, Geometry.

4. All you Know Station.

 Luke, a British schoolboy, asks you about Russian education. Answer Luke’s questions about yourself and your college.

A tasks.  1.Luke: I go to Linden Green Comprehensive in York.

 What school/college  do you go to?...

2. Luke: I’ve been there for three years.

How long have you been at your school/college?....

3.Luke: My school day starts at 8.30 a.m.

 What time does your school/college  day start?.....

4.Luke: At 8.30 we have registration with our form tutor. Our first lesson starts at 8.50.

Do you have registration? What time does your first lesson start?.....


  1. I go to  Teacher Training College in Dzerzhinsk.
  2. I’ve been there for four years.
  3. My school day starts at 8.30 a.m. too.
  4. We don’t have registration. Our first lesson starts at 8.30.

B tasks. 1. Luke:Our lessons last 60 minutes. But some lessons, like Art, are ‘doubles’ of 120 minutes.

 How long are your lessons?....................

2. Luke:We have a break in the morning from 10.50-11.10.

 What about you? Do you have a morning break?...............

3.Luke:Lunch is from 12.10 to 1.10

When is your lunch break?........

4.Luke: I eat in the school dining room. There’s a wide range of things to choose from – hot meals, soup, salads, sandwiches, snacks and cold drinks.

 What do you do for lunch?...

5.Luke:We have two lessons in the afternoon with a ten minute break from 2.10-2.20.

 Do you have lessons in the afternoon? How many?...

6.Luke:We finish school at 3.20.

 What time do you finish school/college?...


  1. Our lessons last 90 minutes.
  2. We have a break in the morning from 10.05-11.25.
  3. Lunch is from 12.00 to 12.30.
  4. I eat in the college dining room too. There’s  also a wide range of things to choose from – hot meals, soup, salads, sandwiches, snacks and cold drinks.
  5. We have 4 lessons in the afternoon.
  6. We finish college at 3.45.

B1  tasks.

1. At 8.30 we have registration with our form tutor. Our first lesson starts at 8.50.

 Do you have registration? What time does your first lesson start?.....

2.Our lessons last 60 minutes. But some lessons, like Art, are ‘doubles’ of 120 minutes.

 How long are your lessons?....................

3.We have a break in the morning from 10.50-11.10.

 What about you? Do you have a morning break?...............

4.Lunch is from 12.10 to 1.10

 When is your lunch break?........

5.I eat in the school dining room. There’s a wide range of things to choose from – hot meals, soup, salads, sandwiches, snacks and cold drinks.

 What do you do for lunch?...

6.We have two lessons in the afternoon with a ten minute break from 2.10-2.20.

 Do you have lessons in the afternoon? How many?...

7.We finish school at 3.20.

 What time do you finish school?...

8.I’m in Year 10 and I get about 2 hours of homework a night. (Yuk!)

 What about you? How much homework do you get a night?....

Keys :

  1. We don’t have registration. Our first lesson starts at 8.30.
  2. Our lessons last 90 minutes.
  3. We have a break in the morning from 10.05-11.25.
  4. Lunch is from 12.00 to 12.30.
  5. I eat in the college dining room too. There’s  also a wide range of things to choose from – hot meals, soup, salads, sandwiches, snacks and cold drinks.
  6. We have 4 lessons in the afternoon.
  7. We finish college at 3.45.
  8. I’m a four year student and I get about 2 hours of homework too.


Watch a video. You need to tick the box next to the information that you think is correct (true). Look through the sentences. Have only 3 min.


A tasks.  

1. Most children start primary school at the age of seven.

2. At eleven children go to high school.

3. All children stay at secondary school to the age of sixteen.

4. At 16 in England they take GCSE examinations that is the General Certificate of School Education.

5. After GCSE students  may leave school.

6. For ‘A’ levels or advanced level examinations students study 4 subjects for 3 more years after GCSE exams.

7. After ‘A’ levels students may go to university, go on to other kinds of education and training.


  1. F
  2. F
  3. T
  4. T
  5. T
  6. F
  7. T

B tasks.

1. Most children start primary school at the age of seven.

2. At eleven children go to high school.

3. All children stay at secondary school to the age of sixteen.

4. At 16 in England they take GCSE examinations that is the General Certificate of School Education.

5. After GCSE students  may leave school.

6. For ‘A’ levels or advanced level examinations students study 4 subjects for 3 more years after GCSE exams.

7. After ‘A’ levels students may go to university, go on to other kinds of education and training.

8. At ‘The John Mason School’  school day starts at 9 o’clock.

9. Most schools are mixed- they are for boys and girls.

10. At most secondary schools the students  mustn’t wear a uniform.

11. On average there are about 25 students in a secondary school class and about 30 are in a primary school class.

12. British students have a wide choice of subjects.

13. Many British school children only learn a foreign language from the age of fifteen.

14. Most students study Spanish.


  1. F
  2. F
  3. T
  4. T
  5. T
  6. F
  7. T
  8. T
  9. T
  10. F
  11. F
  12. T
  13. F
  14. F

B1  tasks.

1. Most children start primary school at the age of seven.

2. At eleven children go to high school.

3. All children stay at secondary school to the age of sixteen.

4. At 16 in England they take GCSE examinations that is the General Certificate of School Education.

5. After GCSE students  may leave school.

6. For ‘A’ levels or advanced level examinations students study 4 subjects for 3 more years after GCSE exams.

7. After ‘A’ levels students may go to university, go on to other kinds of education and training.

8. At ‘The John Mason School’  school day starts at 9 o’clock.

9. Most schools are mixed- they are for boys and girls.

10. At most secondary schools the students  mustn’t wear a uniform.

11. On average there are about 25 students in a secondary school class and about 30 are in a primary school class.

12. British students have a wide choice of subjects.

13. Many British school children only learn a foreign language from the age of fifteen.

14. Most students study Spanish.

15. Other popular languages are French and Italian.

16. Lunch time is an hour long.

17. Students may go home for lunch.

18. There are no classes in the afternoon.

19. School finishes at about 4 o’clock.

20. After school all students do other activities like sport.

21. Soccer is the most popular sport at British schools.


  1. F
  2. F
  3. T
  4. T
  5. T
  6. F
  7. T
  8. T
  9. T
  10. F
  11. F
  12. T
  13. F
  14. F
  15. F
  16. T
  17. T
  18. F
  19. T
  20. T
  21. T

6. Relax Station.

  It is a very nice tongue twister.  Read as quickly as possible. (Every team takes 1 point)

 [ju:]  [u:]

A tutor who tooted the flute

Tried to tutor two tooters to toot.

Said the two to the tutor:

‘Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?’

Преподаватель, преподающий игру на флейте, пытался научить двух учеников преподавать игру на флейте. Двое учеников задали ему вопрос: что сложнее- преподавать игру на флейте  или научить преподавать играть на флейте двух учеников.

7.Speaking Station.

Imagine you have a younger brother. He is a schoolboy.

 What form is he in? What subjects does he study? Tell us about his school studies.

A tasks.   5 sentences; B tasks. 7 sentences; B1  tasks.: 9 sentences.

Direction Card 1








Word Search


All you Know


A Big Ear


A Good Translator





Direction Card 2








A Big Ear


A Good Translator


All you know






Word Search

Direction Card 3








A Good Translator


All you know


A Big Ear


Word Search





Direction Card 4








Word Search


All you know


A Big Ear


A Good Translator





Direction Card 5








A Big Ear


A Good Translator


All you know






Word Search

Direction Card 6








A Good Translator


All you know


A Big Ear


Word Search





Подведение итогов игры.


  • Dear students! Thank you for your participation! We’d like to say that you all are so intelligent, smart and of course friendly today.  We have finished to play and now we  can count your points and tell us who the winner is. Let’s see what your results are.



  • Let me congratulate the teams of … forms and the winners today are…
  • The game is over. That is all for today. Good-bye!

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