Презентация для внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку на тему: «День чая (Tea Day)»
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Бородич Юлия Владимировна

В презентации даётся информация о тонкостях британской кульуры чаепития,  Также в ходе мероприятияучащиеся знакомятся с видами чая и чаепития в других странах, закрепляют наз вания стран и прилагательных, образованных от них


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? ?

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Здесь должно быть фото Даниэля Далтона

Слайд 5

Tea, The Cure – All If you are cold, 1 )____________ If you are too heated, 2 )__________________. If you are too depressed, 3) _______________ . If you are too exhausted , 4) ___________________ . William Gladstone, the British Prime minister of the XIX century D) tea will warm you B) tea will cool you A) tea will cheer you C) tea will calm you

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Tea, The Cure – All. If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too heated, tea will cool you. If you are too depressed, tea will cheer you. If you are too exhausted, tea will calm you. William Gladstone, the British Prime minister of the XIX century

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Tea drinking for most of us is not just a meal but a ritual. A cup of tea, drunk alone, can soothe and make people forget about small problems. The tea, drunk in the company, creates a joyful and friendly atmosphere.

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British Tea Culture “Tea is instant wisdom – just add water!” Astrid Alauda , a famous British psychologist

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Traditionally the English drink tea six times a day: 1) in bed, 2) at breakfast («English Breakfast»), 3) at lunch, 4) during the day («tea break»), 5) at 5 o'clock (« five-o’clock» = «English Afternoon»), 6) after work at supper («high tea»).

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The English are mad about tea. If they don’t like something, they say “ It’s not my cup of tea”.

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“There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as an afternoon tea.” Henry James, an American-British author

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Victorian Tea Party

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It was Anna Maria, one of Queen Victoria’s ladies-in-waiting, who first started the tradition of afternoon tea.

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“ This painting shows an English tea party in the 1700s. “Tea to the English is really a picnic indoors” . Alice Walker

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“ Teatime in the garden” by Alfred Oliver

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Tea pot is on, the cups are waiting. Favourite chairs anticipating. No matter what I have to do, My friend, there’s always time for you.

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Original English teapots

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Original English teapots

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Original English teapots.

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Original English teapots.

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Original English teapots.

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Tea cosy A tea cosy is like a sweater for your teapot.

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It’s always teatime

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Tea party at Buckingham Palace Each year Queen Elisabeth II opened the private gardens at Buckingham Palace to host three afternoon tea parties, each attended by 8 000 guests .

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The Royal invitations

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The Royal invitations

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Tea tent in the Royal Gardens

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Tea with the Queen

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Tea with the Queen Taking a different route, each Royal circulates amongst the guests. At 6 p. m. the Royal family leave for the Palace.

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“ When you’re feeling sad and blue And have no clue what to do, Sit down and have a cup of tea And a hug or two or maybe three. Feel those troubles melt away And start you on a better day.” Paulette

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In many countries tea is given a special place. Go on an exciting journey and learn how tea is drunk in different parts of the world.

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The UK The British really love to add milk to tea . They call it “white tea”They like strong tea. In England they say: "The test of good tea is simple. If the spoon stands up in it, then it is strong enough.

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China Puer ( Пуэ́р ) is the favorite drink of the Chinese. This tea is characterized by a particular production technology. That is why, unlike other teas, it does not deteriorate (портиться) with time, but improves its taste.

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Turkey Strong tea is served in a small cup - armudu – with a few lumps of sugar.

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Americans love black tea with lemon and ice. To create a more delicate flavor sometimes add soda to it. The USA

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They drink unsweetened black tea without any flavorings. But usually a part of Egyptian wedding is hibiscus tea. Egypt

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Matcha is made from dried green tea leaves made into powder. Japan

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India Darjeeling ( Дарджи́линг ) is light drink with nutmeg (мускатный орех) , slightly tart (терпкий) taste and delicate floral aroma, which is grown in the. Himalayas. It is also called "tea-champagne».

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Russia The real Russian soul loves strong black tea with lemon and sugar. In the world it is known as « Russian tea » .

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Matcha green tea What nationalities are these? Egyptian Tea with milk Strong tea in armudu Japanese American Black tea with lemon and ice English Puer tea Chinese Darjeeling tea Indian Turkish Hibiscus tea Black tea with lemon and sugar Russian

Слайд 42

Matcha green tea is Tea with milk is Strong tea in Armudu is Black tea with lemon and ice is Puer tea is Darjeeling tea is Hibiscus tea is Black tea with lemon and sugar is Indian Russian Turkish Japanese English Chinese American Egyptian

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