Сценарий экологической сказки на английском языке Grey Cap and Red Wolf
проект по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Сценарий экологической сказки на английском языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий экологической сказки на английском языке

Grey Cap and Red Wolf

Авторы: учителя английского языка Борисова Т.А., Шевелько С.В.


Grey Cap

Red Wolf



2 photohunters

Scene 1. На сцене сидит грустный волк.

Wolf: Hello, my dear friends! My name is Red Wolf and I am so sad because wolves are in great danger now and the scientists have put us in the Red Book. So near my forest there is a village where a little girl lives with her mother. The girl's name is Grey Cap because her Granny knitted it from the wool of an old wolf. Grey Cap isn't a good girl as she doesn't love nature and doesn't take care of it.

Волк уходит со сцены.

Scene 2. На сцене мама и Серая Шапка.

Mother: My darling, Grey Cap! Where are you?

Grey Cap: Oh, Mum, I'm here!

Mother: You should visit your Granny. Bring her some butter and cakes.

Grey Cap: Put each cake in a separate box and butter in a plastic bag, so I don't get dirty.

Mother: My dear, you'll go through the forest. Don't break branches, don't tear flowers, don't litter, don't make noise and don't offend Red Wolf!

Grey Cap: Ah, here is still.

Серая Шапка уходит.

Scene 3. Волк сидит на сцене, прилетает сорока.

Magpie: Hey, you, Red! You are sitting here and listening to the birds and your Grey Cap is going to visit her Grandma. I have warned all the animals and birds. And you, too, hurry up! You like to bring her up!

Сорока улетает.

Scene 4. На сцену выходит Серая Шапка, видит Волка, начинает есть конфеты и бросать фантики на землю.

Wolf: Please pick up the wrappers, it should be clean here.

Серая Шапка не обращает внимания на Волка. Волк встает и подбирает фантики. Шапка громко поет.

Wolf: Don't shout, please. There are a lot of nests with the chicks in the trees. Don't scare them.

Grey Cap: Nothing will happen with your birds and Granny told me that many years before people killed wolves, but didn't protect them.

Wolf: Look here, Cap! You are carrying some food to your Granny in plastic bags again, so that they are lying everywhere in the forest. It's so dangerous for the nature.

Scene 5. На сцене появляются фотоохотники.

Grey Cap: Who are you? Are you hunters? We have some extra wolves in our forest.

1 hunter: We are not usual hunters, we hunt with the cameras. We are looking for the wild living animals.

Wolf: Well, you are from the program “ Animals' world”, aren't you?

2 hunter: Can we take photos with you for memory?

Wolf: Of course.

Grey Cap: Will you take photo with me, too? I'm a granddaughter of the very Little Red Riding Hood.

1 hunter: We photograph only those who are friendly with nature. But it seems to me that your forest doesn't have such friends.

Охотники и волк собирают мусор. Шапка смотрит на них.

Grey Cap: I'm very sorry! I would like to help you too.

2 hunter: You shouldn't be a guest but a friend of the forest.

1 hunter: Our Red Wolf is a real friend of nature because he loves and protects the forest.

Grey Cap: I want to be a friend of our forest too. I promise to keep our countryside clean, plant more trees, feed birds and animals in winter, not to poison water, air and soil because I understand that the Earth is our home.

На сцене все участники спектакля.

Grey Cap: May there always be sunshine.

Wolf: May there always be blue sky.

Mother: May there always be fresh water.

Magpie: May there always be clean air.

1 hunter: May there always be wild life.

All together: May there always be our planet beautiful.

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