Сказки народов мира, в том числе сказки народов России, как дополнительный воспитывающий, развивающий и обучающий ресурс.
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку (5 класс)

Особенно дети младшего школьного возраста чутки и восприимчивы к чужой кеультуре. Они, в отличие от взрослых и подростков, внутренее расположены к межкультурной коммуникации и могут выступать посредниками в разрушении культурных барьеров. Именно в начальной школе закладывается крепкий фундамент для последующего формирования этих двух видов компетенции. Мы призваны помочь каждому ребенку осознать свой индивидуальный путь овладения неродным для него языком, стимулировать его к проявлению собственной активности, а учителя к творческому осуществлению своей профессиональной деятельности с целью качественного достижения планируемых результатов.

Использование во внеклассной работе любимых детьми сказок народов мира, музыкальных мультипликационных фильмов, в частности, русских народных сказок как основы для постановки спектаклей является дополнительным ресурсом изучения культуры своего гарода и способом передачи информации о национальных традициях народа, средством воспитания качеств гражданина, патриота, развития у учасщихся национального самопознания.


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Scene 1

(Cinderella is sweeping the floor. Then she cleaning the pan and singing. Her friends are around her…)

Her father goes in.

Father: Gosh! It is good to be home!

Cinderella: Father! (With rushes in to his arms)

Father: How is my all time favourite daughter?

Cinderella: Oh, daddy! I am your only daughter! Oh, I missed you! Why were you away so long?

Father: Business…business, my dear! Who are they?

(Showing to a cat, a dog and mice)

Cinderella: Oh, they are my friends! They help me not to be along in this house when you are away!

A dog: She is kind and gentle!

A cat: She is forgiving and beautiful!

Mice: She is well mannered and loving!

All together: We love her dearly!

Cinderella: I love you very much, my dear friends!

Father: Well, I am glad that you good friends!

Scene 2

The stepsisters run in. And stepmother goes in.

Stepmother: (from off stage or peaking her head through a doorway, or around a curtain)


Cinderella: Yes, Stepmother.

Stepmother: Is breakfast ready?

Cinderella: Soon, Stepmother!

Stepmother: Stop dreaming and go to do it!

Cinderella: Dreaming?! I have no time to dream! (Call to them) Breakfast!

(Stepmother, stepsisters walking, prim and proper. Cinderella waits as all stands by their chairs. Stepmother points to the chairs)

Stepmother: The chairs, Cinderella!

Cinderella: Yes, stepmother! (Pushes the chairs in for each of them, starting with Stepmother.)

Pat: I am so hungry, I could eat a whole basket of pancakes, then eggs and bacon and...I really need breakfast, soon!

Liz: Mother, if she can’t make breakfast on time, what good is she?

Stepmother: What were you doing this morning, Cinderella? Breakfast is rather late? (Cinderella stars to serve them)

 Cinderella: Well, I        

Pat: Cinderella, I like my coffee not! Take this back! Make me new!

Cinderella: Yes, sister! (As Cinderella picks up her cup Pat pulls her napkin, knocking over her milk glass, spilling milk all down her front)

Pat: Why you!

Cinderella: Oh, my! (Starts to clean it up)

Pat: Mother! Look at me! My dress! I am soaked. (Turning to Cinderella) Why you...you did it on purpose!

Cinderella: No, no! I was just getting your cap! You pulled your napkin and spilled the...

Stepmother: Silence! You are going to be punished! Perhaps then you will learn to be careful.

Scene 3

A knock at the door!

Two Royal postmen are walking in.

1st: Royal Ball! We bring the invitation card for you!

2nd: King George and Queen Henrietta invite your family to the Ball this evening.

Stepmother: We will go to the Ball today. What will we wear, 1 wonder? We have not got new clothes. And I want some new clothes for the Ball. I want a party dress.

Pat: And me too! I want a beautiful white evening dress. And I want a blue hat and white shoes.

Liz: And me too! I want a beautiful blue evening dress, blue shoes and a white hat.

Cinderella: And me too! I can’t wear these old clothes. I want some new clothes!


Pat:        You?


Cinderella: Yes, me!


Pat:        You can’t go to the Ball!


1st Postman: Oh, yes! She can! Look her. The invitation card says: “To Lord Basil and Lady Sybil and their three daughters.”

2nd Postman: So she can go to the Ball.

Father: She can go to the Ball!

Pat and Liz: Oh, no she can’t!

Stepmother: Oh, yes, she can.

Pat and Liz: What?!

Stepmother: Yes, she can go to the Ball. Of course she can!

Postmen: Oh, yes, Queen and King are waiting for you all.

They go away.

Scene 4

Stepmother: Do you want to go no the Ball?

Cinderella: Yes, I do! I can’t dream of the Ball at all!

Stepmother: Of course you have much work to do! You must think about it, too. Make beds, go to the shop, buy food and drink, make tea and wash my clothes.

Pat: Wash my clothes!

Liz: Wash my clothes!

Pat: You must mend my socks. (Gives Cinderella her socks with big holes)

Liz: Clean the spoons, the knives and the forks. (Put everything to Cinderella’s apron)

Stepmother: And only then you can make your dress for the Ball. And then you can go to the Ball.

Cinderella: Oh, no I can’t do all that today! How can I go to the Ball now?


Pat:        What?!


Cinderella: Oh, yes, I will do everything, don’t worry...

Liz: Oh, mum, be quick!

Pat: Let’s hurry!

Scene 5

Cinderella is crying. Her friends appear.

A cat: Don’t cry, my dear girl! You are the best girl in this house!

A dog: What can I do for you?

Mice: Do you want us to dance for you?

Cinderella: (Smiling) Yes, I do!


(Her friends are dancing for her and she joins them)

Then she begins to cry again.

The fairy appears.

(A young boy is with her)

Fairy: Why are you crying, dear child, why? Please, don’t cry! This is my apprentice.

A boy: I’m not a magician, I’m still studying. But I want to help you very much.

Cinderella: I am a prisoner in my father’s house. I can’t go to the Ball because my dress is old and dirty.

Fairy: I know you are diligent and kind, my dear. I want to help you. Well, let me see. Please look here!

(He waves her magic stick) One, two, three...(A boy is bringing a beautiful dress)

Cinderella: Oh, what can I see? A dress for me! But my shoes...

A boy: Dear Fairy! Let me help Cinderella.

One, two, three...Shoes for you! I’m not a magician yet, I’m still studying. But love makes real wonders!

Cinderella: But I have much work to do.

A dog: We help you!

A cat: We will do all work!

Mice: Don’t worry about it...

Cinderella: I am happy! Thank you very much! You are so kind! I’m the happiest girl now!

Fairy: Bye, Cinderella! Have a good time. And remember- you must be backing home before 12 o’clock. Remember- the otherwise your dress will disappear. Magic only lasts until midnight.

Cinderella: Oh, yes, it’s clear ... (Runs away).

Scene 6

The King and the Queen discuss their son Prince.

King: My dear Augusta, I do really care for the Prince. He is my first son and he will be a king. He must marry.

Queen: But he is not ready yet! He is young! He needs more time to be.. .to be himself.

King: To be himself? Has he been someone else? He has always looked like same person!

Queen: George, he is young! He still needs to grow up.

King: Young! Grow up! He just turned 18. Next year he will be.. .he will be... (Counting on his fingers) 19.The unmarried Prince! Forever! No, no! I won’t have it!

(The Prince comes in)

Prince: Good morning Father! Good morning Mother!

(Giving her kiss on the cheek)

King: My son...your mother, the Queen and I decided that it is time for you to get married.

Prince: But Father!

King: Let me finish! You have just turned 18. You have been educated and trained.. .You’re traveled a lot. It is now time to select a wife.

Prince: But father..., mother I will do everything to make you happy but...

King: But, my son, what do you think about dancing with a beautiful girl. The Ball is on. We want to make a happy holiday.

Music and dancing. Suddenly Cinderella appears. And the music stops.

Queen: (To the King) who is that girl?

King: She is so nice and smart...

Pat: So beautiful lady she is.

Liz: I think Prince will want to dance with her...

Stepmother: Who is she?

Prince: May I dance with you? Let’s start. You are a dream of my heart!

Music again, they dance. Suddenly the music stops again. The clock strikes 12 times.)


Cinderella: It is 12 o’clock. And I have to run. Good buy, 1 really a great fun!

(She runs away having lost one of her shoes)

Prince: (falls on one knee) where have you run, the dream of my life? I want to dance with you all night. I want to marry you!

A boy: I help them. Let’s run with me. I’m not a magician, I’m still studying. But I love makes real wonders.

Prince: Oh, my love is like a red rose

             That newly sprung in June

             Oh, my love is like the melody

             That’s sweetly played in Tune

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