Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку_9_класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку_9_класс


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Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс 


Вариант 1

Задание №1 Вы услышите разговор. Для каждого предложения выберите из выпадающего списка концовку, соответствующую содержанию разговора. К каждому предложению подходит только одна концовка

A. The lady would like some _________.

1. breakfast

2. lunch

3. dinner


B. The lady`s name is_________.

1. Mrs. Johnson

2. Mrs. James

3. Mrs. Jones


C. The lady would like some _________.

1. apple juice

2. grapefruit juice

3. orange juice


D. The lady wants to have _________.

1. a pot of black coffee

2. a pot of black tea

3. a pot of green tea


E. The lady will eat _________.

1.four scrambled eggs with four sausages

2. two scrambled eggs with four sausages

3. three scrambled eggs with three sausages

Задание №2  Прочитайте текст, отметьте предложение Т (если утверждение верно), F (если утверждение ложно).

A Good Lesson

Once a rich Englishwoman called Mrs Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice.
The singer got to Mrs Johnson's house at exactly six o'clock as he had been asked to do, but when he went in, he saw through a door that the dining-room was already full of guests, who were sitting round a big table in the middle of the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing, and talking loudly. Mrs Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said, "We're glad, sir, that you have come. You will be singing after dinner, I'll call you as soon as we're ready to listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have dinner, too, please?"
The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first he wanted to leave Mrs Johnson's house at once, but then he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson. When the singer went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After dinner, the singer thanked everybody and said, "Well, now I'm going to sing to you, my good friends." And he sang them some beautiful songs.
Soon Mrs Johnson called the singer.
"Well, sir, we're ready."
"Ready?" asked the singer. "What are you ready for?"
"To listen to you," said Mrs Johnson in an angry voice.
"Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I'm afraid I shan't be able to sing any more tonight."
"Where did you sing?"
"In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with."

1. Mrs Johnson asked a singer to come to her birthday party.

2. There were a lot of guests at her birthday party.

3. The singer had dinner with the guests in the dining-room.

4.The singer sang to the servants after dinner.

5.The singer taught Mrs Johnson and her rich guests a good lesson.


Задание №3 Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

There are pills for everything. If you can't sleep you take a pill. If you're depressed or just _________HAPPY____(1)_____, you also can take a pill. These days scientists are developing a new pill that you can use for improving your ________FIT___(2)_______. It will have the same effect on people’s bodies as doing sports. The ________SCIENCE_____(3)_____ experiments on mice have given wonderful results. The animals got stronger and healthier without any exercise. However, some doctors think that such pills can be ________DANGER__(4)________ for health, especially in certain situations. The problem is that there will be people who may use the pill unwisely. For example, young girls who want to lose weight and get slim may take several pills at once. It will be very _________HARM___(5)______ for their health. That’s why our government should think a lot before making the ________DECIDE__(6)________ that allows the medicine to be produced. 

Задание №4 Выберите правильную форму глаголов:

  1. She  … her niece with the homework every day.

a)      helps    b) is helping          c) has helped      d) helped

  1. Our students … part in the Olympiad next month.

a)      take         b) took               c) have taken            d) will take

  1. You already … your chance.

a)      miss              b) missed             c) have missed          d) will miss

  1. Where is John? – He is in the room. He … .

a)      is sleeping        b) sleeps             c) slept                    d) will sleep

  1. He … his chance two weeks ago.

a)      tries          b) tried                        c) has tried              d) will try

  1. I think I … in a big detached house in ten years.

a)      live              b) lived                 c) have lived                    d) will live

  1. Let’s go for a walk!  - Sorry, I can’t. I … my mum about the house at the moment.

a)      help               b) am helping                       c) helped                 d) will help

  1. Yesterday they … for a walk after school.

a)      go                        b) are going                       c) went               d) have gone 

  1.  George … swimming yesterday.

a) go   b) has gone   c) is going   d) went

  1.  A: Hello. My name is Lisa.
    B: … to meet you.

                    a) Exciting   b) Delicious   c) Nice   d) Beautiful


Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс


Вариант 2

 Задание №1 Вы услышите разговор. Для каждого предложения выберите из выпадающего списка концовку, соответствующую содержанию разговора. К каждому предложению подходит только одна концовка

A. The lady would like some _________.

1. breakfast

2. lunch

3. dinner


B. The lady`s name is_________.

1. Mrs. Johnson

2. Mrs. James

3. Mrs. Jones


C. The lady would like some _________.

1. apple juice

2. grapefruit juice

3. orange juice


D. The lady wants to have _________.

1. a pot of black coffee

2. a pot of black tea

3. a pot of green tea


E. The lady will eat _________.

1.four scrambled eggs with four sausages

2. two scrambled eggs with four sausages

3. three scrambled eggs with three sausages

Задание №2  Прочитайте текст, отметьте предложение Т (если утверждение верно), F (если утверждение ложно).

A Good Lesson

Once a rich Englishwoman called Mrs Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice.
The singer got to Mrs Johnson's house at exactly six o'clock as he had been asked to do, but when he went in, he saw through a door that the dining-room was already full of guests, who were sitting round a big table in the middle of the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing, and talking loudly. Mrs Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said, "We're glad, sir, that you have come. You will be singing after dinner, I'll call you as soon as we're ready to listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have dinner, too, please?"
The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first he wanted to leave Mrs Johnson's house at once, but then he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson. When the singer went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After dinner, the singer thanked everybody and said, "Well, now I'm going to sing to you, my good friends." And he sang them some beautiful songs.
Soon Mrs Johnson called the singer.
"Well, sir, we're ready."
"Ready?" asked the singer. "What are you ready for?"
"To listen to you," said Mrs Johnson in an angry voice.
"Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I'm afraid I shan't be able to sing any more tonight."
"Where did you sing?"
"In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with."

1. Mrs Johnson  wanted a singer to sing at her birthday party.

2. There were few guests at her birthday party.

3. The singer had dinner with the servants in the kitchen.

4.The singer sang some beautiful songs to the guests after dinner.

5. The singer taught Mrs Johnson and her rich guests a good lesson.

Задание № 3 Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Have you heard of a Tadeus Bodnar? He is a _________FAME____(1)_____ Hungarian hairdresser. Not long ago he stopped using the _________TRADITION____(2)_____ scissors and comb. Now his instruments are axes, irons and vacuum cleaners. Now he is very _________SUCCESS____(3)_____ and happy because with his innovative techniques he can express himself better. He cuts hair in his shop in Budapest by chopping it with an axe. Then he styles the hair using a vacuum cleaner, or straightens it with an iron. It’s difficult to believe but the extravagant hairdresser is very popular. Many people find him very _________CREATE___(4)______. Every day there’s an ________END_____(5)_____ line of people streaming to his shop. They wish to change their ________APPEAR_____(6)_____ and have a thrilling, new experience. 

Задание №4  Выберите правильную форму глаголов:

  1.  Listen! Tom …. the guitar.

a)      plays        b) is playing      c) played            d) has played

  1. We … the competition last week.

a)      win          b) are winning     c) won           d) have won

  1. Ann is nervous. She … her keys.

a)      loses        b) has lost      c) lost                 d) will lose

  1.  They … part in the conference tomorrow.

a)      take     b) took         c) have taken           d) will take

  1. Ben always … his chance.

a)      is taking          b) takes         c) took           d) will take

  1. Yesterday our boys … the game.

a)      lose            b) lost       c) have lost     d) will lose

  1. Next time you … the prize.

a)      win           b) won          c) will win   d) have won

  1. What is your younger sister doing? – She … with her doll.

a)      is playing          b) plays         c) has played   d) will play

  1. George … swimming yesterday.

a) go   b) has gone   c) is going   d) went

  1. A: Hello. My name is Lisa.
    B: … to meet you.

           a) Exciting   b) Delicious   c) Nice   d) Beautiful

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