Тест по страноведению, 9-11 классы
тест по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Янкина Екатерина Михайловна

Тест разработан для учеников старших классов.

Тема теста - Соединенные Штаты Америки.


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Тест по страноведению. 9-11 классы

The United States of America.

Choose the correct answer from choices listed below:

  1. How many states does the United States of America comprise at present?
  1. 50
  2. 13
  3. 49
  1. Where is Washington, the federal capital, located?
  1. In the State of Washington
  2. in the District of Columbia
  3. in the State of New York
  1. What do American people call the national flag?
  1. The Stars and Bars, the Confederate Flag, the Southern Cross
  2. The Union Jack, the Saint George`s Cross, the Saint Andrew`s Cross
  3. The Stars and Stripes, the Star-Spangled Banner, the Old Glory
  1. How many stripes and stars does the American national flag have?
  1. 50 stars and 13 stripes
  2. 13 stars and 50 stripes
  3. 20 stars and 15 stripes
  1. Who made the first American Flag?
  1. Betsy Ross
  2. Harriet Tubman
  3. Elizabeth Stanton
  1. What is the national anthem of the USA?
  1. The Stars and Stripes
  2. the Star-Spangled Banner
  3. America the Beautiful
  1. What are the mottos of the USA?

a)“God save our gracious Queen”, “Dieu et mon droit”

b) “E plurubus unum”, “In God we trust”

c) “ Liberty Enlightening the World”, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of The United States of America”

  1. What does the Coat of Arms of the USA show?
  1. A bald eagle with a ribbon in its mouth bearing the device “E plurubus unum”, 13 arrows and an olive branch in its talons
  2. A shield, a crown, a lion, a unicorn and the device “Dieu et mon droit”
  3. A shield with coats of arms of four countries and three maple leaves

  1. What are the two leading national parties in the USA?
  1. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party
  2. The Conservative Party and the Labour Party
  3. The Green Party and the Prohibition Party
  1. What chambers does the Congress consist of?
  1. The Supreme Court and the Federal Court
  2. The House of Representatives and the Senate
  3. The House of Commons and the House of Lords
  1. What is the highest mountain in the USA?
  1. Mount Vernon
  2. Mount Whitney
  3.  Mount McKinley
  1. What is the longest river in the USA?
  1. The Tennessee
  2. The Mississippi
  3. The Colorado
  1. Where are Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks located?
  1. In California
  2. In Montana
  3. In Alaska
  1. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  1. In 1000
  2. In 1492
  3. In 1607
  1. When do American people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
  1. In November
  2. In July
  3. In September
  1. Who do Americans call the Pilgrim Fathers?
  1. The Puritans who arrived in America aboard the ship the Mayflower
  2. People who make a journey to a holy place for a religious reason
  3. The Native Americans
  1. Which of the American Presidents are honored on President Day?
  1. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
  2. Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt
  3. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
  1. When did the War of Independence take place?
  1. In 1812-1814
  2. In 1861-1865
  3. In 1775-1783
  1. When do Americans celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.?
  1. On 15 January
  2. On 14 February
  3. On 17 March
  1. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
  1. On 4 July, 1776
  2. On 12 October, 1492
  3. On 30 April, 1789
  1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
  1. George Washington
  2. Thomas Jefferson
  3. Benjamin Franklin
  1. When was the Constitution of the United States adopted?
  1. In  1791
  2. In 1787
  3. In 1776
  1. What do Americans call the people who came to California during the gold rush in the 19th century?
  1. The Pilgrims
  2. The Forty-Niners
  3. The Confederates
  1. Which road was called the Trial of Tears?
  1. The route of the pioneers across the treeless prairie, the Rocky Mountains and deserts to Oregon in 1830-1850s
  2. The journey of the Pilgrims to the New World in 1620
  3. The journey of the Cherokee Indians forced by American soldiers from their own land to the Oklahoma Territory in 1838-1839
  1. When did the Civil War in the United States take place?
  1. In 1861-1865
  2. In 1848-1849
  3. In 1840-1970
  1. The Emancipation Proclamation written by Abraham Lincoln in 1863…
  1. Gave women the right to vote.
  2. Freed the Blacks in the South from slavery.
  3. Proclaimed the independence of the country from Britain.
  1. What tragic event made the USA declare war on Japan in 1941?
  1. The German bombing raids on Great Britain
  2. The Japanese invasion into Manchuria
  3. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

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