Учебно-методическое пособие для отработки грамматических навыков по теме "Past Simple & Present Perfect"
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Арестова Ирина Сергеевна

Данный материал можно использовать при отработке грамматических навыков в теме "Past Simple & Present Perfect". Он состоит из таблицы на сравнение 2 времен, комплекса упражнений и упражнений на самопроверку с ключами.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Past Simple vs Present Perfect

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Когда употребляется?

1.Факт из прошлого

1.Важно само действие

2.Важно время

2.Важен результат

3. yesterday, last week, 2 days ago, in 1990

3.this week, today

4. -

4. already, never, ever, yet, just, recently, lately

5.  … when …

5. … since, for …

6. When …?

6. How long …?

Как составить предложение?

Ved, V2



Ved, V3

didn’t V



Ved, V3

Did __ V?


Has  __

Ved, V3?


Упражнение 1. Сравните Past Simple и Present Perfect.

1)I (know) _____ her for six years.

    I (know) _______ him when I was at school.

2) He (live) ______ in Paris from 1997 to 2000.

     He (live) ______ in New York since 2001.

3) Where's Pete? I (not see) ______ him for ages.

     I (not see) _____ Pete last night.

4)We (be) _____ at primary school from 1993 to 1998.

    We (be) _______ in this class since September.

5) I (not watch) _____ this video yet.

    I (not watch) _____ a video at the weekend.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте last night, ever, ago, just, yet, always в предложение.

1.  Nick’s uncle went to Russia 3 years.

2.  Mr. Rambler has come back from France.

3.  Nick has visited Russia.

4.  Mr. Rambler saw Yan.

5.  They haven’t visited this old castle.

6. Have you been to England?

Упражнение 3. Выбери правильный вариант.

  1. She has /has had a moped since she was 15.
  2. We took /have taken a taxi to town that morning.
  3. We played /have played volleyball last night
  4. I'm hungry. I didn’t eat / haven’t eaten since last night.
  5. They visited/ have visited Colorado last summer.

Упражнение 4. Past Simple или Present Perfect?

1.  I ________ (never/ be) to the USA.

2.  He ____ (live) in this street all his life.

3.  His father ____ (come back) to London last Sunday.

4.  Yan _____ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago.

5.  He ______ (send) his letter yesterday.

6.  They ______ (just/ buy) some postcards

Упражнения для самоконтроля.

Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

  1. I just (have) ______   a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?
  2. I (not/see) ______   Steve this morning yet.
  3. Carol and I are old friends. I (know) ___   her since I (be) ___ a freshman in high school.
  4. Maria (have) ______   a lot of problems since she (come) ___   to this country.
  5. I (go) ______ to Paris in 2003 and 2006.
  6. A car came to the corner and I (jump) _____   out of the way.
  7. Don’t throw the paper away because I (not/read) ______   it yet.
  8. Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today? — No. He (eat) ______ already. He (eat) ______   lunch an hour ago.
  9. Since we (start) ______   doing this exercise, we (complete) ______ some sentences.
  10. I never (be) ______ to Italy.
  11. You ever (work) ______ in a shop?
  12. I (work) ______ at my uncle’s shop when I was younger.
  13. It’s the first time I (be) ______ on a ship.
  14. Ann is looking for her key. She can’t find it. It looks like she (lose) ______ her key.
  15. How many symphonies Beethoven (compose) ______?
  16. Look! Somebody (spill) ______ ink on the notebook.
  17. You (have) ______ a holiday this year yet?
  18. When you (see) ______ any good films last time?
  19. He (not/have) ______ any problems since he (come) ___ here.

Ключи для упражнений для самоконтроля:


have just had


haven’t seen


have known, was


has had, came






haven’t read


has eaten, ate


started, have completed


have never been


Have you ever worked




have been


has lost


did Beethoven compose


has spilt


Have you had


did you see


hasn’t had, came


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