Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 8 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 8 класс по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой "Enjoy English" в двух вариантах.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Биболетова М.З.

Административная срезовая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 8 класс (итоговая)


  1. Translate into English
  1. Осенью было холодно и сыро
  2. Летом пасмурно и сухо
  3. Интересно
  4. Бесполезно
  5. Время заканчивать вашу работу

  1. Translate into English using Past Continuous
  1. Девочка прибирала в комнате, когда я вошел.
  2. Ее друзья были на пикнике целый день.

  1. Choose the correct answer.

1)  He ... troubled yesterday.

        a) looked  b) is looking  c) had looked

2) They ... football from 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. yesterday.

       a) played  b) were playing  c) had played

3)  He ... his work by that time.

       a) finished  b) was finishing c) had finished

  1. Fill the gaps with for or since 
  1. I have been dreaming of going to Australia … I was a child.
  2. Ann has been playing table tennis … eight years.

  1. Choose the right translation.
  1. If we cut down fewer forests, the air would be clean and fresh.
  1. Если люди будут вырубать мало лесов, воздух будет чистым и свежим.
  2. Если  бы люди вырубали мало лесов, воздух был бы чистым и свежим.
  3. Если бы люди вырубали (тогда) мало лесов, воздух был бы чистым и свежим.
  1. If people hadn’t polluted the planet, many species of animals wouldn’t have disappeared.
  1. Если люди  не будут загрязнять планету, многие виды животных не исчезнут.
  2. Если бы люди  не загрязняли планету, многие виды животных не исчезали бы.
  3. Если бы люди  не загрязняли планету, многие виды животных не исчезли бы.

  1. Put the verbs into the correct form.
  1. If she … (finish) her research, she … (take part) in the conference.
  2. If you … (learn) German, you … (stay) out of trouble.
  1. Form the new words.









  1. Fill in wherever, however, whoever
  1. they go, their knowledge of English helps them a lot.
  2. …busy I am, I go to the swimming pool twice a week.
  3. …you meet here, they are your friends.
  4. You can  go you need.

  1. Redo and translate

(without hope) -               -

(without doubt) -              -

(without moon) -                -

  1. Complete the sentences. Fill in to if necessary.
  1. What makes you ... think so?
  2. She asked us not... be late.
  3. His mother told him ... come back at 10.
  4. She made her son ... read the letter.
  5. We want you ... join our organization.
  6. Hot weather makes me ... feel sick.
  7. Don't make me ... laugh.

  1. Make one sentence from two.

1. Will you return me the book?

 I gave you this book yesterday.

2. I want to go to the party.

The party will be at our school during the holidays.

3. I want to see the film.

You saw this film last week.

  1. Reported speech  

1."We may buy a car next year," said my grandpa.

2. "Books written in English-speaking countries are sold everywhere," said the librarian.

3. "The mass media may become even more powerful in the next century," said the publisher.

Предварительный просмотр:

Биболетова М.З.

Административная срезовая контрольная работа по английскому языку за 8 класс (итоговая)


  1. Translate into English
  1. Зимой будет ветрено и снежно
  2. Весной прохладно и солнечно
  3. Забавно
  4. Скучно
  5. Время идти домой

  1. Translate into English using Past Continuous
  1. Мальчик играл в шахматы, когда она позвонила.
  2. Его родители говорили по-английски  целый день.

  1. Choose the correct answer.

1)   What... you ... at 7 p.m. yesterday?

      a) did ... do  b) were ... doing  c) had ... done

2)   Where ... you ... your summer holidays?
     a) did ... spend  b) were ... spending c) had ... spent

3)   How many countries ... they ... by that time?
     a) did ... visit  b) were visiting  c) had visited

  1. Fill the gaps with for or since 
  1. We have known each other … three years.
  2. Kate has been feeling bad … Friday.
  1. Choose the right translation.
  1. If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste.
  1. Если мы будем умнее и осторожнее, мы не будем жить среди мусора и отходов.
  2.  Если бы мы были раньше умнее и осторожнее, мы бы не жили среди мусора и отходов.
  3.  Если бы мы были сейчас умнее и осторожнее, мы бы не жили среди мусора и отходов.
  1. If people hadn’t invented different machines and developed industry, the environmental problems wouldn’t have appeared.
  1. Если  бы люди не изобретали новую технику, проблемы окружающей среды не появлялись бы.
  2. Если  люди не изобретут новую технику, проблемы окружающей среды не появятся.
  3. Если  бы люди не изобрели новую технику, проблемы окружающей среды не появились бы.
  1. Put the verbs into the correct form.
  1. If he … (feel) bad, he … (stay) in bed.
  2. If the teenager … (collect) his thoughts, he … (win) the competition.
  1. Form the new words.









  1. Fill in wherever, whenever, whatever
  1. you see don't be surprised.
  2. you come to us we'll be glad to see you.
  3. they go, their knowledge of English helps them a lot.
  4. You can get up you want, eat you like, go you need.

  1. Redo and translate

(without noise) -               -

(without heart) -              -

(without name) -                -

  1. Complete the sentences. Fill in to if necessary.
  1. Parents make their children… read books.
  2. Who made you… get up so early?
  3. Can Aunt Polly make Tom Sawyer… paint the fence?
  4. Mother doesn't want me go to the party.
  5. What did she ask me do?
  6. Please, tell her bring the article on teenagers' problems tomorrow morning.
  7. Ask your elder brother leave a message for your parents.

  1. Make one sentence from two.

1. Have you read the advertisement? The advertisement invites you to take part in the language competition.

2. Do you know the student? He has won the first prize in the competition?

3. Do you know people? People can speak more than four languages.

  1. Reported speech  

1."I like travelling from time to time," says my cousin.

2. "You must take your medicine twice a day," said the doctor.

3. "It will rain today," said the farmer.

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