презентация по теме Изобретения
презентация к уроку (11 класс) по теме

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Презентация разработана к учебнику Кузовлева В.П. Английский язык 10-11 классы, также может быть использована и для других УМК с 8 по 11 класс для закрепления изученного материала


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Inventions that shook the world Education brings a child the world ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ УЧИТЕЛЯ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ШИМИНОЙ Н.В.

Слайд 2

Do you know that… Henry Ford invented the assembly line in 1903 Alexander Bell invented the telephone in1876 John Lodgie Baird invented colour television in 1928 Alexander Fleming invented penecilin in 1928 Igor Sikorsky invented a helicopter in 1909 Sergei Korolev invented a sattellite Sputnik 1 Richard Drew perfected the scotch in1928 William O. Grover invented a sewing machine Alexander Popov perfected a wireless telegraphy in 1890 Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1867 Henry John Heinz perfected canned food in 1869 John Walker invented matches in1827

Слайд 3

Henry Ford invented the assembly line in 1903

Слайд 4

Alexander Bell invented the telephone in1876

Слайд 6

Inventions in Russia Alexander Mozhaisky The Cherepanovs Sergei Korolev ll Alexander Lodygin Igor Sikorsky

Слайд 7

Match the country, the thing, the name of the inventor and the year of the invention Inventions Inventors Countries Years Telescope Rudolf Diesel Germany 1892 Matches Theodore H. Maiman The USA 1960 Diesel George Eastman The USA 1888 Laser Igor Sikorsky Sweden 1888 Dynamite Joy Boyd Dunlop Scotland 1867 Helicopter Alfred Nobel The USA 19 Tyres Hans Lippershy Netherlands 1608 Kodak camera John Walker England 1827

Слайд 8

Why people (don’t) like to have modern inventions in everyday life Life is easy/ exciting / enjoyable with it. The main benefit is the speed with which we can.../ the price. It’s reasonable. the design. It’s modern. I don’t worry about… Using … leaves me more time to enjoy myself. … saves a lot of time. … makes it possible/easy to… … offers a lot of possibilities. … suits everyone whatever your age .

Слайд 9

FIND the answer … was invented by W. Grover in the USA in 1851. … was invented by A. Bell in the USA in1876. … was invented by K. Benz and G. Daimler in Germany in1903. … was invented in the USA in 1940s.

Слайд 10

Use the pictures to complete the word puzzle 1 I 2 N 3 V 4 E 5 n T 6 7 I 8 O 9 N 10 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Слайд 11

Use the names, dates and words from the collage to complete the facts from the history of some inventions

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