Урок 23. Human recourses.
методическая разработка (11 класс) на тему

Романец Анна Валерьевна

Методическая разработка по курсу "Деловой английский!


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Предварительный просмотр:

Human recourses

curriculum vitae (CV)/resume

application form      probationary period

psychometric test     interview

covering letter

  1. Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box:

These days, many applicants submit their (1)_____________ speculatively to companies they would like to work for. In other words, they do not apply for an advertised job, but hope the employer will be interested enough to keep their CV on file and contact them when they have a vacancy. When replying to an advertisement, candidates often All in a(n) (2)___________and write a(n) (3)_____________. The employer will then invite the best candidates to attend a(n)(4)_______________ . Sometimes candidates will take a(n)(5) ______________before the interview to assess their mental ability and reasoning skills. These days, it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a(n)(6)____________in a company. This is usually three or six months; after that, they are offered a permanent post.

  1.  a) Match the verbs (1-6) to the nouns (a-f) to make word partnerships:
  1. To train

a) a vacancy/post

  1. To shortlist

b) an interview panel

  1. To advertise

c) the candidates

  1. To assemble

d) references

  1. To make

e) new staff

  1. To check

f) a job offer

b) Now decide on a possible order for the events above from the employer's point of view.

3. a)Look at the different types of people. Which do you think are the most desirable for companies to employ?

This type of person:

  1. is able to come up with ideas
  2. is respected and listened to by others
  3. is able to see different points of view
  4. can see how to put ideas into action
  5. is determined to succeed in their career
  6. has lots of energy and often gets excited
  7. is concerned with details and getting things right even if it     takes time
  8. likes to assess and evaluate
  9. is able to change with new situations
  10. is someone you can trust and depend on.

b) Match the descriptions above (1-10) to the adjectives in the box (a-j):

a) enthusiastic      b) adaptable         c) methodical

d) reliable          e) ambitious         f) objective

g) creative h) analytical     i) authoritative j) practical

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