Россия. Мы русские
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

 Черных Ольга Ивановна

Содержательный аспект данного урока- выявить влияние географии, особенности быта и жизни в целом, а так же истории на характер россиян


Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока : Россия. Мы русские

Учебная цель: развивать и совершенствовать речевые навыки на основе текстов и речевых упражнений

Учебные задачи: 1) развивать умения вести учебный диалог с опорой на текст

                              2) развивать умения сравнивать и выбирать необходимую информацию                

        для дальнейшего использования в речи

1.                                  Начало урока  ( слайд – РОССИЯ . Я – РУССКИЙ )


                         Гой ты, Русь моя родная,

        Хаты – в ризах образа…

         Не видать конца и края-

        Только синь сосёт глаза.

        Если крикнет рать святая:

        « Кинь ты Русь, живи в раю!»

        Я скажу: « Не надо рая,

        Дайте родину мою»

        С.Есенин 1914г

        My heart is in the Highlands

        My heart is not here

        My heart is in the Highlands

        A-chasing a deer.

        A-chasing a wild deer

        And following a roe

        My heart is in the Highlands

        Wherever I go.

        Robert Burns.

Teacher :  Tourism provides one of the possibilities to know more about other countries. Now people travel much more than they ever used to. Many people travel about their own country and millions of them travel abroad. When we meet people who are culturally different from us, they may seem strange to us. Why, why we may ask. Why do they behave the way they do?  You see, every nation has its own features, traditions, customs. A great number of scientists, psychologists say and prove that there is a great influence of the geography of any countries on the people of those countries.  Do you agree with it?

Pupil : more than that, I can add here that the great  and hard historic events had their influence on the formation of the Russian character.

Teacher: Yes, sure. So, the topic of our lesson today is “ Russia. We are Russians”  What are we like? What were Russians like?  Lets find it out. First of all let’s start with the general information about Russia.

2. Основная часть

        Pupil 1:  ( слайд- карта) Russia , or the Russian Federation, is the largest state of the new Commonwealth of Independent States. It covers a total area of over 17 mln square km. The country is washed in the north by the Arctic Ocean and its seas: the Barents, the Chukchee,the East Siberian, Kara, Laptev and the White sea;  in the south- by the Black sea, Azov, and Caspian seas;  in the east- by the Bering sea, the sea of Japan and Okhotsk sea; in the west- by the Baltic sea. It borders on  China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Byelorussia and the Ukraine. It has a sea border with the USA and Japan.

        Pupil 2:  ( слайд- природа, времена года) The climate in Russia is very different from arctic in the north to near subtropical to the south. There are steppes, plains, forests, tundra, taiga, deserts, mountains. There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland. It is rich in rivers and lakes. The Volga is the longest river in Europe. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world ( 1600 metres) The water there is so clear, that you can count the stones on the bottom. The immensity of the Russian Federation is hard to imagine. A flight from our capital Moscow to Magadan takes 8 hours. The population is about 150mln people. More than 100 nationalities live here.

Pupil 3:  So, the capital of Russia is Moscow ( it has just said). Under the constitution Russia is a presidential republic. The head of state is the President. The government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The government is headed by the Prime Minister. And the executive power belongs to the Government. Today the state symbol of Russia is a three-coloured banner. It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue, and red. The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, the red one symbolizes liberty. A new emblem is a double-headed eagle. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia, it came from Byzantium to Russia in the 15th century during the reign of Ivan 3.

TEACHER : ( to pupils)  Does it prove the fact that the vast territory of Russia influenced on Russian character?      …………….. ( answer)

        Now, with the help of the following task try to find out the main descriptions of the Russian character. So, match the statements and arguments.

1. Russians are impressed with its size and numbers. They think and act big.

2. Russians think of themselves as members of the community rather than as individuals.

3. The harsh climate explains the Russian’s strength, their ability to overcome hardships. Climate has also made them cautious.

A- Nature has not been kind to Russia. Much of European Russia and Siberia is very cold most of the year. In Old Russia, people could do little during winter months. But in spring there was much to be done and in a short period of time. This explains why Russians are often inactive for a long period of time and then show bursts of energy.

B -  Russians put a high scale of life, high standard of knowledge, to know much about the world: make great national projects, take serious political decisions, and put high standard of education. So Russian people don’t go into their shell.

C – whatever we do we always ask: “ What will our neighbours or even other people say about it?” The origin of the Russian communalism lies deep in the vastness of the Great Russian Plain.

Well. What features of character formed under the climate and geographical conditions can you name?

TEACHER:  We have just discussed the arguments of the influence of the geography on peoples’ character. As for our history, it had its great influence on the formation of Russian people’s too. Have a look at pagers of History!  ( слайд- даты истории )

839… - First mention of the “Rhos”…

988…- Traditional date of coversion of Russia to Christianity.

1237-1241 – the Tatar invasion

1380 – the Culikov battle

1812 – the battle of Borodino ……………………………………

1904-1905 – the Russian- Japan war

1917- the Great Socialist Revolution

1941-1945- the Great Patriotic war

TEACHER:  Do you agree with me when I’m saying that the great historical events make Russian spirit great?  

  Certainly.  I’d like to pay your attention to the period of Christianity. It was the period of the beginning of the formation of Russia.

         Now read text and then say: How did Christianity influence on the development of Russia and the formation of Russian character?

        The beginning period of Christianity in old Russia refers to 988, it was long and hard process. But thanks to it, the development of art, and culture was closely connected with it, and was named as the most important once. The most universal and venerated figure of Christianized Russia was the Mother of God. She is considered to be a special patron of all the Russian land.

More than that Christianity changed the people’s world outlook greatly by the Bible’s commandments: DON’T KILL,    DON’T STEAL,    LOVE THE PERSONS LIKE YOURSELF…     . It was the period of origin of the international relationships ( under the reign of  grand duke Vladimir). All these events accompanied the formation of national character.  All the wars , revolutions, armed revolts make people stronger, they had their faith and it led them to the victory.

  Speaking about the influence of  Christianity on people’s character we can’t but mention that people who profess Christianity might have lots of superstitions, which contradicted real faith and proved that old pagan beliefs hadn’t become extinct. Many traditional Russian holidays still have quite evident pagan nature, but they either precede or follow Christian holidays.  So, what Russian traditional holidays can you name?

             -  Russian holidays, traditional food which are so interesting for the foreign visitors.     What are they? – the New Year, Christmas, Maslenitza, Easter, and other public holidays. If the foreigners ask you to explain the way of  celebrating them what are you ready to say ?

Maslenitza- the holiday, which lasts for a week, to say “ good bye” to winter. People celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. During this holiday they celebrate the end of the winter and the beginning of the spring. In old times people usually cooked pancakes, had fires, burnt straw scarecrows of winter, sang songs and danced, the strong men took part in any competitions to show their strength.


      Russian traditional food:  blini, schi, kvass, baranki – the roots of all traditional food are also in our past time.  ( explanations of cooking some of them)….

TEACHER:  so, what can you say about national characteristics of the Russian people?

  -     Patience, submission, toughness, but at the same time self-reliance, to value stability, security, to do everything on a high level.

TEACHER: Here are some questions that foreigners ask when in Russia. How can you explain it to them?                                                                                                                                                    1. Why do the Russians never smile in public?                                                                                          2. Why do the Russians  like big companies and enjoy celebrating different holidays together with friends?                                                                                                                              

3. Why do Russians drink so much tea and eat so much soup?

4. Why do Russian women seem to dress for fashion and make themselves objects of beauty?

 TEACHER:  So, we came to the conclusion.  What is Russia ? What are Russians like?

        1. As for geography   -  vast territory

        2. As for history  - harsh and great

        3. As for features of character – act big, they never lose hope for better life, hospitality

        Can we say that the Russian character is the reflection of our geography and history?

   3. Заключительная часть урока.  Заполнить таблицу.( география \ исторические события ------ основные особенности характера)

        TEACHER: I think we can’t finish our talk about Russia and Russians not to sing one of the favourite songs  not only of Russian people but of the foreigners too. “ Podmoskovniye vechera” … “ Moscow suburb nights” ( Soloviov- Sedoy)

                    Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight

        In the sleepy grove until dawn

        How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights,      

                     The caress of the waking sun.  ( не слышны в саду даже шорохи….)

 4. Marks and comments.

 5. Homework: make a project “ What is Russia for you?”.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Russian Federation

Слайд 2

Russia. We are Russians. The influence of geography and history on people’s characteristics and their lifestyles

Слайд 4

Geographical position Russia is situated on two continents- Russia is situated on two continents: Europe and Asia. Seas and oceans wash Russia in the north, south, east and west. The Black Sea is in the south. The Baltic Sea is in the west. The Arctic Ocean washes Russia in the north. And in the east is the Pacific Ocean.

Слайд 15

Pages of history 839- …first mention of the “Rhos” 988-…traditional date of coversion of Russia to Christianity 1237-1241 – the Tatar invasion 1380- Kulikov battle 1812- the battle of Borodino 1904-1905- the Russia –Japan War 1917- the Great Socialist Revolution 1941-1945 – the Great Patriotic War

Слайд 16

Here are some questions that foreigners may ask when in Russia

Слайд 17

1. Why do Russians never smile in public? 2. Why do Russians like big companies and enjoy celebrating holidays together with friends? 3. Why do Russians drink so much tea and eat so much soup?

Слайд 19

Moscow suburb nights Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight in the sleepy grove until dawn how I love these nights , Moscow suburb nights the caress of the waking sun .

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