Тренировочные упражнения для изучения времен группы Perfect в английском языке
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Власова И.Ю.

тренировочные упражнения для изучения времен



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Тренировочные упражнения для изучения времен группы Perfect в английском языке

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.

  1. Sam … (lose) his keys. So he can’t open the door.
  2. When I woke up in the morning, the rain already … (stop).
  3. I hope I … (finish) my test by midnight.
  4. The film turned out to be much longer than we … (expect).
  5. My sister just … (leave) for the bank.
  6. The girls were good friends. They … (know) each other for 5 years.
  7. Mother … (lay) the table before we come.
  8. I never … (try) Japanese food.
  9. Ted was so happy because his dream … (come) true.
  10. We … (be) to Paris many times.

2. Выберите в скобках подходящее слово или словосочетание. Переведите предложения.

  1. She will have finished her resume … (on Monday/by Monday/last Monday).
  2. The aircraft hasn’t landed … (yet/just/already).
  3. We have lived in New York … (since/from/for) three years.
  4. … (After/Already/Ago) they had eaten the cake, they cleared the table.
  5. They will have decorated the Christmas tree … (by the time/before/by then).
  6. My uncle has … (already/yet/ago) repaired his car.
  7. I haven’t met them … (from/since/for) their wedding.
  8. … (By the time/Already/Just) the sun set, the farmers had already stopped working.
  9. Have you … (just/ever/yet) been married, Kelly?
  10. … (When/How much/How long) has he known her?

3.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.

  1. He _____ (finish) training.
  2. She _____ (score) twenty points in the match.
  3. We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.
  4. That's amazing! She _____ (run)  fifteen kilometers this morning!
  5. She _____  (buy)  some really nice rollerblades!
  6. Oh, no! I  _____ (lose) my money!
  7. My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.
  8. Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!
  9. I’m tired. I  _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.
  10. Hurry up! They  _____ (start) the film!
  11. Mary  _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.
  12. Oh no! She  _____  (drop) the plate!
  13. The garden is very green. It  _____ (rain) a lot this month.
  14. These are my favourite trousers. I  _____ (have) them for five years.
  15. Tom's my best friend. I  _____ (know) him for three years.
  16. They _____  (live) in Miami for two years.
  17. Jo has earache. He  _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock.
  18. Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.

Упражнение 8. Преобразуйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.

1. He has bought a new bike.

2. I’ve sent a letter to my friend.

3. She has made a very bad mistake.

4. The children have gone to bed.

5. We’ve met our business partners.

6. They have cleaned their rooms.

7. The tourists have visited the National Gallery.

8. The teacher has checked our tests.

9. Harry has broken his car.

10. Mary has seen this film.

11. The programmer had done the work by five o’clock yesterday.

12. She was sure she had met him before.

13. She was late for the lecture as she had overslept.

14. The students had finished writing the test when the class was over.

15. She could go to England as she had received a visa.

16. They will have finished the plans by then.

17. Before his holiday Tom will have spent all his money.

18. I will have cooked dinner by then.

19. You will have learnt over half a thousand words when you finish this English book

20. Fernando will have had his operation by August.


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