Обобщающие упражнения по грамматике за курс 5 класса с углублённым изучением английского языка (4 варианта)
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Медолович Виктория Анатольевна

Упражнения можно использовать как для повторения, обобщения грамматического материала за курс 5го класса (учебник Английский язык 5 класс, Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.), так и для проведения итоговой контрольной работы за курс 5го класса.


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Предварительный просмотр:




Open the brackets using the correct tense forms: Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect; Past Simple/Continuous; Future Simple

  1. My mother ______ ________ (to give) me a nice present this week.
  2. When I saw Helen, she ____ _______ (to ride) a bike.
  3. Mary ______ (to choose) a nice yellow summer dress yesterday.
  4. My father ______ (to read) magazines every evening.
  5. Look! Kate ___ ______ (to run) so fast!
  6. My elder brother _____ soon ______ (to become) a doctor.

Task II

Ask general and special questions to the following questions:

  1. We see a lot of flowers in the fields in spring. (Where?)
  2. Listen! The birds are singing their lovely songs in our garden. (What?)
  3. Our National Hockey Team has won again. (Why?)
  4. I met Andrew in the park yesterday. (Where?)
  5. My brother was washing the dishes when I came into the kitchen. (What?)

Task III

Turn the sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. “Open your mouth”, - the doctor said to me.
  2. “Let`s watch my favourite cartoon”, - Helen told us.
  3. “I saw them in the school yard 2 hours ago”, - Mike explained to us.
  4. “Are you watching TV now?” – my mother asked me.
  5. “Where does he live?” – the police officer asked us.

Task IV

Turn the sentences into Passive Voice:

  1. I often write letters.
  2. I wrote some letters yesterday.
  3. I will write these letters tomorrow.
  4. I have just written these letters.
  5. I had written the letters before you came.
  6. I am writing a letter now.
  7. I was writing a letter at 4 p.m. yesterday.



Open the brackets using the correct tense forms: Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect; Past Simple/Continuous; Future Simple

  1. My friend Kate ____ just _____ (to leave) for Moscow.
  2. When I came home, my mother ____ ______ (to cook) supper.
  3. How many English words ____ you _____ (to learn) last week?
  4. My granny ______ (to grow) big red tomatoes every summer.
  5. We ___ _____ (to go) to the mountains next summer.
  6. Listen! Peter ___ ______ (to sing) such a merry song now.

Task II

Ask general and special questions to the following questions:

  1. Mary has tea for breakfast every day. (What?)
  2. Look! Your friends are dancing in the yard. (Where?)
  3. Susan has bought a lot of books today. (Why?)
  4. Jack lost his keys yesterday. (What?)
  5. We were riding our bikes about the town from 5 till 7 p.m. yesterday. (Where?)

Task III

Turn the sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. “Take this book and read it!” – the teacher said to Mike.
  2. “Let`s choose a present for Susan together” – Peter told us.
  3. “We arrived home late yesterday” – parents said to us.
  4. “Are you doing your homework now?” – my mother asked me.
  5. “Why didn`t you come here yesterday?” – they asked him.

Task IV

Turn the sentences into Passive Voice:

  1. Mike often breaks his neighbours` windows.
  2. Mike broke his neighbours` window yesterday.
  3. Mike will break his neighbours` window tomorrow again.
  4. Mike has just broken his neighbours` windows.
  5. Look! Mike is breaking his neighbours` window.
  6. Mike had broken his neighbours` window before his parents came home.
  7. Mike was breaking his neighbours` windows when we saw him yesterday.



Open the brackets using the correct tense forms: Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect; Past Simple/Continuous; Future Simple

  1. My friend Alex ____ just _____ (to give) me a clever answer to my question.
  2. What ____ you _____ (to do) at this time yesterday?
  3. Why ____ Kate ______ (to run) so fast now?
  4. ______ she _______ (to swim) in the sea every summer?
  5. Listen! My friends ___ _______ (to laugh) at your jokes.
  6. ____ Mary ______ (to choose) a nice yellow dress yesterday?
  7. I ____ ____ (to tell) you about it tomorrow.

Task II

Ask general and special questions to the following questions:

  1. Listen! Your brother is learning a poem by heart now. (What?)
  2. Alex gets good marks at school every day. (What?)
  3. Little Paul has fallen ill today. (Why?)
  4. I saw an elephant in the Zoo yesterday. (Where?)
  5. They were walking in the park at 5 p.m. yesterday. (Where?)

Task III

Turn the sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. “Show me your tongue,” – the doctor said to Nick.
  2. “Let`s discuss this question tomorrow” – Alice told us.
  3. “We had tea and sandwiches for breakfast yesterday” – he said to us.
  4. “Are you busy at your office tomorrow?” – my friend asked me.
  5. “Where did you see such trees?” – the teacher asked us.

Task IV

Turn the sentences into Passive Voice:

  1. My uncle often repairs the clock.
  2. My uncle repaired the clock half an hour ago.
  3. My uncle will repair the clock tomorrow.
  4. My uncle has repaired the clock today.
  5. My uncle had repaired the clock by 5 p.m. yesterday.
  6. My uncle is repairing the clock now.
  7. My uncle was repairing the clock from 5 till 6 p.m. yesterday.



Open the brackets using the correct tense forms: Present Simple/Continuous/Perfect; Past Simple/Continuous; Future Simple

  1. Who ____ you ______ (to speak) with at this time yesterday?
  2. Peter ___ _____ (to watch) a great film today.
  3. I _______ (to learn) 50 new words last week.
  4. Look! Mike ___ _______ (to build) a sandcastle now.
  5. ____ they ______ (to write) tests every week?
  6. We ____ soon _____ (to have) a summer vacation.

Task II

Ask general and special questions to the following questions:

  1. Look! Alice is swimming in the lake. (Where?)
  2. Poly eats a lot of sweets every day. (What?)
  3. My granny has baked an apple pie today. (Why?)
  4. Helen drew a beautiful landscape yesterday. (What?)
  5. They were learning irregular verb forms at 3 p.m. yesterday. (What?)

Task III

Turn the sentences into Indirect Speech:

  1. “Sit down at the table and do your homework” – my elder sister said to me.
  2. “Let`s stay at home today,” – my brother told me.
  3. “Alice gave me my friend`s address” – Oleg explained to us.
  4. “Are you going to the party tonight?” – Oleg asked Peter.
  5. “Where did she buy this dress?” – he asked me.

Task IV

Turn the sentences into Passive Voice:

  1. They often sell fruit ice cream here.
  2. They sold fruit ice cream an hour ago.
  3. They will soon sell fruit ice cream.
  4. They have just sold fruit ice cream.
  5. They had sold fruit ice cream by 5 p.m. yesterday.
  6. They are selling fruit ice cream now.
  7. They were selling fruit ice cream at this time yesterday.

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