Разработка урока для 2 класса "Волшебный остров. Времена года"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Луковкина Екатерина Владимировна

методическая разработка урока и его анализ были разработаны в 2016 году (в формате, требуемом накурсах повышения квалификации)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок для 2-го класса по теме «Волшебный остров. Времена года.»

                                                                                                                                Учитель английского языка

                                                                                                                                                  Луковкина Екатерина Владимировна

                                                                                                                                                  МБОУ «Гимназия №5», г. Королев


Lesson Plan

Spotlight 2 – V. Evans, J. Dooley, N. Bykova, M. Pospelova – M. Express Publishing / Prosveshcheniye, 2016. Module 5, Unite 15a

  1. Aim: by the end of the lesson the children will be able to write a short paragraph about their favourite season, the weather and clothes
  2. Skills: developing writing skills, speaking skills
  3. New language: seasons – winter, summer, autumn, spring
  4. Revision: weather – It’s cold / hot/ sunny/ windy/ rainy/ cloudy/ cool/ warm; clothes – hat, jeans, shorts, T-shirt, shirt, dress, jacket, gloves, coat, socks, shoes, boots, umbrella, etc.; colours – red, black, white, orange, yellow, pink, green, grey, brown, purple; construction – Present Continuous, I’m wearing, He’s wearing, We are wearing.

Activity / Time


Teacher Does / Says

Pupils Say / Do


5 min

Warm - up

To revise letters and spelling

Writes letters on the board T, S, H, J, G, C, B

Points to letters and asks pupils to name words on the theme “ Clothes” they know.

Writes these words on the blackboard.

Asks pupils to stand up and show clothes and colours: a red dress, a pink skirt, a blue shirt….

Try to remember words and pronounce them correctly to write on the board.

Stand in lines near their seats. As they hear a type of clothes, they show it on themselves or just mime. To show the colour they raise up crayons. If a pupil points to the incorrect colour or clothes, he or she sits down. The winners are those who still stand up at the end of the game.

Pupils can use crayons and mime clothes they don’t have

10 min


To introduce new words

To train the mechanics of writing

Shows 4 pictures of  Seasons and writes their names on the board. Pronounces the words. Asks pupils to look at these words and to try to deduct which word suits to each picture. Matches them.

Pronounces again, remove the names, asks to repeat the seasons themselves.

Asks about seasons, weather and clothes pupils wear in different seasons. Forms four columns (summer, winter, autumn, spring) on the board, fill them with the suitable words (first – weather, then – clothes). Asks pupils to write these columns down in their notebooks.

See new words, pronounce them together with a teacher, try to deduct the meaning and compare with pictures on the board.

Pronounce seasons and learn them

Divide words in different columns, write them down in their notebooks

Bring in pictures with different seasons

Help with words on the board

5 min

Writing instructions

To give instructions

Writes a plan on the board:

It’s …. (season)

It’s …. And …. (weather)

A girl /a boy in the picture is wearing…. (clothes)

Asks pupils to divide into groups of four and take crayons. Gives sheets of paper to each group. Asks to choose one favourite season, use imagination, draw a picture and fulfill it with a text (prompts on the board)

Listen to the task, separate roles between each other, decide who will draw and who will write, what season is their favourite

Bring in sheets of paper and crayons

10 min


To develop writing skills

Walks between groups and helps if something is difficult

Controls the time

Work on their projects, discuss their task in groups

Pay attention to the time spending on the task

10 min


To check understanding

To develop speaking

To personalize

To reflect

Asks pupils to present their projects (one person from each group)

Asks pupils to make questions about the details – What is it? Is it a tree? What colour is a tree?

Asks if pupils like the projects and such kind of work

Asks pupils to choose the best project by clapping

Show projects, Say what is written and drawn.

Ask questions and give answers

Give their opinion

Choose the best work, congratulate the winners

Help to find necessary words if needed

The lesson was held in the 2nd form. The pupils are 8-9 years old. They are interested in learning English, enjoy the fantasy, imagination and movement. Most of the pupils have different learning styles, that’s why it is reasonable to follow multi-sensory approach.

The course-book is “Spotlight” by V. Evans, J. Dooley, N. Bykova, M. Pospelova – M. Express Publishing / Prosveshcheniye, 2016. This course suits my pupils as it matches their learning styles. The materials for the lesson were taken from Module 5 Unite 15a. It is the last unite in the course, so it was easy to revise words and to learn the new ones basing on their known vocabulary.

The lesson was directed to develop motor skills, hand-eye coordination, visual memory, to master spelling, the mechanics of writing, to give children the opportunity to express themselves in a creative way: to write independently and to add drawings, glue pictures, etc.

The main task was to make a small project based on an appropriate model or a plan. While doing the main task the children were involved in process, had strict instructions and a plan to remove difficulties. They coped successfully.

Up to my opinion, the children liked the lesson very much because they were really busy while drawing and writing, tried to make the best they can and were absolutely proud to see their projects on the walls. I’m quite satisfied with the lesson.

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