ЕГЭ. Устная часть. Учимся задавать вопросы
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)

Ефимова Инесса Евгеньевна

ЕГЭ. Устная часть. Учимся задавать вопросы


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Наиболее распространенные вопросы в задании С4

О чем надо спросить

Как задать вопрос


age restriction

Is there a minimum\ any age restriction for this film?


availability of (smth)

Is (something) available?


courses available

What courses are available at your school?


directions to the hotel\ gym

How can I get to your hotel?


discounts for groups\ party reductions

Are there any discounts for groups?


discounts for students

Are there any discounts for students?


distance from the city centre

How far is the (hotel) from the city centre?


duration of the course\ tour

How long is the course\ tour?

How long does the course\ tour last?


entrance fee

What is the entrance fee?

How much is the ticket? How much does (….) cost?


hotel facilities

What facilities are available at the hotel?


if breakfast is included

Is breakfast included into the price?


if textbooks are included

Are textbooks included into the price?


location of the hotel\ gym\ club

Where is your hotel\ gym\ club situated\ located?


online (advance) reservation\ booking

Can I book\ purchase a ticket online (in advance)?


opening hours (of the club)

What are the opening hours (of your club)?

When is (the club) open?


photo permission\ taking pictures

Is it allowed to take pictures during the tour?


possible accommodation

What kind of accommodation do you offer?


double\ single room price per night

What is the double\ single room price per night?


price of a three-week course

How much is a three-week course?

How much do I have to pay for a three-week course?


refund for a ticket

Can I get a refund for the ticket if I miss the concert?

  1. Location of the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – месторасположения

Where is your shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel located (situated)?

  1. Directions to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel – способ добраться

How can I get to the shop/school/gym/restaurant/hotel?

What is the best way to get to your school?

  1. Distance from the city center – удаленность от центра

How far is your gym/hotel/club/school from the city center?

      4. Duration / length of the tour/flight/classes – продолжительность тура /перелета / уроков

How long is the tour / flight?

How long are the classes?

How long will the tour last?

  1. Dates for departure – даты вылета (отправления)

What are the departure dates? / When does the tour start?

  1. Opening hours / hours of operation / working hours – часы работы

What are the opening hours of the shop/gym/museum/library?

When is the shop /gym /museum / library open?

When do you work?

What are the working hours of the shop?

When does the shop / gym / museum work?

! The shop is closed on Sunday. / The shop is open on weekdays.

“open” и “closed” – это прилагательные

  1. Discounts / Reductions for children/for groups/for big orders – скидки

Are there any discounts / reductions for children under 5?

Is it possible to get any discounts?

Are discounts for groups of students available?

What discounts are provided for big orders/ for pensioners /for the elderly?  – Какие скидки предоставляются для больших заказов / для пенсионеров?

  1. Special offers – специальные предложения

Are there any special offers available at your school ?

What special offers do you provide in your shop?

  1. Price / Cost of the item – цена

What is the price of the bicycle? / What is the best price of the car?

How much is the bicycle? / How much are these trainers?

How much does the phone cost? / How much do these jeans cost?

What is the single/double room price per night?

  1. Entrance fee / tuition fee входная плата / плата за обучение

What is the entrance fee? / What is the tuition fee?

How much is the ticket? / How much are the tickets?

How much does the ticket cost? (3 л., ед.число)

How much do the tickets cost? (мн.число)

  1. Courses available – доступные курсы

What kinds of courses are available?

What courses do you offer? Do you offer morning or evening courses?

Are morning/afternoon/evening courses available?

Evening courses are available at your school, aren’t they?

  1. Price for a two-week course – стоимость двухнедельного курса обучения

What is the price for a two-week course?

How much is a two-week course?

Is the price for a two-week course reasonable?

  1. If a placement test is included – включен ли тест распределения учащихся по уровню знаний

Is a placement test included in the program of the course?

  1. If textbooks are included – включены ли в стоимость курса учебники

Are textbooks included into the price?

  1. Number of classes per week – количество уроков в неделю/в день

How many classes are there per week?

How many classes a day do you offer?

  1. Number of students in the group – количество студентов в группе

How many students are there in the group?

  1. Beginning of the course – начало курса обучения

When does the course start / begin?

  1.  Availability of something – возможность чего-либо

Is the table for 6 people available for Sunday evening?

Is the audio version of the book available?

Is shipping / delivery to my town available? – Возможна ли доставка товара в мой город?

Can you deliver it (them) into my hometown?

  1. Hotel facilities – услуги в отеле

What facilities do you offer?

What facilities are available / provided at your hotel?

What facilities does the hotel have?

  1. Possible accommodation – виды размещения / проживания

What kind of accommodation do you offer?

  1. Online reservation / advance booking – бронирование по интернету / предварительный заказ

Can I book tickets in advance?

Can I make a reservation online?

Is it possible to make a reservation online? 

  1. If a wake— up call available – возможность услуги «звонок для пробуждения», когда сотрудник отеля телефонным звонком будит вас в условленное время

Is a wake-up call at 3 a.m. available?

Can you give us a wake-up call, please? 

  1. If breakfast is included – включен ли завтрак в стоимость

Is breakfast included in the price of the tour? 

  1. Available kinds of payment – возможные способы оплаты

What kinds of payment are available / possible?

Can I pay cash (or in cash: in dollars, in Euros, in roubles )? – Могу я оплатить наличными?

Can I pay by credit card / by check? 

  1. Credit card acceptance – возможность оплаты кредитной картой

Can I use my credit card for payment?

Do you accept credit cards for payment?

Is it possible to pay by credit card? 

  1. Cancellation [ˌkæns(ə)'leɪʃ(ə)n] – отмена бронирования

Is cancellation possible?

Can I cancel the order?

Is there any possibility to cancel the order?

Is it possible to cancel the order?

How can I cancel the order? 

  1. Refund for a ticket – возврат денег/компенсация

Can I get a refund for a ticket if I miss the concert?

Is it possible to get a refund for a ticket?

  1. If taking pictures permitted – разрешена ли фотосъемка

Is taking pictures allowed /permitted?

Can I take pictures at the museum?

Is it possible to take photos during the performance? 

  1. Age restriction / minimum age limit – возрастные ограничения

What is the minimum age requirement to ride this attraction?

Is there any age restriction to get this job?

How old should I be to apply for this job?

  1. Membership in a movement / club / organization – членство в движении / клубе / организации

How can I join your club?

How can I become a member of your organization?

What do I need to join your movement?

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ЕГЭ. Устная часть. Учимся задавать вопросы

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