Образцы выполнения задания 39 ЕГЭ по английскому языку
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Гришечкина Виктория Ростиславовна

Образцы личных писем формата ЕГЭ.


Предварительный просмотр:

Personal letters

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your pen-friend Tom who writes:

… In our city we have an annual competition for teenagers who make their own short films. This year I got the second prize for a film about my grandparents. Do you think it’s important to record family history? Who do you think should do it? How can it be done best?

This month is my mom’s birthday and now I am thinking about a gift for her. I want it to be very special…

Write a letter to Tom.

In your letter

-       − answer his questions

-       − ask 3 questions about his mom




Dear Tom,

Thanks a lot for your letter! It was nice to hear from you again. Sorry, I haven`t written, I was very busy at school.  I`m very glad you`ve got the prize for your film. Well done!

Well, let me answer your questions.  I think it`s very important to know your family history. If you know your ancestors, you understand yourself better. I`m sure children and teenagers in the family should talk to their grandparents about their life and their childhood. It`s also useful to look through old family photos. This way you can know and record your family history.

Please, congratulate your mum for me. As for the present, buy something useful for her hobby. By the way, what`s your mum`s hobby? Does she like parties? What are her favourite flowers?

That`s all for now. Sorry, have to go and do homework. Write soon!



You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Robert who writes:

…We’ve moved to a new town. It’s small and green. My neighbours say that it hasn’t changed a bit for the last two centuries. Have you noticed any recent changes in your city? What are they? Do you like or dislike them? Why?

Yesterday my mum won a cooking competition…

Write a letter to Robert.

In your letter

-       answer his questions

-       ask 3 questions about the cooking competition

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.




Dear Robert,

Thanks for your letter! It`s always nice to hear from you. Sorry, I haven`t written, I was busy at school. How`re things?

Well, let me answer your questions.  As for me, I like small green towns. Kolomna is also like that. Of course, it has changed during the recent years. Now we have lots of new shopping malls where you can buy everything you want. A lot of festivals are organized in my town all the year round. These are the changes that I like. But certainly I don`t like traffic jams on the roads and lots of cars near our houses. That`s really a problem in Kolomna.

Well, I`m happy for your mum! Were there many participants in the competition? What dish did she cook? What prize did she get?

That`s all for now. Sorry, have to go and help my mum about the house. Write me soon!



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